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Android BLE transport Library (beta)

Allows for communication with Ledger Hardware Wallets(Nano X, Stax) via BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) on Android (>=13.0). Please note that this is a beta release and still under active development.

Current VERSION is => 1.0.0-beta1



When integrating the library you have to authorize some permissions.

      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" android:maxSdkVersion="30" />
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" android:maxSdkVersion="30" />
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" tools:node="replace" android:maxSdkVersion="28"/>
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" tools:node="replace" android:maxSdkVersion="30"/>

      <!-- Bluetooth permissions: Android API >= 31 (Android 12)-->
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT"/>
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" android:usesPermissionFlags="neverForLocation"/>


implementation 'com.github.LedgerHQ:hw-transport-android-ble:VERSION'


The bletransportsample application is the best way to see transport-ble in action.


The entry point for interacting with the bluetooth is the BleManager. You can instantiate it through the BleManagerFactory by simply providing the context which is required for interacting with bluetooth service


private val bleManager: BleManager = BleManagerFactory.newInstance(context)


Which the BleManager instance you are able to do several actions

  • scan
  • connect
  • send
  • disconnect

These actions are doable in 2 different ways. The first one is providing callback for each action and the second is to use Flow

Using callback


For scanning devices you have to call startScanning() by providing a callback that will be called every 1 seconds, giving the list of scanned devices, it could only be Nano X and Stax devices other devices will be filtered.


private val bleManager: BleManager = BleManagerFactory.newInstance(context)
bleManager.startScanning { scannedDevices -> 
    //DO what you want here
    //You have device ID(address), service ID, name, rssi, 

Connecting to a device

For connecting to a device it's very simple you just have to provide the device address, which is the ID retrieve from scanned device And you have to provide also the 2 callbacks, the success and error one.


    address = scannedDevice.address, //DEVICE ADDRESS, 
    onConnectSuccess = { device -> 
        //Called when device is successfully connected to a NANO X or Stax and pairing have been done if needed
    onConnectError = { error ->
        //Called when connection was not possible (timeout, pairing rejecting, etc) 
        // or unexpected disconnection happened 

Sending APDU


bleManager. send(
    apduHex = "0001feab89dc0089098", // APDU string representation in hexadecimal you can use utils extension ByteArray.toHexString()
    onSuccess = { answer -> 
        // Send has been successfull and connected device may have send an answer in response of the sent message
        // Answer can be null 
    onError = { errorMessage ->  
        //you can handle the send error here with the message indicating the cause of the error 



  onDisconnectSuccess = {
      //Call when asked disconnection is effective

Using Flow

For using flow you will have first to listen the followings flows bleState and bleEvents

The different states are :

  • Idle: meaning that nothing is happening (not connected to a device and not scanning devices)
  • Scanning: scanning is in progress and it gives the list of scanned devices
  • Connected: Indicating that the a device is connected, some information are available
  • Disconnected

The events are :

  • Error State
    • SendError: Mean that sending an APDU has failed
    • ConnectionError( not able to connect or unexpected disconnection)
  • BleStateChange
    • BluetoothActivated: Bluetooth has been activated on device
    • BluetoothDeactivated: Bluetooth has been deactivated on device
    • ConnectionLost: connection to device has been lost
  • SendingEvent
    • SendSuccess: APDU has been successfully sent
    • SendAnswer: We received an answer from connected device after sending an APDU



Connecting to a device

Sending APDU
