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Releases: LedgerHQ/ledgerjs


20 Feb 14:44
@gre gre
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Fix web3-subprovider to be a sync function as correctly stated in documentation


13 Feb 16:26
@gre gre
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  • @ledgerhq/web3-subprovider changed signature: createLedgerSubprovider: (getTransport, options) => Provider. the transport is no longer built-in the library, it is externalized on user land. basically you can do createLedgerSubprovider(() => TransportU2F.create()). also note that this will be lazily called at each time (each signature, fetching accounts,..) and close() when work is done.
  • TransportU2F was improved. if you use create() you should now have better errors. the breaking change here is that TransportU2F.create() can now fails if the device is not plugged.
    • listen() will error if u2f is not supported.
    • open() will actually check a device presence by sending a mock command to the device. if there is no response, it will timeout with an error.
    • a disconnect event is emit if a "timeout" happens.
  • create-dapp starter kit was improved in many ways (see the diff).


09 Feb 13:07
@gre gre
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  • create-dapp to use the latest @ledgerhq/web3-subprovider (was wrongly using the old 2.x)


09 Feb 13:06
@gre gre
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  • Fix derivated Ethereum address to work in web3-subprovider


09 Feb 10:27
@gre gre
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#71 fix missing offset shifting for the timestamp feature


08 Feb 14:48
@gre gre
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Breaking changes

  • TransportU2F : the timeout given in open(_, timeout) (aka in create(timeout)) is no longer used to timeout the "exchange" of the U2F sign underlying call. Instead, you should use setExchangeTimeout to define it. Moreover, this time is in milliseconds, no in seconds. #65


  • on a transport, there is a new method setExchangeTimeout that takes a timeout in milliseconds and define the maximum time to wait for a given exchange APDU command. It is not guarantee all transport implementations will use it, it is up to them. At the moment, it is only used by the U2F transport implementation. #67
  • Adding timestamp management to prepare for future altcoins integration #63

new packages

  • add @ledgerhq/web3-subprovider library that implements a subprovider for web3-provider-engine library to more easily integrate the Ledger to ethereum applications #66
  • add create-dapp, that allows to quickly bootstrap a dapp react project that works with the Ledger and with MetaMask – out of the box ! #66


06 Feb 19:00
@gre gre
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  • introduced a new lib currencies which centralize data & helpers for cryptocurrencies. for ledger's internal use, expect breaking changes.


05 Feb 10:02
@gre gre
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  • implement Segwit support in hw-app-btc
  • add isSupported static function in all transport implementations


30 Jan 15:28
@gre gre
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  • add latest versions of devDeps & deps
  • fix Flow export of hw-transport


30 Jan 10:56
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  • Add babel-runtime