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The Edgeberry Hardware project is a Raspberry Pi compatible 'hat' providing several basics for easily using your Raspberry Pi as an IoT Edge device and deploying it in a real-world environment. Some key features are a powerful 3A step-down convertor for powering your device reliably using a regular 12V adaptor, indicators for providing status feedback, and an expansion slot for integrating application-specific hardware using an Edgeberry Hardware Cartridge. The Edgeberry Hardware is designed to snugly fit in the Edgeberry Enclosure.

Device Assembly

After acquiring (or milling and soldering) the Edgeberry Hardware, and 3D printing the Edgeberry enclosure, you're ready to assemble your device.

Edgeberry Software

On your device, install the Edgeberry application software by downloading and executing the installation script

wget -O
chmod +x ./
sudo ./

If everything was successful, you can now access your Edgeberry's web interface in your local network


(re)Writing the EEPROM


When you purchased the Edgeberry Hardware, the manufacturer has written the EEPROM. If you are the manufacturer, or you're hacking your Edgeberry board, then continue with the following steps.

  1. Close the write protection jumper (JP1) on the Edgeberry Hardware to enable writing the EEPROM
  2. Download and build the Raspberry Pi Hat eeprom utils on your device
  3. Make the EEPROM file from the eeprom_settings.txt using eepmake
    e.g. $ eepmake eeprom_settings.txt edgeberry.eep
  4. Flash the EEPROM using
    e.g. $ sudo ./eepflash -w -t=24c256 -f=edgeberry.eep
  5. Now reboot the device and check the device tree for your hat's settings
    e.g. $ cat /proc/device-tree/hat/vendor)

License & Collaboration

Copyright© 2024 Sanne 'SpuQ' Santens. This project is released under the CERN OHL-W license.


This hardware design is released under an open source license. This does not apply to the Edgeberry name and logo. Without explicit consent from the Edgeberry owners, you can not use the Edgeberry logo (so, for example, when making the hardware board from this repository yourself, you must remove all the Edgeberry logos from the design). You are, however, allowed to refer textually to the Edgeberry project, etc.


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository and create your branch from main.
  2. Make your changes and ensure they adhere to the project's design style and conventions.
  3. Test your changes thoroughly.
  4. Ensure your commits are descriptive and well-documented.
  5. Open a pull request, describing the changes you've made and the problem or feature they address.