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Advent of Code 2020 walkthrough

Table of Contents

Day 1 - Report Repair

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Part 1

We are given a list of numbers as input, and we are asked to find a pair of numbers that sums up to 2020, and provide their product as an answer.

This is such a standard coding interview question! Though anybody usually would immediately think of writing two nested for loops to find the answer in quadratic time, this is solvable in linear time (that is, scanning the list of numbers only once).

We'll scan the numbers building up a set of 2020's complements (2020 - x for each x). Then, for each number, check if we already have it in the set: if so, this means that we already saw its complement, and we know it's 2020 - x; otherwise add its complement to the set.

numbers = tuple(map(int, fin.readlines()))
compls  = set()

for x in numbers:
    y = 2020 - x

    if x in compls:
        ans = x * y


print('Part 1:', ans)

Part 2

Same thing as part 1, but we need to search for three numbers that sum up to 2020 now.

This complicates things a little bit. We can no longer find an answer in linear time, but we surely can avoid cubic time and find it in quadratic time. We can use the exact same approach used for part 1, wrapping everything in one more for loop.

It's like solving the same problem for each number: for every x we want to find y and z such that y + z == 2020 - x. So for each number x we can just calculate 2020 - x and then do the exact same search that we did before. In order to iterate over numbers while getting both the values and their indexes at once, we can use the useful enumerate() buil-in function.

for i, x in enumerate(numbers):
    compls = set()
    yz = 2020 - x

    for y in numbers[i + 1:]:
        z = yz - y

        if y in compls:
            ans = x * y * z


print('Part 2:', ans)

First two stars of the year. Off to a good start!

Day 2 - Password Philosophy

Problem statementComplete solution

Part 1

This is a password validation puzzle. We get a list of "password policies" as input, one per line, in the following form:

<min>-<max> <letter>: <password>
Example: 4-10 e: ilovedolphins

A password is deemed "valid" if it contains the specified <letter> at least <min> times, but no more than <max> times. We are asked to determine the number of valid passwords.

Let's use the re module to make our life easier and parse the policies using a regular expression. In order to match a single policy, we can use the regexp \d+-\d+ \w: \w+, which means: match one or more digits, followed by an hyphen, followed by one or more digits, followed by a space, followed by a character, followed by a colon and a space, followed by one or more characters.

Since we want to extract and separate those fields though, we can use capture groups ((...)). When using capture groups, the result of a match is split into a tuple, one element per capture group. This makes it very easy to parse complex text formats. We can therefore add parentheses around every field we are interested in to turn it into a capture group, then use re.findall() to parse the entire input content and get a list of tuples, one tuple per policy:

data     =
policies = re.findall(r'(\d+)-(\d+) (\w): (\w+)', data)

The syntax r'string' denotes a raw string: it means to interpret the content of the string literally, without processing escape sequences, like for example \n, which in a normal string would be turned into a single character (a line feed).

Now just check each tuple, transforming the first two elements into integers, and count valid passwords. We can just use str.count() for this. I will call the two numbers mmin and mmax, because min and max in Python are global names of built-in functions, and it's good practice to not override any of those.

valid = 0

for mmin, mmax, letter, password in policies:
    mmin, mmax = int(mmin), int(mmax)

    if mmin <= password.count(letter) <= mmax:
        valid += 1

print('Part 1:', valid)

Note: the comparison a <= x <= b checks if x is between a and b. This is a Python specific feature. In most other programming languages (e.g. C and C++), this does not behave in the same way, and a <= x && x <= b should be used instead.

Part 2

For the second part, we still have to count the number of valid passwords, but the validation policy changes: our two numbers (min and max) now become indexes: a password is valid if only one of the two letters at the specified indexes is equal to the given letter. Note: these indexes start at 1.

Since we are already transforming mmin and mmax into integers in the previous loop, let's just modify it to calculate both answers instead of doing the whole thing again. In order to check if only one of the two indexes in the password contains the letter we want, we can use the XOR operator (^), which in Python can also be used on boolean values, and acts like a logical XOR, returning True if only one of the two operands is True.

valid1, valid2 = 0, 0

for mmin, mmax, letter, password in policies:
    mmin, mmax = int(mmin), int(mmax)

    if mmin <= password.count(letter) <= mmax:
        valid1 += 1

    if (password[mmin - 1] == letter) ^ (password[mmax - 1] != letter):
        valid2 += 1

print('Part 1:', valid1)
print('Part 2:', valid2)

Note: another way to compute the logical XOR between two boolean values is !=. In fact, if two boolean values are different from each other then one of them must be True and the other one must be False.

Day 3 - Toboggan Trajectory

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Part 1

First grid of ASCII characters of the year! I was just waiting for that. Today's puzzle input consists of a rectangular grid of characters. Each character can either be a dot (.) meaning "open square" or a hash (#) representing a tree. The grid we are given is quite tall, but very thin (i.e. height >> width). However, we are told that the rows of the real grid are actually periodic and they extend indefinitely to the right.

We need to traverse the grid following a certain "slope", starting from the top-left corner and moving 1 square down and 3 squares to the right each step, counting all the trees that we encounter on our way.

First of all, let's parse the input. We use a generator expression iterating over the file line by line (in case you did not know, iterating over a file obtained from open() yields the lines one by one) using str.strip() to remove newline characters (\n) at the end of each line. We end up with a list of strings, one string per row of the grid.

grid = [l.rstrip() for l in fin]
height, width = len(grid), len(grid[0])

Now we can just start at (0, 0) and check each square we want incrementing by (1, 3) each time. To take into account the fact that the grid is actually periodically repeating to the right, we can use the modulo (%) operator for the column, doing col % width, which will effectively "wrap" around and re-start from 0 each time we go above width, as if the row is repeating.

trees = 0
col = 0

for row in range(height):
    if grid[row][col % width] == '#':
        trees += 1
    col += 3

Okay, that seems reasonable. It doesn't smell Pythonic enough though! A simpler, more concise way to do this is to use the zip() built-in function to iterate over two ranges (one for row and one for col) at the same time. One problem though: we don't know when to stop col. We could calculate the number mathematically, but a really simpler way is to take advantage of itertools.count(): this generator function takes a start and a step, and returns numbers from start to infinity, in increments of step. Since zip() stops at the end of the shortest iterable supplied, it will automagically stop for us when we reach height.

from itertools import count

trees = 0
for row, col in zip(range(height), count(0, 3)):
    if grid[row][col % width] == '#':
        trees += 1

print('Part 1:', trees)

Now that looks nice and compact.

Part 2

Now we need to do the same thing as part 1 multiple times, for different slopes. Our original slope was (1, 3) (1 down and 3 right each step). We now have four additional slopes to follow and count trees on: (1, 1), (1, 5), (1, 7), and (2, 1). The answer we must give is the product of the number of encountered trees on each different slope.

Simple enough, we can just wrap everything in a for loop, iterating over the slopes. The only difference from part 1 is that now we'll need to advance our range() and count() with the two steps given by each slope. We already calculated the number of trees for slope (1, 3), so we start with that number.

total = trees
slopes = ((1, 1), (1, 5), (1, 7), (2, 1))

for dr, dc in slopes:
    trees = 0

    # Only difference from part 1 is that we now use 'dr' and 'dc' as steps
    for row, col in zip(range(0, height, dr), count(0, dc)):
        if grid[row][col % width] == '#':
            trees += 1

    total *= trees

print('Part 2:', total)

And that's six out of fifty stars!

Day 4 - Passport Processing

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Part 1

Another input validation puzzle. This time we are going to process passports: we are given a list of passports as input, which are separated by empty lines (that is, two consecutive newline characters). Each passport is a list key:value pairs delimited by either a space or a newline.

A passport is deemed valid if and only if it has all the required fields, which are identified by these keys: byr, iyr, eyr, hgt, hcl, ecl, pid. There is also a cid field described, but it does not matter if it's present or not. We need to count the number of valid passports.

First of all, let's get all passports:

passports ='\n\n')

Easy enough, after splitting the input data on empty lines, we can just check if all the required fields above are present in each passport. Since we don't know what the value of a field could contain, we cannot simply check if each field's key is present in the string representation of a passport: we also need to make sure it's present as a key. We could parse each passport, but I'm going to cheat and solve this check by just adding a colon (:) after each key, since keys must be followed by colons.

KEYS = ('byr:', 'iyr:', 'eyr:', 'hgt:', 'hcl:', 'ecl:', 'pid:')
n_valid = 0

for passport in passports:
    valid = True
    for k in KEYS:
        if k not in passport:
            valid = False

    if valid:
        n_valid += 1

Okay, that's a bit too long for my taste. Not Pythonic at all! We can simplify here taking advantage of the all() and sum() built-in functions. The all() function checks if all the values of an iterable are True (or evaluate to True, e.g. a non-empty list, and so on). We can therefore rewrite the internal loop (for k in keys) as a single line using a generator expression:

all(k in passport for k in keys)
# -> True only if the passport has all the required keys

The sum() function computes the sum of all the values of an iterable (duh!), and treats boolean values as integers (int(True) == 1, int(False) == 0). This means that we can use sum(all(...)) to count how many values are true in an iterable. Therefore, one more generator expression gives us the solution in just one line.

n_valid = sum(all(k in p for k in KEYS) for p in passports)
print('Part 1:', n_valid)

Part 2

We now also have to validate the value of each field. We still need to ignore the cid field, but other fields have specific validity requirements:

  • byr (Birth Year): a 4-digit number in the range [1920, 2002].
  • iyr (Issue Year): a 4-digit number in the range [2010, 2020].
  • eyr (Expiration Year): a 4-digit number in the range [2020, 2030].
  • hgt (Height): a number followed by cm or in. If cm, it must be in the range [150, 193]; if in, it must be in the range [59, 76].
  • hcl (Hair Color): # followed by exactly six characters 0-9 or a-f.
  • ecl (Eye Color): exactly one of: amb, blu, brn, gry, grn, hzl, oth.
  • pid (Passport ID): a 9-digit number, including leading zeroes.

Whelp, now we really need to parse those passports. We don't care about having a {key: value} dictionary of fields since we will need to validate all fields anyway, so a simple list of (key, value) pairs will suffice. To obtain the fields, we'll split the entire "raw" passport string using the str.split() method, which by default conveniently splits on any sequence of whitespace, so we don't even need to care about passports contining newlines. Then, we'll split each field on : to saparate keys and values.

for raw in passports:
    passport = (field.split(':') for field in raw.split())

To validate each field, since the validations to perform are rather simple, we can use a dictionary of lambda expressions. It's simpler to show the code than describe it:

def check_height(v):
    if v.endswith('cm'):
        return 150 <= int(v[:-2]) <= 193
    if v.endswith('in'):
        return 59 <= int(v[:-2]) <= 76
    return False

checks = {
    'byr': lambda v: 1920 <= int(v) <= 2002,
    'iyr': lambda v: 2010 <= int(v) <= 2020,
    'eyr': lambda v: 2020 <= int(v) <= 2030,
    'pid': lambda v: len(v) == 9 and v.isdigit(),
    'hcl': lambda v: len(v) == 7 and all(c.isdigit() or c in 'abcdef' for c in v[1:]),
    'ecl': lambda v: v in ('amb', 'blu', 'brn', 'gry', 'grn', 'hzl', 'oth'),
    'cid': lambda v: True,
    'hgt': check_height

The check for pid uses the built-in str.isdigit(), which is faster than checking c in '0123456789' for each character of v, or even doing ok = set('123456789'); c in ok. The check for hcl could also be written using a regular expression or an in on a set, but for such a short string and simple set of characters that would just slow things down.

The only non lambda function in the above dictionary is check_weight, since it needs to do a couple of checks more than the others and writing it as a lambda would make it pretty hard to read and understand. Finally, the lambda function for cid just returns True since we do not care about that field.

We can now parse all passports and run the right check for any given key:value field. We can again use the all() function to make all checks for a single passport in one line, iterating over the (key, value) pairs that we have.

n_valid = 0

for raw in passports:
    passport = (field.split(':') for field in raw.split())

    if all(checks[k](v) for k, v in passport):
        n_valid += 1

Note that in the above code we are not enclosing the generator expression to parse the passport in square brackets ([]), but merely in parentheses (()): that's because we only need to iterate over it once, so we don't care about transforming it into a list, that would just slow things down. Using parentheses yields the underlying generator object ready to be iterated over.

Going one last little step further we can also do both vaildity checks (part 1 and part 2) in a single loop:

n_valid1 = 0
n_valid2 = 0

for raw in passports:
    if all(k in raw for k in KEYS):
        n_valid1 += 1
        passport = (field.split(':') for field in raw.split())

        if all(checks[k](v) for k, v in passport):
            n_valid2 += 1

print('Part 1:', n_valid1)
print('Part 2:', n_valid2)

Not really that interesting or complicated of a puzzle if you ask me, but the code looks nice nonetheless!

Day 5 - Binary Boarding

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Part 1

Cool and simple problem today. We have a list of "special" seat numbers as input: each one consists of exactly 10 characters, where the first 7 are either F or B and represent the seat row, while the last 3 are either L or R and represent the seat column. The airplane we are boarding has 128 rows (numbered 0 through 127 from the front) and 8 columns (numbered 0 through 7 from the left).

The first character of the seat's row identifies a half of the plane where the seat will be: either the front half F (rows 0 through 63) or the back half B (rows 64 to 127). Moving on, each subsequent character identifies which half of the previous half the row will be. Each character restricts the space to a half of the previous one until we finally identify a single row.

We need to identify the seat with the highest ID, calculated as row * 8 + col.

To make it clearer, let's look at an example. Assume the first 7 characters of the seat are FBFBBFF, this means:

  1. F front half: from 0 to 63.
  2. B back half of previous half: from 32 to 63.
  3. F front half of previous half: from 32 to 47.
  4. B back half: from 40 to 47.
  5. B back half: from 44 to 47.
  6. F front half: row 44 or 45.
  7. F the row is 44.

It's easy to notice that all those Fs and Bs are doing is just encode the row in binary. F makes the number lower, so it can be seen as a binary 0, and B makes the number higher, so it can be seen as 1. If we rewrite the above example substituting F with 0 and B with 1 we get 0101100, which is exactly 44 in binary. The exact same thing applies to the columns, each L can be seen as a 0 and each R as a 1.

All we have to do to find the row and column of a seat is to just separate row and column first, and then interpret those as two binary numbers. Python already knows how to transform a string representing a binary number into an integer, but it obviously expects the characters to be either 0 or 1. We can just replace all instances of F and L with 0, and all instances of B and R with 1. Then, separate the first 7 and the last 3, and use int(x, 2) to convert them to integers.

Normally, to replace a character in a string you would use str.replace(), so something like this:

>>> 'FBFBBFFRLR'.replace('F', '0').replace('B', '1').replace('L', '0').replace('R', '1')

However, that is (1) pretty ugly and (2) pretty slow as it scans everything four times. Thankfully, we can do this in a much cleaner way using str.maketrans() and str.translate(). These two built-in methods exist exactly for this purpose: .maketrans() takes two strings of equal length and builds a translation table that turns each i-th character of the first to the i-th character of the second. This translation table can then be passed to .translate() to do the translation. If you are familiar with Linux command line tools, you might know about tr: what we are going to write will produce exactly the same result as the command cat input | tr BFRL 1010.

It's almost ridicolous that all of the long explanations above just translate to two lines of Python:

table = str.maketrans('BFRL', '1010')
seats =
# 'BBFFBFBRRR\nBBFBFFBLLR\n...' -> ['1100101111', '1101001001', ...]

We now have a list of binary strings. Remember what we want to find? We want to get the ID obtained as row * 8 + col. Do we really need to split the string in two and convert each row and col from binary to integer to do this? Not really! What that multiplication by 8 actually does, thinking about it in binary, is just shifting row left by 3 bits. In fact, row * 8 and row << 3 are equivalent operations. The column, which is the lower 3 bits, is then added to it. In short, we are doing:

1100101|111 -> 1100101000 + 111 == 1100101000 + 111 == 110010111
    row|col ->    row * 8 + col == (row << 3) + col == initial number!

So all of this is just useless gibberish. We already have the binary representation of all the seat IDs! We just need to turn them into integers. Let's use our beloved map() and lambda combination again to do just that. Then, use max() to find the maximum of those.

ids    = tuple(map(lambda s: int(s, 2), seats))
max_id = max(ids)

print('Part 1:', max_id)

Today's part 1 was 4 lines of Python. Actually, you could make it 1 line if you really wanted, but that's probably not going to help anybody when it comes to readability. On we go!

Note: we are making that seemingly useless tuple() of ids only because it's needed for part 2.

Part 2

We are now told that our seat is missing from the input list, and we need to find its ID. We know that the plane does not have seats at the very front and at the very back, so those are also missing from our list. Our seat was not at the very front or very back though, and the seats with ID at distance +1 and -1 from our ID are present in the list.

Interesting. We know we have a list of consecutive IDs, starting from some min_id, going up to our already calculated max_id. Somewhere in the middle of those, there is a missing ID, which is the one we are looking for.

We should know the formula to get the sum of a range of consecutive numbers without actually having to calculate it, right? Well, let's look at Wikipedia to refresh our memory. We know the sum of consecutive integers from 1 to N is N * (N - 1) // 2: if our consecutive integers don't start from 1 but from some m, we can just subtract the sum of the integers from 1 to m from that, and we have the sum of all the consecutive integers from m to N. That is: N * (N - 1) // 2 - m * (m - 1) // 2.

Which means, we can compute the sum of all our IDs from the minimum to the maximum like this:

min_id   = min(ids)
expected = max_id * (max_id + 1) // 2 - min_id * (min_id - 1) // 2

That would be the expected sum, if our ID wasn't missing. That's right. We can now just calculate the real sum and get the missing ID with a subtraction:

my_id = expected - sum(ids)
print('Part 2:', my_id)


Calculating the missing ID with a simple mathematical formula is pretty neat, but you might be wondering: can't the above code be optimized? It seems like we are wasting more time than needed by iterating over the entire list of IDs multiple times: one with tuple() to build the tuple of IDs, one with max() for part 1, and another two times with min() and sum() for part 2. Couldn't we just iterate over it once and get all the three values?

Well, there is no built-in function for that, which means we would need to write our own. Something like this (assuming our numbers are all positive and lower than 1024, which is the case for this problem):

def min_max_sum(iterable):
    mmin, mmax, ssum = 0, 1024, 0

    for x in iterable:
        ssum += x

        if x < mmin:
            mmin = x
        elif x > mmax:
            mmax = x

    return mmin, mmax, ssum

We could then just solve part 1 and part 2 without iterating over the ids ever again, which also means that we wouldn't need to build a tuple() in the first place and we could just pass the generator returned by the very first map() to our min_max_sum().

table = str.maketrans('BFRL', '1010')
seats =
ids   = map(lambda s: int(s, 2), seats)

m, M, s = min_max_sum(ids)

This looks pretty good on paper. We are saving unneeded iterations, so it should take less time, right? Well... not really. As it turns out, Python bytecode is pretty slow, while the min(), max() and sum() built-in functions use internal Python code, which means native, compiled and optimized C code. As a consequence, any of those functions traverses an iterable faster than any Python for loop by an order of magnitude. This means that the above "optimized" solution that iterates only once over the ids is actually slower than my original solution which iterates over the ids four times!

Of course, this is only true because our list of IDs is pretty small, and it also does not apply to all Python implementations, but it is true for the "official" and most widely used one, which is CPython. Running this on my machine with CPython 3.9, timing with my timer utilities yields the following:

Timer A: 241.736µs wall, 240.477µs CPU
Timer B: 328.511µs wall, 328.626µs CPU

Where A uses tuple() + min() + max() + sum() while B uses min_max_sum() defined above. The "optimized" solution is ~36% slower. Pretty sad, huh? The slowness of interpreted languages!

Day 6 - Custom Customs

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Part 1

Remember all those times I said "todays puzzle could really be solved in one/two lines of Python"? Well guess what, I'ma stop talking and do it for real this time. It's a simple puzzle, and the solution looks clean enough for my taste.

Disclaimer: this is going to be rather lengthy, in order to explain everything properly.

We have an unknown set of questions identified by lowercase letters (a to z). We are given a list of groups of answers. Each group of answers is separated by an empty line (just like passports in day 4); each line of a group of answers corresponds to a person, and contains multiple lowercase letters identifying which questions they answered "yes" to.

To better understand the problem, here's an example input:



And here are some facts about the above input:

  • There are 2 groups of people: one with 2 people and one with 3 people.
  • In the first group, the first person answered "yes" to questions a, b and c.
  • In the second group, the third person answered "yes" to questions a, c, d.
  • The number of unique questions answered by the first group is 6 (they all answered different questions).
  • The number of unique questions answered by the second group is 4. Every person answered to a, and person 1 and 3 both answered to c.

For the first part of this puzzle, we need to find the sum of the number of unique questions answered by each group. In the above example, it would be 6 + 4 = 10.

First, let's notice one thing: we do not really care about the fact that each group is split into different people. We can treat groups just as strings of letters (ignoring the newlines). Now, how would you count the number of unique letters in a string? Simple: build a set() from its characters and get the length of the set.

The solution should now be simple. Start by separating the groups in the input, and removing newline characters from each group. Another straightforward usage of map() and lambda combination.

raw_groups ='\n\n')
groups = map(lambda g: g.replace('\n', ''), raw_groups)

Now we just need to build a set out of each group, and sum the lengths of all the sets. You guessed it: map() it again, this time computing len(set(g)) for every group g, and sum() everything up. We could either use a single map() with a lambda g: len(set(g)), or a double map() first for set, then for len. The latter is fastest, because it's less Python code and more optimized built-in magic.

n_any_yes = sum(map(len, map(set, groups)))
print('Part 1:', n_any_yes)

Yes, the above could be compressed even more by avoiding the usage of those temporary variables:

n_any_yes = sum(map(len, map(set, map(lambda g: g.replace('\n', ''),'\n\n')))))

But no thanks, that's where I draw the line between "cool solution" and "unreadable mess".

Part 2

Now the fact that each group contains answers given by different people comes into play. For each group, we need to count the number of questions to which all people in the group answered. The solution to give for this second part is the sum of that count for all groups.

We need to re-build our groups, this time separating different lines. We'll transform each group into a list of strings (one string per person), using str.splitlines().

groups = map(lambda g: str.splitlines(g), raw_groups)

To give an idea of what the above produces, applying it to our example:



Will produce the following:

>>> next(groups)
['abc', 'def']
>>> next(groups)
['ac', 'ab', 'acd']

As we can already see, the solution for this example would be 1 (in the second group there is a which was answered by all three).

Given two strings of letters (answers from two people), how would you compute the number of letters that are in both strings? Well, we know how to get all the unique letters of a string s: set(s). If we do this for two strings and then calculate the intersection of the two, the result will be the set of letters that appear in both strings. In Python, the intersection between two sets can be calculated using the & operator, or the equivalent .intersection() method.

Our groups now are just lists of strings. We want to turn those strings into sets to compute their intersection. To do this, we'll need an additional map(), so the above becomes:

groups = map(lambda g: map(set, g.splitlines()), raw)

Which produces:

>>> g = next(groups)
>>> g
<map at 0x7f7a0e40fdf0>
>>> tuple(g)
({'a', 'b', 'c'}, {'d', 'e', 'f'})
>>> tuple(next(groups))
({'a', 'c'}, {'a', 'b'}, {'a', 'c', 'd'})

Note that we now have a map of maps. These are only iterable once. We don't need to, but if we wanted to iterate on those multiple times, we would need to turn them into tuples or lists first.

Now iterate over the groups, compute the intersection of all the sets of answers in each group, and sum everything up:

n_all_yes = 0

for group in groups:
    # Start with the first set of answers
    all_yes = group[0]

    # Intersect with all other sets
    for answers in group[1:]:
        all_yes &= answers

    n_all_yes += len(all_yes)

Note that there is a huge difference between a &= b and a = a & b when working with sets. These operations would usually be analogous for integers, but Python sets behave differently. Doing a &= b computes the intersection and modifies the original a without creating a new set, while a = a & b creates a new set, which is the result of the intersection, and then assigns that to a. The actual analogous method for the &= operator is .intersection_update().

The above code already gives us the answer, and we could stop there, but today I want to go a little bit further.

We are applying the same operation (that is, intersection) to all the elements of each group. The final result is the intersection of multiple sets. As it turns out, set.intersection() can take an arbitrary amount of sets as parameters, and calculate the intersection of all of them. The body of the above loop can be shortened into a single line taking advantage of this, passing all sets in a group to set.intersection() through unpacking:

from functools import reduce

n_all_yes = 0
for g in groups:
    n_all_yes += len(set.intersection(*g))

Huh, now we are using a loop just to sum values. Wonder if there is a function that does that for us. Yep, sum(). The above can just be simplified into a single line using sum() and a generator expression, giving us the following final form:

n_all_yes = sum(len(set.intersection(*g)) for g in groups)
print('Part 2:', n_all_yes)

One last stretch

We can apply the same technique of part 2 to part 1 too. The only difference is that for part 1 we need to calcualte the union of the sets of answers (using set.union()). To iterate over the groups two times, we'll now need to turn them into tuples of tuples. After that, we can apply the same dance of sum() + generator for both parts.

raw_groups ='\n\n')
groups = tuple(map(lambda g: tuple(map(set, g.splitlines())), raw_groups))


n_any_yes = sum(len(set.union(*g)) for g in groups)
n_all_yes = sum(len(set.intersection(*g)) for g in groups)

We now have a quite elegant functional Python solution!

Day 7 - Handy Haversacks

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Part 1

Today's puzzle is the first puzzle of the year to involve graphs! Last year's PTSD starts to creep in. Thankfully it's only day 7, so nothing wild.

We have a bunch of color-coded bags. Each bag of a certain color can hold a specific number of bags of other colors. This information is given as input in a quite verbose manner, like so:

dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags.
bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.
muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.
faded blue bags contain no other bags.

We are asked to find how many differently colored bags can contain (either directly or indirectly) at least one shiny gold bag.

Looking at the above example, the answer would be 3, because:

  • dark orange can contain bright white, which can contain shiny gold
  • bright white can directly contain shiny gold
  • muted yellow can directly contain shiny gold

Let's get started. First of all, we need an appropriate data structure to keep track of the relationship "is directly contained by": we can use a dictionary for this, of the form {inner_color: [outer_color1, outer_color2, ...]}.

In order to parse each line, we will first split it in two right at "bags contain". The first part will just be the color of the outer bag. Then we'll use a regular expression to extract all colors of the second part. Since bag colors are always followed by the word bag or bags and then by a comma (,) or a dot (.), we can search for letters and spaces followed by bags?[.,] to match each inner color.

To make our life easier, we'll use a defaultdict, which is an awesome dictionary that, given a function returning a "default" entry, automatically creates missing entries if we try to access a missing key. Since we want a dict of lists, we'll pass the list function as parameter so that by default missing entries will be created as empty lists. This makes us able to do d[k].append(x) even if k is not a dictionary key.

fin = open(...)

inner_exp    = re.compile(r'(\d+) ([\w ]+) bags?[.,]')
contained_by = defaultdict(list)

for line in fin:
    outer, inners = line.split(' bags contain ')
    inners = inner_exp.findall(inners)

    for _, inner in inners:

The above regular expression does not match lines saying X bags contain no other bags, it returns an empty list of matches for those. This is good since we don't care about that information and can avoid doing more filtering.

Note: the above regular expression is a little bit more complex than what we need, since it also extracts the numbers (which we'll only need in part 2).

Now contained_by[x] is the list of bag colors capable of directly containing bags of color x. If we think about it for a second, the contained_by dictionary we just built represents a directed acyclic graph (assuming the input does not say both "A contains B" and "B contains A", which wouldn't make much sense). Nodes represent bag colors, and edges signify "is directly contained by". In graph terms, contained_by[x] yields the list of nodes that are reachable from x.

Drawing it out, it looks something like this (using the example input above):

     shiny gold   faded blue
      |        \     |
      v         v    v
bright white    muted yellow
dark orange

All we have to do now to find how many differently colored bags can contain a shiny gold bag is explore the graph starting from shiny gold and counting how many different colors we can reach. This can be done through eigther a breadth-first or depth-first search. We'll use the latter for its simplicity, writing a recursive implementation:

def count_can_contain(G, src, visited=set()):
    for color in G[src]:
        if color not in visited:
            count_can_contain(G, color, visited)

    return len(visited)

At the end of the search we return the length of the visited set instead of the set itself, because that's all we really care about. We could have also created the visited set in the function body, but that would have just been slower since each recursive call would have created a new set, and would have also needed to return it. Taking visited as parameter makes us modify that set only without creating new ones.

Notice how above we just access G[src] without checking if src in G first: this would normally raise a KeyError on a normal dict, but not on a defaultdict: we just get an empty list back.

We can now just call the above function to get the solution:

can_contain_gold = count_can_contain(contained_by, 'shiny gold')
print('Part 1:', can_contain_gold)

Part 2

Things get a little bit more complicated. We are now asked the "opposite" question: count how many bags are contained in one shiny gold bag.

To make it clear, here's an example:

shiny gold bags contain 1 dark red bag, 2 dark green bags.
dark red bags contain 5 bright yellow bags, 2 bright blue bags.
dark green bags contain 3 bright blue bags.

How many bags does a shiny gold bag contain?

  • dark red bags contain 7 bags total: 5 bright yellow, 2 bright blue.
  • dark green bags contain 3 bright blue bags.

Therefore a shiny gold bag, which contains 1 dark red and 2 dark green bags, will contain 1 + 1*7 + 2 + 2*3 = 16 bags total.

It's easy to see that this one is also a problem that involves exploring a directed acyclic graph. This time though, we want to traverse it in the opposite direction, that is, the relationship we care about ("contains") is the opposite of the one we used in part 1 ("is contained by").

The graph we build earlier is of no use now. We need a new one that has edges in the opposite direction, and we also need to remember the number of bags associated with each edge. Let's modify the initial input parsing loop to build this second graph too:

inner_exp    = re.compile(r'(\d+) ([\w ]+) bags?[.,]')
contained_by = defaultdict(list)
contains     = defaultdict(list) # line added

for line in fin:
    outer, inners = line.split(' bags contain ')
    inners = inner_exp.findall(inners)

    for qty, inner in inners: # line modified
        contains[outer].append((int(qty), inner)) # line added

Now we have a dictionary of the form: {outer: [(n1, inner1), (n2, inner2), ...]} where nodes represent bag colors, and edges signify "contains". Now contains[x] is the list of bag colors and quantities that are contained in a bag of color x.

Drawing it for the above example, it looks something like this:

           shiny gold
         1 /       \ 2
          v         v
       dark red    dark green
      5 |    2 \      | 3
        v       v     v
bright yellow   bright blue

Bear with my questionable ASCII art graphing abilities, hope it's clear enough.

Given a graph like this one, we now essentially have to do the same thing as before and explore it using depth-first search. The only difference is that (as can be seen from th example above) we can very well visit a node multiple times, and we also want to take into account the numbers on each edge which indicate how many inner bags of such color our outer bag contains.

Opting for a recursive solution again for its conciseness, each time we visit a node (bag color) we will first add the number of needed bags of that color to the total, then recursively calculate the subtotal number of bags which that specific color can hold, and multiply it by the qty of that color, adding the result to the total. It's simpler to show the code really.

def count_contained(G, src):
    tot = 0
    for qty, color in G[src]:
        tot += qty
        tot += qty * count_contained(G, color)

    return tot

That's it, we are one function call away from the answer...

However, we can optimize this a bit more: we can "remember" the number of bags contained by each color so that if we get to the same color multiple times we don't have to re-calculate everything again. This technique is known as memoization, and is the holy grail of speeding up redundant recursive algorithms that need to calculate the same values many times. To do memoization, we can use a simple dictionary as cache:

def count_contained(G, src, cache={}):
    if src in cache:
        return cache[src]

    tot = 0
    for qty, color in G[src]:
        tot += qty * (1 + count_contained(G, color))

    cache[src] = tot
    return tot

Although the time this takes is still infinitesimal, this second function is about 70% faster on my machine. I've also simplified the two additions into one.

As it turns out, Python already has a decorator for memoizing function results based on the passed arguments: functools.cache. We can refactor the above code using the global contains dictionary like this and let Python do the caching for us:

def count_contained(src):
    tot = 0
    for qty, color in contains[src]:
        tot += qty * (1 + count_contained(color))

    return tot

Note: @cache is new in Python 3.9, but it's only a shorthand for @lru_cache(). You can use the latter on older Python versions.

About the same speed as the previous manual method. Maaaaaybe around one microsecond faster, but really who knows. Let's finally calculate the solution:

total_bags = count_contained(contains, 'shiny gold')
print('Part 2:', total_bags)

P.S.: we could have also abused this decorator just for fun to avoid keeping track of the visited nodes for part 1. Up to you to figure out how, if you want.

Day 8 - Handheld Halting

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Part 1

First puzzle of the year to involve writing a custom virtual machine! I was waiting for this to happen. Hopefully this year we'll have a saner specification than last year's self-modifying "Intcode".

We have only 3 opcodes:

  • nop N: does nothing, advances to the next instruciton, the argument is ignored.
  • acc N: increments the value of a global "accumulator" by N, which is a signed integer. The accumulator starts at 0.
  • jmp N: jumps N instructions forward (or backwards if N is negative) the current instruction. I.E. jmp +1 goes to the next instruction.

The source code we are given as input, if executed, will result in an endless loop. We need to detect when that happens, stopping the first time we try to execute an already seen instruction (before executing it). The solution is the accumulator value after stopping.

Since the VM implementation will likely change and I will keep updating the same file, I'll just link to the exact version of the code at the time of writing, containing the current VM implementation, which we'll be writing ritht now. You can find the link above. A posteriori note: this turned out to be the only VM puzzle this year.

Let's start! We need our VM to have at least three fundamental properties:

  1. Ability to easily pause and resume execution.
  2. Ability to reset in order to restart execution without having to re-initialize everything manually.
  3. Ability to inspect and alter the execution state from outside (program counter, accumulator, the program itself, etc...).

Let's declare a VM class for this. The __init__() method will take the source code as argument and parse it extracting opcodes and arguments, then it will initialize the initial state doing a reset right away.

class VM:
    def __init__(self, source):

We now want to have a program counter, an accumulator, and a boolean value indicating whether the VM is running or not, useful for external inspection. We'll just create and initialize these values as attributes of our class in the reset() method:

    def reset(self):
        self.pc  = 0
        self.acc = 0
        self.running = True

Onto the parsing: for now, we will just assume an instruction to be of the form op A1 A2 A3 ..., with space separated integer arguments. In the parse_program() method, we'll parse the source into a list of tuples in the form (op, (a1, a2, ...)), simply splitting each line and turning arguments into int.

    def parse_program(self, source):
        self.prog = []

        for line in source.splitlines():
            # Assume ops and args will be separated by spaces only
            op, *args = line.split()

            # Treat every argument as an immediate integer for now
            args = tuple(map(int, args))
            self.prog.append((op, args))

        # For faster and simpler bound checking later
        self.prog_len = len(self.prog)

Perfect. Now the core of the VM, the run() method. We'll use this to actually run the parsed code that was stored in self.code during initialization. Since we want to be able to pause and resume execution, we'll take a steps argument, and then simply run everything in a while steps loop decrementing it each time. To allow running without stopping, we'll use a simple trick: the inf special value from the math module, which is the floating point representation of positive infinity and will never change no matter how many times we try to decrement it.

The implementation for now is really simple, since we only have 3 instructions, one of which (nop) we'll outright ignore.

    def run(self, steps=inf):
        while steps:
            op, args = self.prog[self.pc]

            if op == 'acc':
                self.acc += args[0]
            elif op == 'jmp':
                self.pc += args[0] - 1

            self.pc += 1

            # Assume that running the last instruction (or jumping right after it)
            # means that the program terminated correctly
            if self.pc == self.prog_len:
                self.running = False

            steps -= 1

Now let's actually solve the problem! We can finally put our VM to good use. To detect when an instruction is executed again, we can save the values of the program counter (vm.pc) in a set, since the program counter uniquely identifies an instruction in the whole program, and stop if we ever get a value that was already seen.

fin    = open(...)
source =
vm     = VM(source)
seen   = set()

while vm.pc not in seen:

print('Part 1:', vm.acc)

Clean and simple as that!

Part 2

Now we are told that we can "fix" our broken program that runs in an endless loop simply by swapping a nop with a jmp (or vice-versa) somewhere in the code. We need to find which instruction to change which will let the program correctly run until its end. The solution is still the accumulator value after the program terminates.

Well, there isn't much we can do except trying to change every single instruction and restart the VM to see what happens. Okay, not true: there is a better solution than bruteforcing, see this Reddit thread if you are curious. However, the complexity of the code needed to implement such a solution would most likely just outweigh its benefits. A dead-simple bruteforce approach on such a small program is nearly instantaneous in any case (on my machine one execution of the program takes less than 300 microseconds).

Anyway, where were we? Ah yes, testing all instructions: each time we try executing the code we'll either end up in an infinite loop again (which can be detected as we just did), or correctly finish execution (which can be detected by checking if vm.running == False after

We'll iterate over and check each instruction in vm.prog, ignoring any acc, but trying to swap any nop with jmp (and vice versa) before running the program. If the run is not successful, we'll restore the original instruction and go on with the next one.

for i in range(1, vm.prog_len):
    original = vm.prog[i]

    if original[0] == 'acc':
    elif original[0] == 'jmp':
        vm.prog[i] = ('nop',) + original[1:]
    elif original[0] == 'nop':
        vm.prog[i] = ('jmp',) + original[1:]


    seen = set()
    while vm.running and vm.pc not in seen:

    if not vm.running:

    vm.prog[i] = original

print('Part 2:', vm.acc)

Sweet! Hopefully the code we wrote is robust and simple enough to allow for easy modifications in the next days. Assuming things will not get very weird... I hope not. A posteriori note: this turned out to be the only VM puzzle this year.

Day 9 - Encoding Error

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Part 1

We are given a list of numbers, and we are told that all the numbers in the list should adhere to a specific rule: each number after the 25th is the sum of one pair of numbers amongst the 25 that precede it. We need to find the first number in the list that does not satisfy this rule.

We already know how to find a pair of numbers that sum up to some target number, we did this in part 1 of day 1. We can just loop over the numbers, starting from the 25th, and keep going until we find the first one for which we cannot find a pair summing up to amongst its 25 predecessors. Let's just write this check like we did for day 1, but this time as a function:

def two_sum(nums, target):
    compls = set()

    for x in nums:
        if x in compls:
            return True

        compls.add(target - x)

    return False

Now let's get the numbers from the input file into a tuple of integers using map() as usual:

nums = tuple(map(int, fin.readlines()))

And then just loop over the input numbers starting from the 26th and checking each chunk of 25 numbers. The enumerate() function comes in handy.

for i, target in enumerate(nums[25:]):
    if not two_sum(nums[i:i + 25], target):

print('Part 1:', target)

Although it seems quadratic in time (O(n2)), this solution actually runs in linear time (O(n)), as we always need to check a fixed and relatively small amount of previous numbers which does not depend on the length of the input sequence. We make at most 25 * len(nums) iterations (well, excluding the fact that lst[x:y] creates a copy and therefore also iterates y-x times... dammit Python).

Part 2

The goal changes: we need to find a contiguous subsequence of numbers (of any length) that sums up to the number we just found in part 1 (target). Found the sequence, the answer we must give is the sum of its minimum and its maximum element.

We can do this the dumb way: loop over each possible subsequence and compute the sum every time. This approach is cubic in time (O(n3), iff I am not mistaken, well it's at least quadratic for sure). We are smart though, and after thinking about it for a couple minutes we figure out that this can be done in linear time with a single scan of the input sequence.

We can take advantage of the cumulative sum, also known as running total. Given a sequence S of numbers, the sum of the numbers in a given subsequence s = S[a:b] is equal to sum(S[0:b]) - sum(S[0:a]), that is: the difference between the cumulative sum of the first b elements and the cumulative sum of the first a elements. If we pre-calculate the all the cumulative sums from the first number up to all numbers, we can then calculate the sum of any subsequence (given its start and end) with a single subtraction: cusum[end] - cusum[start].

Our numbers are all positive, so the cumulative sum can only increase each time. We can begin with an initial "guess" for the correct start and end of the subsequence: S[a:b] = S[0:1]. Then, adjust the extremes iteratively until we converge to the solution:

  1. Start with a, b = 0, 1.
  2. Compute partsum = sum(S[a:b]) == cusum[b] - cusum[a].
  3. Compare partsum and target:
    • If partsum < target then we need to sum more elements: b += 1.
    • If partsum > target then we overestimated target, drop the element at the start of the subsequence: a += 1.
    • If partsum == target then we found the correct subsequence.

Note: this only works if a subsequence with partial sum equal to the target exists in the input list (which is our case). If it does not, we'd just keep advancing b and go beyond its end running into an IndexError.

In terms of code:

cusums = [0]
for n in nums:
    cusums.append(cusums[-1] + n)

a, b = 0, 1

while 1:
    partsum = cusums[b] - cusums[a]

    if partsum < target:
        b += 1
    elif partsum > target:
        a += 1

Note: we set cusums[0] = 0 since we also want to account for the first number of the sequence (if we set cusums[0] = nums[0] instead, then cusums[1] - cusums[0] would just be nums[1] and we'd exclude nums[0] from all our calculations).

We do not actually need to precalculate all the cumulative sums, we are never going to use all of them unless our subsequence ends up being the entire initial sequence of numbers. We can re-write the above loop to only calculate the needed cumulative sums lazily, when advancing b. This time we need to start at a, b = 0, 0 though.

cusums = [0]
a, b = 0, 0

while 1:
    partsum = cusums[b] - cusums[a]

    if partsum < target:
        cusums.append(cusums[-1] + nums[b])
        b += 1
    elif partsum > target:
        a += 1

subsequence = nums[a:b + 1]
answer = min(subsequence) + max(subsequence)

print('Part 2:', answer)

As a last note: we could even implement our "sliding window" using a deque, popping elements from the left as we increment a to minimize the used space. This "optimization" is kind of insignificant though, and the space used would still be linear in terms of len(nums).

Day 10 - Adapter Array

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Part 1

First part of today's puzzle feels more like a reading comprehension test than an actual programming puzzle.

Long story short: we are given a list of numbers and we are told (with a reeeeally long explanation) that these numbers respect a certain rule: when sorted, the difference between any pair of consecutive numbers is always between at least 1 and at most 3. We are also told that we need to start our sequence with a 0 (which is not in our input) and end it with the maximum value we have plus 3.

After doing this, we want to count how many pairs of any two numbers have a difference of (A) exactly 1 and (B) exactly 3. The answer we must give is the product of these two counts.

Looks pretty simple: in order to do this we can sort the input sequence and then scan it starting from the second number. Let's do the sorting right away using the built-in sorted() function, and also add the two initial and final numbers:

nums = sorted(map(int, fin))
nums = [0] + nums + [max(nums) + 3]

Then, we can cycle through the numbers and check each of them against its successor to see if their difference is 1 or 3. To iterate over pairs of consecutive numbers we can take advantage of the zip() function passing nums, nums[1:] as arguments. The checks are straightforward.

dist1 = dist3 = 0

for cur, nxt in zip(nums, nums[1:]):
    delta = nxt - cur

    if delta == 1:
        dist1 += 1
    elif delta == 3:
        dist3 += 1

Now just multiply the two counts together and get the answer:

ans = dist1 * dist3
print('Part 1:', ans)

Part 2

The problem turns into a real puzzle: we need to count how many different subsets of our numbers satisfy the rule defined in part 1.

As an example, if our numbers were 1 2 3 6, we could build 4 different sequences that respect the above rule using a subset of the numbers (always adding 0 at the start and 9 at the end):

(0) 1 2 3 6 (9)
(0) 1 3 6 (9)
(0) 2 3 6 (9)
(0) 3 6 (9)

Something like (0) 1 6 (9) or (0) 6 (9) wouldn't be valid since the rule does not hold for all numbers in the sequence.

Our list is kind of long, and we are told that the solution is in the order of trillions, so we can't really use bruteforce testing all possible subsets of numbers. This problem can be solved using dynamic programming.

Remember that our numbers are still sorted. For each number, we have the possibility to choose betwee 1 and 3 successors. For example if we have (0) 1 2 3 ..., after choosing 0 (forced choice), we could take any of 1 2 3, and those would constitute three different solutions. On the other hand if we have (0) 2 3 we only have two choices, and in the extreme case of (0) 3 we are forced to take 3 (one choice only).

We don't really know how to count the number of possible solutions if the list is too large, but we can now think of this recursively:

  • If we only have the last number left to choose, we can only take that number, so 1 possible solution.
  • For any other number before the last, the number of possible solutions is the sum of the possible solutions choosing any of the valid successors we have.

Turning the above into a recursive function:

# Returns the number of possible solutions having chosen nums[i]
def possible_solutions(nums, i):
    # If this is the last number, we only have one possible solution
    if i == len(nums) - 1:
        return 1

    # Otherwise, sum the number of possible solutions for any valid next number
    tot = 0
    for j in range(i + 1, min(i + 4, len(nums))): # min() to avoid going past the end of the list
        if nums[j] - nums[i] <= 3:                # difference <= 3 to enforce the rule
            tot += possible_solutions(nums, j)

    return tot

Pretty cool. We have a little bit of a problem though: for each number we have we are calling this function between 1 and three times recursively. This means that (in the worst case of 3 calls for each call) we'll end up making 3N calls (where N is the number of numbers we have). Needless to say, such a solution, which runs in exponential time and also uses an exponential amount of space, will never work. For my input I have len(nums) == 97, so 397 = ~1046 iterations. Nope!

The thing to notice to make this work is that we do not actually need to make all those calls: that would be akin to bruteforcing the solution. Most of the times, our recursive function will end up being called with the same i, therefore calculating the same value multiple times. If we memoize the results (just like we did to optimize day 7 part 2) we can save an enormous amount of work.

In order to do this using the functools.lru_cache decorator, since we want to only memoize based on the index i, we can remove the first argument and use the global nums.

from functools import lru_cache

def possible_solutions(i):
    if i == len(nums) - 1:
        return 1

    tot = 0
    for j in range(i + 1, min(i + 4, len(nums))):
        if nums[j] - nums[i] <= 3:
            tot += possible_solutions(j)

    return tot

Now just call the above function with an argument of 0 to know the total amount of possible solutions:

total = possible_solutions(0)
print('Part 2:', total)

Cool puzzle!


This dance of having to move out arguments from functions just to make them cacheable by lru_cache() is kind of annoying, isn't it? Also, as we learned last year, using global variables instead of local variables is always slower. If we can, we should try avoiding it.

Indeed, we could solve this annoying problem in multiple ways:

  1. If we only need to do a single external call, we can write a custom wrapper that remembers the first argument for us:

    def func(A, x):
        # Decorate using lru_cache() without the first parameter
        def real_func(x):
            nonlocal A
            # ... do work
            # ... recursively call real_func(y)
            return something
        # Do the actual initial call passing only the second parameter
        return real_func(x)
    # Example usage
    res = func(nums, 0)

    This is what I actually did in my solution for today's problem, and probably what I'll keep doing when possible.

    However, note that as mentioned above this is not a general solution at all, since calling func() multiple times from the outside just creates new copies of real_func(), which don't share the same cache.

  2. If we need to do multiple external calls, we can do almost the same thing as above, returning the entire function instead, and then use that function.

    def apply_caching(A):
        # Decorate using lru_cache() without the A parameter
        def real_func(x):
            nonlocal A
            # ...
            return something
        # Return real_func, which will always use the same A and only take one
        # parameter
        return real_func
    # Example usage
    func = apply_caching(nums)
    res1 = func(0)
    res2 = func(1)

    This technique is known as closure. Here, the internal real_func() will use the value of A that was originally passed to apply_caching(). This makes it possible to call the function externally multiple times always using the same cache and the same A.

  3. For a general, reusable solution: create a custom more generic selective_cache() decorator which takes the names of specific arguments to use as keys for memoization. This solution is a lot cooler, but it obviously requires some fairly higher level of engineering.

    Nonetheless, I've implemented this decorator in my utilities just for fun. I only plan on using it for my initial solves thogh, not in cleaned up solutions. Just know that it can be done and you have the code for it if you are curious.

Approach #3 could probably be made to work using lru_cache(), but I did not figure out a good way of doing it, so I ended up implementing "manual" caching using an internal dictionary.

Day 11 - Seating System

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Part 1

Any cellular automaton fans around here? Before starting, let me just mark another square in my Advent of Code 2020 bingo card... done. Let's go!

We are given a quite large character grid as input. The grid represents seats in a public waiting area. Each cell in the grid can be in 3 different states represented by different characters: occupied seat (#), empty seat (L) and floor (.).

Cells change state according to a very simple set of rules, turning the whole thing into a cellular automaton. Each iteration, the new state of a cell depends on its current state and the current state of its 8 neighbor cells. The rules are as follows:

  1. Floor (.) never changes state.
  2. If a seat is empty (L) and no neighbor seat is occupied (#), it becomes occupied.
  3. If a seat is occupied (#) and at least 4 neighbor seats are also occupied, it becomes empty (L).

We want to simulate the evolution of the grid until all the cells "stabilize" and stop changing states. That is, until the content of the grid stops changing. Once stabilized, we must count the total number of occupied seats.

Before starting, let's define the seat states as some global constants so that we don't get confused with different characters:


Now let's get the grid from our input file, and turn it into a list of lists of characters in order to be able to edit each cell individually. We need to remove newline characters (\n) from each line, then turn it into a list. Our black belt in Python iterable mapping makes us able to do this in one line. We also calculate a couple more useful global constants to make bound-checking easier for the rest of the program:

original = list(map(list, map(str.rstrip, fin.readlines())))
MAXROW, MAXCOL = len(original) - 1, len(original[0]) - 1

If you're wondering why the name original, that's because we're going to need the initial grid again for part 2. We'll make a copy of the original using deepcopy() from the copy module in order to preserve it for later.

from copy import deepcopy
grid = deepcopy(original)

In order to evolve a cell we need to follow the rules, and in order to follow the rules we need to be able to count the number of occupied neighbor seats. We'll define a function that does just that.

def occupied_neighbors(grid, r, c):
    deltas = ((-1, 0), ( 1,  0), (0, 1), ( 0, -1), # North, South, East, West
              (-1, 1), (-1, -1), (1, 1), ( 1, -1)) # NE, NW, SE, SW

    total = 0
    for dr, dc in deltas:
        rr, cc = r + dr, c + dc
        if 0 <= rr <= MAXROW and 0 <= cc <= MAXCOL:
            total += grid[rr][cc] == OCCUPIED # += True/False behaves as += 1/0

    return total

It's time to simulate! Every generation we'll create a new copy of the current grid, then check the cells of the copy in order to not mix cells at different generations together. Applying the rules is pretty straight forward. We'll keep doing so until the grid stops changing: that is, after evolving the grid is still equal the copy that was made before evolving.

We'll wrap everything in a function since we'll make good use of this code for part 2 too with only a couple of modifications. When two consecutive generations are equal (we can just check the two grids with ==), we'll count the total number of occupied seats (list.count() + sum()) and return it. As usual, we'll also make good use of enumerate() to make our life easier.

def evolve(grid):
    while 1:
        previous = deepcopy(grid)

        for r, row in enumerate(previous):
            for c, cell in enumerate(row):
                if cell == FLOOR:

                occ = occupied_neighbors(previous, r, c)

                # Evolve a single cell based on rules
                if cell == EMPTY and occ == 0:
                    grid[r][c] = OCCUPIED
                elif cell == OCCUPIED and occ >= 4:
                    grid[r][c] = EMPTY

        # If nothing changes, we reached a "stable" point and we're done
        if grid == previous:
            return sum(row.count(OCCUPIED) for row in grid)

        previous = grid

All that's left to do is call the function we just wrote:

total_occupied = evolve(grid)
print('Part 1:', total_occupied)

Part 2

The state of a seat now changes according to state of the first seats that can be seen in each of the 8 directions (north, south, east, west, NE, NW, SE, SW).

The rules however stay almost the same: now an occupied seat (#) becomes empty (L) if at least 5 in-sight seats are also occupied, and an empty seat still stays empty unless there's no occupied seat in sight in any of the directions.

To make it clearer, in the following example:

0 .L.L.#.#.L
1 ..........
2 .......#.#

The empty seat at row column 1 only sees 1 other seat in total, which is the empty seat at row 0 column 3; it does not see any other seat beyond that on the same row. The empty seat at column 9 sees 3 seats in total: the occupied seats at (0, 7), (2, 7) and (2, 9).

Our task is still the same as before: count the total number of occupied seats after the situation becomes stable.

There isn't really much to change in our evolution loop. All we need to do is define a new function to count occupied "neighbors". We still look in the same 8 directions as before, but now we don't want to stop at the first cell in each direction: we want to continue advancing in each direction until we find a seat. Then, if that seat was occupied, count it.

In order to do this, we can start from the code of occupied_neighbors() above, and add a loop for each direction, where we continue to increment the row and column (rr, cc) of the same deltas (dr, dc) each step, stopping as soon as we go out of bounds or we encounter a seat.

def occupied_in_sight(grid, r, c):
    deltas = ((-1, 0), ( 1,  0), (0, 1), ( 0, -1), # North, South, East, West
              (-1, 1), (-1, -1), (1, 1), ( 1, -1)) # NE, NW, SE, SW

    total = 0
    for dr, dc in deltas:
        rr, cc = r + dr, c + dc

        while 0 <= rr <= MAXROW and 0 <= cc <= MAXCOL:
            if grid[rr][cc] != FLOOR:
                if grid[rr][cc] == OCCUPIED:
                    total += 1

            rr += dr
            cc += dc

    return total

Our evolve() function can be made slightly more generic by passing a function to use for counting occupied seats, and a threshold above which a seat will change from occupied to empty. Everything else stays the same, including the final calculation (number of occupied seats).

def evolve(grid, occ_counter, occ_threshold): # new signature
    # ... unchanced ...
                occ = occ_counter(previous, r, c) # use function passed as parameter to count occupied seats

                # Evolve a single cell based on rules
                if cell == EMPTY and occ == 0:
                    grid[r][c] = OCCUPIED
                elif cell == OCCUPIED and occ >= occ_threshold: # use threshold parameter
                    grid[r][c] = EMPTY
    # ... unchanced ...

Part 1 solution can now be calculated passing the right parameters:

total_occupied = evolve(grid, occupied_neighbors, 4)
print('Part 1:', total_occupied)

And so can part 2, after copying the original grid again:

grid = deepcopy(original)
total_occupied = evolve(grid, occupied_in_sight, 5)
print('Part 2:', total_occupied)

That's some pretty slick code, Conway would be proud :')


Today marks the first day of Advent of Code 2020 in which PyPy completely obliterates CPython in performance, being faster by an order of magnitude (woah). I knew this would happen sooner or later.

When it comes to iterating over and modifying lists millions of times there isn't much to do: CPython sucks hard and is greatly outperformed by PyPy. This hasn't been the case for previous problems because (1) we did not make as much list manipulation as we did today, and (2) the programs we wrote solved each puzzle so fast that PyPy's JIT compiler didn't even have the time to rev up to be taken advantage of. Today's puzzle however the chosen Python implementation makes a big difference:

$ python
Timer part 1: 2.011s wall, 2.010s CPU
Timer part 2: 3.319s wall, 3.318s CPU

$ pypy
Timer part 1: 178.545ms wall, 178.426ms CPU
Timer part 2: 292.076ms wall, 291.934ms CPU

Tested on: CPython 3.9.0+, PyPy 7.3.3 Python 3.7.9.

Day 12 - Rain Risk

Problem statementComplete solutionBack to top

Part 1

Moving in 2D space is easy right? Well, part 1 of today's puzzle is all about that. We are driving a ship, initially facing east, and we are given a list of commands in the form <command><n> where <n> is a positive integer.

Here are the different possible commands:

  • F: move forward n steps in the currently facing direction.
  • L / R: turn n degrees left/right without moving; n can only be one of 90, 180, 270.
  • N / S / E / W: directly move n steps north/south/east/west, independent of the currently facing direction.

After applying all commands, we need to calculate the Manhattan distance between our final position and the starting point.

Let's start with defining a handful of helpful constants:


Now let's parse the list of commands from the input file. We'll turn each line into a tuple of tuples (command, n) using map() over a simple lambda. We graduated top of the class in the Map-Lambda Academy so this is too easy for us:

commands = tuple(map(lambda l: (l[0], int(l[1:])), fin))

The coordinate system I'll be using for the rest of today's walkthrough is the standard cartesian coordinate system, with positive x meaning "east" and positive y meaning "north". We'll define our position as a point (x, y) in the cartesian plane. Then, we'll also define a delta vector (dx, dy) to indicate the change in position that we apply for each step forward.

Starting at 0, 0, we are initially facing east, therefore:

x, y = 0, 0
dx, dy = 1, 0 # delta to apply when moving 1 step forward

A single step forward will then just be a x += dx; y += dy. For an arbitrary amount n of steps, it will be:

x += dx * n
y += dy * n

When turning, we'll update the delta vector to point in the new direction. In order to do this, we'll need to update the coordinates (dx, dy) based on their current value, the direction we are turning in and the amount of degrees of the turn. We basically want to rotate the head of the vector around the origin.

A simple rotation around the origin in 2D space can be expressed as two reflections, effectively only swapping and/or changing sign of the two components (dx, dy):

  • Rotating left or right 180 degrees around the origin means one reflection along the X axis and one along the Y axis: in other words, just invert the sign of both coordinates.
  • Rotating right 90 degrees means inverting y and then swapping the two coordinates.
  • Rotating right 270 degrees means inverting x and then swapping the two coordinates.
  • Rotating left 270 degrees or right 90 degrees is the exact same operation; same goes for left 90 and right 270.

Instead of writing an inconsiderate amount of if/elif statements (which is probably the first thing that comes to mind), we can approach the problem in a functional (and perhaps more intuitive) way, with the help of a couple of dictionaries and some lambda expressions.

We need to define a map of functions for handling rotations of our delta vector. With the help of pen and paper it's simple to figure out the different functions we need:

# Functions to apply to rotate a point around the origin.
    ( LEFT,  90): lambda x, y: (-y,  x), # same as RIGHT 270
    ( LEFT, 180): lambda x, y: (-x, -y), # same as RIGHT 180
    ( LEFT, 270): lambda x, y: ( y, -x), # same as RIGHT 90
    (RIGHT,  90): lambda x, y: ( y, -x), # same as LEFT 270
    (RIGHT, 180): lambda x, y: (-x, -y), # same as LEFT 180
    (RIGHT, 270): lambda x, y: (-y,  x), # same as LEFT 90

A rotation command can now be handled as a change of delta:

# Here cmd = 'L' or 'R', and n = amount of degrees.
dx, dy = ROTMAP[cmd, n](dx, dy)

The final thing we need to consider are the commands that move us directly in a direction regardless of which way we are facing. We'll create another dictionary of lambda expresisons just for that. These will take our current coordinates and the number of steps to move as parameters, and return the new coordinates.

# Function to apply to move forward in a specific direction.
    NORTH: lambda x, y, n: (    x, y + n),
    SOUTH: lambda x, y, n: (    x, y - n),
    EAST : lambda x, y, n: (x + n,     y),
    WEST : lambda x, y, n: (x - n,     y)

A direct movement command (NSEW) can now be written as:

x, y = MOVEMAP[cmd](x, y, n)

Putting all of this together and applying each command in a loop:

x, y = 0, 0   # our current position
dx, dy = 1, 0 # delta to apply moving forward (start facing EAST)

for cmd, n in commands:
    if cmd == FORWARD:
        # move forward in the current direction
        x += dx * n
        y += dy * n
    elif cmd in (LEFT, RIGHT):
        # rotate delta to face the new direction
        dx, dy = ROTMAP[cmd, n](dx, dy)
        # directly move N/S/E/W
        x, y = MOVEMAP[cmd](x, y, n)

Nice. Now let's just calculate the Manhattan distance between the final position and the starting point and we have our answer:

dist = abs(x) + abs(y)
print('Part 1:', dist)

Part 2

For this second part, our task is still to find the final Manhattan distance from the starting point, but we are told that we were interpreting the commands wrong. In reality, there is a "waypoint" which starts at position (10, 1) relative to our position and moves with us. All the commands affect the waypoint, except for F which affects our position too.

The new commands' meaning is the following:

  • F: move to the current waypoint position n times in a row.
  • L / R: rotate the waypoint n degrees left/right around us without moving; n can only be one of 90, 180, 270.
  • N / S / E / W: move the waypoint n steps north/south/east/west.

The two things to notice here are:

  1. The waypoint moves with us, so its position relative to us does not change when we apply the F command. Exactly as the point of our previous delta vector (dx, dy).
  2. When applying L/R to rotate the waypoint, we are rotating it around us. This is the exact same thing we are already doing to update our delta vector.

All of this is effectively the same as working with a "longer" delta vector (our original one was always one unit in modulus). "Waypoint" is only another name for the vector.

In other words, the only thing that changes from our previous part 1 solution is that now a direct movement command (NSEW) updates the head of the delta vector instead of our position. The only two things that we need to change are the initial value of (dx, dy) and the code in last else statement:

x, y = 0, 0
dx, dy = 10, 0 # changed

for cmd, n in commands:
    # ... unchanged ...
        # directly adjust delta N/S/E/W
        dx, dy = MOVEMAP[cmd](dx, dy, n) # changed

Well, that was smooth. The final distance calculation is also unchanged, so let's get our second star of the day:

dist = abs(x) + abs(y)
print('Part 2:', dist)

Man, I kind of miss high school geometry classes... :')


As noted and tried by many (myself included), a more mathematical approach to this problem would be to interpret coordinates as complex numbers, and then implement all movement commands as simple arithmetic operations on complex numbers.

This is pretty straightforward for this problem, because:

  • Movements become simple additions between complex numbers.
  • Rotations of 90 degrees become a multiplication by i (imaginary unit) if counter-clockwise, or by -i if clockwise.
  • Rotations where n is amultiple of 90 degrees are just multiple rotations of 90 degrees, equivalent to multiplication by i**(n/90) (counter-clockwise) or i**(-n/90) (clockwise).

Python supports complex numbers out of the box, and a complex number can be created using the syntax 1 + 1j where j has the special meaning of imaginary unit.

Our solution for today could be written with (arguably) simpler and shorter code in terms of complex numbers, eliminating the need for dictionary lookups and lambda expressions. This also makes everything faster, about 50% faster on my machine (not bad, though both solutions still run in under 1 millisecond).

If you are curious, you can find my solution using complex numbers here.

Day 13 - Shuttle Search

Problem statementComplete solutionBack to top

Part 1

Oh no, modular arithmetic shenanigans again!

As input, we are first given a timestamp in minutes, and then a bunch of comma-separated fields, which can be either x or a number. For this first part of the problem, we are told to just ignore those x and focus on the numbers: they represent the IDs of different buses.

Each bus starts from the sea port, and has a pre-determined circular route to follow. The number of minutes that it takes for a bus to travel its entire route (ending up back at the sea port) is equal to its ID.

We want to catch a bus (any bus), and the timestamp we are given represents the time at which we'll arrive at the sea port. We need to determine at which timestamp we'll be able to catch the first bus that passes, and the time we need to wait for it. The answer we must give is the product of these two values.

For simplicity and ease of understanding, let's refer to bus IDs as "periods", since that's actually their meaning. It's clear that if our arrival time is a multiple of one of the bus periods, we will catch that bus exactly at the same time we arrive at the sea port, waiting 0 minutes. However, if that's not the case, we'll need to wait some time for the bus to arrive. For example, if our arrival time is 5 and there only is one bus with period 4, then we'll have to wait 3 minutes for it to arrive at timestamp 8. The answer would then be 3 * 8 = 24.

Let's get and parse our input. We'll split the second line on commas (,), then filter() out any field that is x, and transform the valid fields to integers using map().

arrival = int(fin.readline())
raw     = fin.readline().strip().split(',') # will be reused in part 2
periods = map(int, filter(lambda x: x != 'x', raw))

For each bus, we want to calculate the amount of time that we would need to wait at the sea port before catching it. If one bus has period p, and we arrive at arrival, this means the bus will have already done arrival // p complete rounds of its route before our arrival. If arrival is exactly a multiple of p, then we arrive exactly at the same time of the bus, and there is no additional wait time. Otherwise, we will have to wait for the bus to finish one more cycle of its route.

In the end, we need to find the first multiple of p higher or equal to arrival. This can be done with math.ceil() doing ceil(p/arrival). If we want to do this using integers only, we can use a little trick to calculate this without ceil().

n = ceil(arrival / p)
wait = n * p - arrival

# Or equivalent using integers only
n = arrival // p + (arrival % p != 0)
wait = n * p - arrival

The second version works taking advantage of the fact that we can add an int and a bool together (+False == 0, +True == 1).

Now to solve the problem we'll calculate the waiting time for each bus and then take the minimum.

best = float('inf')
best_p = None

for p in periods:
    n = arrival // p + (arrival % p != 0)
    wait = n * p - arrival

    if wait < best:
        best = wait
        best_p = p

ans = best_p * p
print('Part 1:', ans)

Part 2

Things get a lot more complicated and also quite mathematical. You should read the original problem statement linked above in order to understand this. The explanation of the problem statement I will give here is shorter.

Now we need to ignore the first line of input (our arrival time) and just focus on the second. The list of comma-separated values is still a list of bus IDs. The index of each ID in the list is a time delta. We want to find some time t for which all buses of our list depart from the sea station exactly delta minutes after t (i.e. bus at index i in the list departs at t + i). The x values just represent IDs that we do not care about (i.e. they are only there to shift the index of the next bus in the list).

Let's take for example the list 2,3,5. Bus 2 has index 0, bus 3 has index 1 and bus 5 has index 2. This means that we want to find some t such that bus 2 departs at t, bus 3 departs at t + 1, and bus 5 departs at t + 2.

If we draw the bus departure times in a time table:

 time | bus 2 | bus 3 | bus 5 |
    0 |   .   |   .   |   .   | (all buses start at the sea port at 0)
    1 |       |       |       |
    2 |   .   |       |       |
    3 |       |   .   |       |
    4 |   .   |       |       |
    5 |       |       |   .   |
    6 |   .   |   .   |       |
    7 |       |       |       |
    8 |   X   |       |       | <-- bus 2 departs at t = 8
    9 |       |   X   |       | <-- bus 3 departs at t + 1 = 8 + 1 = 9
   10 |   .   |       |   X   | <-- bus 5 departs at t + 2 = 8 + 2 = 10

We can see that t=8 is the solution, because we satisfy the input constraints listed above. In the above table, X marks the time at which each bus will match our constraints.

There are two approaches to solving this problem: the first one is simpler, with a combination of math and bruteforce, the second one is purely mathematical and involves modular arithmetic. While the first is simpler to explain in practice, I'll explain both step by step, since I cannot pick a favorite and really enjoy both approaches.

Part 2 - Simple approach

It's clear that simply trying all possible timestamps isn't going to get us any solution anytime soon. The puzzle statement itself hints at the fact that the solution is larger than 100,000,000,000,000.

In order to solve the problem, we need to notice a couple of things, for which the above example can help. In the solution of the above example, we can see that:

  • Bus 2 departs at 8: indeed, 8 is a multiple of 2 (the period of the bus).
  • Bus 3 departs at 9, which is a multiple of 3.
  • Bus 5 departs at 10, which is a multiple of 5.

Okay, this is all obvious. Now assume that we don't know the solution t, and let's express those times in terms of t:

  • Bus 2 needs to depart at t: since bus 2 departs at intervals of period 2, then t must be a multiple of 2.
  • Bus 3 needs to depart at t + 1: since bus 3 departs at intervals of period 3, then t + 1 must be a multiple of 3.
  • Bus 5 needs to depart at t + 2: since bus 5 departs at intervals of period 5, then t + 2 must be a multiple of 5.

Now let's only think about the buses 2 and 3 in the example in the section above and see what would happen if we only had those two:

  • We know bus 2 departure times "advance" 2 minutes at a time.
  • We know bus 3 needs to be at distance 1 from any of the departure times of bus 2.

We can start with t=0 and advance 2 steps at a time until we find that t + 1 is a multiple of 3. Since we don't know how much we'll need to advance, let's use itertools.count() for simplicity.

t = 0
step = 2

for t in count(t, step):
    if (t + 1) % 3 == 0:

Indeed, the above works and spits out 2, as we would expect:

 time | bus 2 | bus 3 |
    0 |   .   |   .   |
    1 |       |       |
    2 |   X   |       | <-- bus 2 departs at t = 2
    3 |       |   X   | <-- bus 3 departs at t + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3

Now what happens if we add another bus, for example 5? We can use the exact same approach to find out, and keep advancing of 2 steps each time. However, we want to go faster than that, otherwise we'll never reach the insanely high solution.

In order to do this, we need to notice one last thing: we still need to satisfy the constraints of buses 2 and 3. The next time that the departure times of bus 2 and 3 will differ of the same time delta again is exactly after 6 steps. Indeed, from now on, those times will only align every 6 steps: at t=8, t=14... and so on.

In order for the two departure times to "align" again, since one is advancing 2 minutes each time and the other 3 minutes each time, we need to advance exactly a number of minutes equal to the least common multiple of the two, whch is 6.

I'll use an horizontal representation to show this for a longer period of time:

time  | 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ...
bus 2 | .     x     .     .     x     .     .     x     .     .     x     .
bus 3 | .        x        .        x        .        x        .        x
              |                 |                 |                 |
              1st alignment     2nd alignment     3rd alignment     4th alignment
              t = 2             t = 2+6 = 8       t = 8+6 = 14      t = 14+6 = 20

Now it should be somehow clear: we can apply the same approach iteratively, updating the step that we use to advance each time we "match" a bus. After each match, we already know that the departure times of already matched buses will only align again after LCM(periods of all matched buses so far) minutes, so each time we match a bus, we can just update step to be the LCM of all the matched buses' periods. Okay, onto the solution!

First, let's parse the buses into a list of tuples (delta, period). The delta of time is just the index in the input list, so let's use enumerate() for this and filter() out all the x values with a lambda like we did in part 1.

buses = []
for i, v in filter(lambda iv: iv[1] != 'x', enumerate(raw)):
    buses.append((i, int(v))) # delta, period for each bus

To compute the least common multiple of two numbers we can either use math.lcm() (only available on Python >= 3.9) or create our own using math.gcd() if we are not running a bleeding edge Python version (stares at his Debian Stretch installation shipping Python 3.5 trying not to cry).

Now in terms of code, we just need to wrap our solution above (which only matches one bus) in a loop:

from math import gcd
from itertools import count

# Don't have math.lcm() in Python < 3.9, but it's easy to implement.
def lcm(a, b):
    return a * b // gcd(a, b)

t, step = buses[0]
for delta, period in buses[1:]:
    for t in count(t, step):
        if (t + delta) % period == 0:

    step = lcm(step, period)

print('Part 2:', t)

That was quick! I barely hit ENTER on my keyboard and the solution popped on the terminal (a 15 digits solution, by the way).

Although I originally solved this problem using the solution illustrated in the next section, I've decided to use this as my "clean" solution to link above for today. This is because I find it much simpler to implement, and is also more about programming than math. Continue reading for the alternative solution.

Part 2 - Purely mathematical approach

This is a more complex mathematical solution, the one I used to solve the problem the first time. I find this solution quite satisfying, but I must say it may not be obvious to many. You can find the full solution here.

First, let's refresh our mind with the example I provided earlier. As I said above, we know that:

  • Bus 2 needs to depart at t: since bus 2 departs at intervals of period 2, then t must be a multiple of 2.
  • Bus 3 needs to depart at t + 1: since bus 3 departs at intervals of period 3, then t + 1 must be a multiple of 3.
  • Bus 5 needs to depart at t + 2: since bus 5 departs at intervals of period 5, then t + 2 must be a multiple of 5.

To generalize the above: for any given bus in our list at index (aka delta) i and with period p, we know that it will need to depart at some time t + i such that t + i is a multiple of p. Therefore, for each bus we want to satisfy the formula (t + i) % p == 0.

NOTE: going ahead, some basic knowledge of modular arithmetic is required, so feel free to stop and read the Wikipedia articles I'll be linking if you are not familiar with some of these concepts.

Putting these constraints in terms of modular arithmetic, using the modular congruence notation:

(t + i) mod p = 0 ⇒ t + i ≡ 0 (mod p) ⇒ t-i (mod p)

We now have a system of modular equations of the above form, one for each bus in our list at index i and with ID (period) p. Let's rename -i = a for ease of understanding. We have:

  • ta1 (mod p1)
  • ta2 (mod p2)
  • ...
  • taK (mod pK)

To solve this system of modular equations, we can use the Chinese remainder theorem. Let's call P the product of all the p above. This theorem states that if all the integers pi...pK form a coprime set (i.e. all possible pairs of those numbers are coprime with each other), then there is one and only one solution t such that 0 ≤ t < P, and the remainder of the Euclidean division of t with each pi is ai. The bus IDs in our input indeed form a coprime set, so we can apply the theorem.

Putting aside all the math and theory behind this (which is quite a good amount), this means that we are able to calculate our solution t using the Chinese remainder theorem. This involves the calculation of the modular multiplicative inverse of a number. Overall, this might not be an obvious and straightforward task, specially if we are not familiar with modular arithmetic. Explaining the whole concept would probably make today's walkthrough longer than this entire document, so I will only limit myself to explaining the algorithm used to solve the Chinese remainder theorem.

Chinese remainder theorem for dummies:

  1. Start with a list of remainders ai and a list of moduli pi.
  2. Compute P = product of all moduli pi.
  3. For each ai calculate:
    • ni = N/pi
    • yi = modular inverse of ni modulo pi
    • xi = ainiyi
  4. Finally calculate the solution: t = (sum of all xi) mod P.

Translated into a Python function which takes a list of tuples (ai, pi), we'll have:

def chinese_remainder_theorem(equations):
    # equations = [(a1, p1), (a2, p2), ...]
    t = 0
    P = 1
    for _, pi in equations:
        P *= pi

    for ai, pi in equations:
        ni = P // pi
        inv = pow(ni, -1, pi)
        t = (t + ai * ni * inv) % P

    return t

Here pow(ni, -1, pi) calculates the inverse of ni modulo pi using Python's built-in pow(). Support for calculation of the modular inverse has only been added in Python 3.8, so if you have an earlier version you will have to do this by hand, using (a simplification of) the extended Euclidean algorithm. Again, this is not the simplest algorithm to explain, but nonetheless I've implemented this in a comment of my solution, so you can check that out if you want... or maybe just let Google be your friend.

We could simplify the calculation of P above using (Python >= 3.8) with the handy operator.itemgetter() to extract the moduli from the equations:

from math import prod
from operator import itemgetter

P = prod(itemgetter(1), equations)

... or with functools.reduce() plus operator.mul():

from functools import reduce
from operator import mul

P = reduce(mul, map(itemgetter(1), equations))

Now that we have a function to solve the system using the Chinese remainder theorem, we can just provide it with the correct input and let it spit out the solution for us:

buses = []
for i, v in filter(lambda iv: iv[1] != 'x', enumerate(raw)):
    buses.append((-i, int(v)))

time = chinese_remainder_theorem(buses)
print('Part 2:', time)

Overall, maybe the hardest puzzle so far, with a real steep increase in difficulty from part 1 to part 2. Once again, you can find this "alternative" solution here.

Day 14 - Docking Data

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Part 1

A good programmer should always be able to do some good ol' bit twiddling. Today we need to emulate some kind of machine, which writes values to memory using a really strange binary masking method. The machine works only with 36-bit unsigned values.

Each line of our input is a command:

  • mask = MASKVAL: sets the internal mask to MASKVAL, which is a binary number of exactly 36 digits: each digit can either be a binary digit (01) or the special digit X.
  • mem[ADDR] = VAL: writes the value VAL to memory at address ADDR, both values are decimal.

The peculiar thing about this machine is that before writing a value to memory, the value is modified according to the current mask:

  • Each 0 or 1 bit in the mask overwrites the corresponding value bit.
  • Each X in the mask leaves the corresponding value bit unchanged.

Our input always starts with a mask command to set the initial value of the mask. After starting with a memory fully initialized to zero and applying all commands, we need to calculate the sum of all values in memory.

Let's get to work. First, let's get the input file lines and create a regular expression to extract the values from mem commands:

import re
lines = fin.readlines()
rexp = re.compile(r'mem\[(\d+)\] = (\d+)')

The next thing NOT to do is trying to create an array mem = [0] * 2**36, like I immediately did like an idiot, exhausting all the RAM of my computer. Instead, we'll use a dictionary for the memory, which is perfect for what we need: values we add will be counted, values that are not present will still count as zero when summing all up.

Let's parse each input line in a loop to extract the relevant values. For mask commands it's just a simple skip of 7 and strip the trailing newline; for mem commands we'll use the regexp and map() the values into integers.

mem = {}
for line in lines:
    if line.startswith('mask'):
        mask = line[7:].rstrip()
        # ...
        addr, value = map(int, rexp.findall(line)[0])
        # ...

The kind of mask we are working with isn't really a bitmask at all: it cannot simply be applied to values with bitwise operations, and does not actually "extract" or "mask" anything, it just replaces bits. However, we can turn it into a real mask.

We know that all bits set to 0 or 1 in the mask are going to overwrite the bits at the same position in the value. Therefore, we can create a clear mask which has a 1 for each X in the mask, and a 0 anywhere else.

Here's an example with only 8 bits to make it simple, the operation can be performed with any number of bits:

      mask  X11XXX0X
clear mask  10011101

We can then use this real mask to actually mask the input value with a bitwise AND (& in Python), zeroing out every bit of value that needs to be overwritten by the corresponding 0 or 1 bit in the mask. Then, we can extract the actual bits of mask that need to be written to the value (let's call this set mask) from the original mask (ignoring all X) and set them with a bitwise OR. This will have the effect of setting the needed value bits after clearing them with the clear mask.

To make it clear, here's an example:

      mask  X11XXX0X
clear mask  10011101
  set mask  01100000

Suppose value = 42

       value  00101010 &
  clear mask  10011101 =
masked value  00001000

masked value  00001000 +
    set mask  01100000 =
 final value  01101000   ---> write this to memory

Now to extract two values from the mask:

  • For the clear mask we need to perform 2 replacements: 1 with 0 and X with 1, then turn the string into an int. We can use str.maketrans() plus str.translate() for this, just like we did in day 5.
  • For the set mask we just need to replace every X with 0 and then turn the string into an int.

Finally, when writing to memory, we'll calculate the value as we did in the above example. The code is quite simple really:

table = str.maketrans('1X', '01')
mem = {}

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith('mask'):
        mask       = line[7:].rstrip()
        mask_clear = int(mask.translate(table), 2)
        mask_set   = int(mask.replace('X', '0'), 2)
        addr, value = map(int, rexp.findall(line)[0])
        mem[addr] = (value & mask_clear) | mask_set

Now we can just sum all values in memory and get our answer:

total = sum(mem.values())
print('Part 1:', total)

Part 2

Now the meaning of our strange mask changes. We need to use it to alter the address we want to write to. In particular:

  • Every 0 in the mask leaves the corresponding address bit unchanged.
  • Every 1 in the mask overwrites the corresponding address bit with a 1.
  • Every X in the mask overwrites the corresponding address bit with a floating bit.

A floating bit is a bit that assumes both values at once. For example, XXX is composed of 3 floating bits, and corresponds to any value from 000 to 111. When the machine tries to write a value at an address which contains floating bits, the machine will actually write the same value at all addresses that the address represents.

Here's an example:

       mask  00010X0X
    address  11001000
new address  11011X0X  (where X = floating bit)

Real addresses:


Our task is still finding the sum of all values in memory after running all commands.

Okay, this complicates things: 1 floating bit in the address will translate to 2 different real addresses, 2 floating bits will translate to 4, and so on. In general, if the address after applying the mask contains n floating bits, then it will translate to 2**n different addresses, representing all the possible combinations of 0 and 1 in place of each X.

In order to properly emulate all memory operations, we need a function to generate all real addresses given an address containing floating bits, so that we can write the same value to each of those.

This task is kind of similar to the one accomplished by the product() generator function from the itertools module. In fact, this function does exactly what we need if se supply the adequate values.

For example, if we want to generate all addresses for 10X0X:

>>> from itertools import product
>>> addrs = product('1', '0', '01', '0', '01')
>>> for a in addrs:


We can just transform each "floating bit" X into '01', keep all the other bits unchanged, and pass everything to itertools.product(). We'll start with an empty list [], then for each corresponding bit of address and mask:

  • If the mask bit is X, add '01' to the list.
  • If the mask bit is 0, add the address bit to the list.
  • If the mask bit is 1, add '1' to the list.

After this, we can pass the list to itertools.product() using the unpack operator (*lst) to turn it into 36 different arguments. The function we write will be a generator: it will convert each value yielded by product() into an integer and then yield it.

from itertools import product

def all_addrs(addr, mask): # addr and mask are two strings of 36 characters
    args = []

    for addr_bit, mask_bit in zip(addr, mask):
        if mask_bit == '0':
        elif mask_bit == '1':

    for a in product(*args):
        yield int(''.join(a), 2)

All that's left to do is parse each line and use the above function. We can simply add a couple of lines in the original loop we wrote for part 1, using a second memory dictionaty. To transform the decimal addresses that we read from the input into a binary string we can use a format string specifying 036b as format.

mem1  = {}
mem2  = {}

for line in lines:
    if line.startswith('mask'):
        mask       = line[7:].rstrip()
        mask_clear = int(mask.translate(table), 2)
        mask_set   = int(mask.replace('X', '0'), 2)
        addr, value = map(int, rexp.findall(line)[0])
        mem1[addr]  = (value & mask_clear) | mask_set

        # Part 2 code added
        addr = '{:036b}'.format(addr)
        for a in all_addrs(addr, mask):
            mem2[a] = value

total1 = sum(mem1.values())
total2 = sum(mem2.values())
print('Part 1:', total1)
print('Part 2:', total2)

An alternative manual implementation of the itertools.product() function for our specific use case would be a recursive generator function whiwh yields an integer if the address does not contain any X, otherwise does a recursive call to get all possible values replacing that X with a 0 and a 1. The yield from "generator delegation" syntax comes in handy.

def all_addrs(addr, mask=None):
    if mask is not None:
        addr = ''.join(a if m == '0' else m for a, m in zip(addr, mask))

    if 'X' in addr:
        yield from all_addrs(addr.replace('X', '0', 1))
        yield from all_addrs(addr.replace('X', '1', 1))
        yield int(addr, 2)

# list(all_addrs('100', '1XX')) -> [0b100, 0b101, 0b110, 0b111] == [4, 5, 6, 7]

I really appreciate the elegance of the above code, however I chose to go with the itertools approach in my solution just because it's faster.

Day 15 - Rambunctious Recitation

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Part 1

Quite a simple problem today, although the text takes some time to comprehend. We have a short list of integers as input, and we need to implement an algorithm to play a game:

  • Start at turn 1, and "say" one number per turn from the input list.
  • Then, continue indefinitely, based on the previous number:
    • If that number was already said before (other than the last turn), then the next number to say is the difference between the last two turns in which that number was said.
    • Otherwise, say 0.

Here's a simple example with the numbers 1,3,2:

  1. Say 1.
  2. Say 3.
  3. Say 2.
  4. The numbers in the list are over. The previous number was 2: it was not seen before the previous turn, so say 0.
  5. 0 was not seen before the previous turn, say 0.
  6. 0 was seen before the previous turn at turn 4. Say 1 (== 5 - 4).
  7. 1 was seen before the previous turn at turn 1. Say 5 (== 6 - 1).
  8. 5 was not seen before the previous turn, say 0.
  9. ... and so on ...

We need to find the number that is going to be said at turn 2020.

Before we begin, little fun fact: this game seems to have been inspired by the Van Eck's sequence. The rules for constructing this sequence are the same, the only difference is that Van Eck's sequence starts with a single number: 0.

Now let's start. Of course, first get the numbers from the input file. We can just split the content on commas (,) and map() everything to int, storing them in a tuple:

fin = open(...)
nums = tuple(map(int,',')))

To solve this puzzle, there isn't really much else to think about other than following the directions. We'll write a really simple implementation using a dictionary to keep track of the last time a number was said. It looks like we need to remember the two most recent turns in which a number was said, but in reality since one of the turns is always the previous turn, we can just remember the one before that.

First, let's consume all the numbers from the list, and keep track of the turn in which we last saw them. It does not really matter if we start the turns at 0 or 1, we can choose 1 since we can, just for consistency with the problem statement and in case we want to debug the code. We can use a dict comprehension plus enumerate() to process all numbers in one line.

last_seen = {n: turn for turn, n in enumerate(nums[:-1], 1)}
prev = nums[-1]

We keep the last number as prev (without adding it to last_seen) because we need if for the next turn, and we want to remember if we saw it before another time.

Each turn we want to first look at last_seen. If the prev number is in last_seen, then it was seen two times: the previous turn, and some turn before that, which can just be retrieved from last_seen. The current number will either be 0 if we did not see prev before the previous turn, or the difference between the previous turn and last_seen[prev]. We can then update last_seen[prev] with the previous turn and keep going.

Turning the above into a function:

def play(nums, n_turns):
    last_seen = {n: turn for turn, n in enumerate(nums[:-1], 1)}
    prev = nums[-1]

    # We said len(nums) numbers now, so the next turn is len(nums) + 1
    # We want to keep going until n_turns (included), so n_turns + 1 since range() does one less iteration

    for turn in range(len(nums) + 1, n_turns + 1):
        if prev in last_seen:
            # Before the previous turn, prev was seen at turn last_seen[prev]
            cur = turn - 1 - last_seen[prev]
            cur = 0

        # Remember that prev was said one turn ago and keep going
        last_seen[prev] = turn - 1
        prev = cur

    return cur

Now to compute the solution we just need to call the function:

ans = play(nums, 2020)
print('Part 1:', ans)

Part 2

For part 2, we need to do the exact same thing as before, but this time we want to know what number will be said on the 30000000th turn (30 millionth).

Well... we could really just run the above code again and be done with it:

ans = play(nums, 30000000)

This works fine, but it is pretty damn slow to be honest, and this kind of bugs me. A lot. On my machine, this takes around 9 seconds with CPython 3.9, and around 6 second using PyPy 7.3.3.

The first thing to notice to speed things up, is that we can use a list instead of a dictionary for last_seen. How big? Well, I would say at least the number of turns (i.e. 30 million items), since that is the worst case, in which we see a number at the start and then we only see it again at the end, causing the last number to be exactly the total number of turns (minus one I guess). In theory this should significantly increase memory usage, but apparently Python dictionaries take up a lot of space, and the memory consumption only goes up from 360MB to 404MB on my machine using CPython.

So let's do it. We can just create a list of 30M zeroes since we start counting turns from 1. We can then check if last_seen[last] is zero or not. Now we need to process the numbers and initialize last_seen "by hand" with a for though.

def play(nums, n_turns):
    last_seen = [0] * n_turns
    prev = nums[-1]
    for turn, n in enumerate(nums[:-1], 1):
        last_seen[n] = turn

    for turn in range(len(nums) + 1, n_turns + 1):
        if last_seen[prev]:
            cur = turn - 1 - last_seen[prev]
            cur = 0

        last_seen[prev] = turn - 1
        prev = cur

    return cur

The above code runs in 1.04 seconds with PyPy (nice!), but still in little less than 9 seconds with CPython. Really CPython? list access takes the same time as dict access? Wow. Let's continue!

We can very well avoid those - 1 since we apply them to turn both when storing it into last_seen and when calculating the cur number, so:

cur = turn - 1 - last_seen[prev]
    == turn - 1 - (some_previous_turn - 1)
    == turn - some_previous_turn

Therefore we can just iterate over prev_turn, starting and stopping the range at one less than before, and removing those - 1 from calculations:

def play(nums, n_turns):
    last_seen = [0] * n_turns
    prev = nums[-1]
    for turn, n in enumerate(nums[:-1], 1):
        last_seen[n] = turn

    for prev_turn in range(len(nums), n_turns):
        if last_seen[prev]:
            cur = prev_turn - last_seen[prev]
            cur = 0

        last_seen[prev] = prev_turn
        prev = cur

    return cur

Aaaand... that takes ~970ms with PyPy (sub-second, wohoo!) and ~6.8 seconds with CPython. That's better. The last smart trick we can apply is avoiding indexing last_seen two times. Each loop we first check if last_seen[prev] and then do last_seen[prev] again in the calculation. We can avoid this exploiting the fact that last_seen is initialized to 0. If we just calculate cur = prev_turn - last_seen[prev] right away, then if the number wasn't already seen we'll have last_seen[prev] == 0 and therefore cur == prev_turn.

def play(nums, n_turns):
    last_seen = [0] * n_turns
    prev = nums[-1]
    for turn, n in enumerate(nums[:-1], 1):
        last_seen[n] = turn

    for prev_turn in range(len(nums), n_turns):
        cur = prev_turn - last_seen[prev]
        if cur == prev_turn:
            cur = 0

        last_seen[prev] = prev_turn
        prev = cur

    return cur

Well, after rewriting this for the n-th time: still ~970ms with PyPy, ~6.4s with CPython. I think I'll take it. It's not the best, but not the worst either. The next optimization step would just be to switch to a compiled language :P.

ans = play(nums, 30000000)
print('Part 2:', ans)

30 stars and counting...

Day 16 - Ticket Translation

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Part 1

Yet another input validation puzzle. This time we're going to validate some very detailed train tickets.

Each ticket is composed of 20 fields, and each kind of field has some validity requirements. The input we get is split in 3 parts, separated by empty lines: first all the field names along with validity requirements, then our ticket, and then a list of other tickets.

All the tickets we have are lists of comma separated integers, but we don't know which field any of those represent (i.e. in which order the fields of a ticket are listed). We need to find invalid tickets: a ticket is invalid if any of its fields does not respect any validity requirement. We need to find all such fields for every ticket excluding ours, and sum all of them.

Well, nothing exceptional to do except follow the directions. Since the input data format is not that simple to parse all in one go, we'll create a function to do it. First parse all requirements, which are field names and two couple of integers for each field representing valid ranges. Then, skip a few lines and get our ticket, skip some more lines and get all other tickets.

Each requirement is in the following form:

field name: A-B or C-D

Here A, B, C and D are integers representing two ranges of valid values for the field. Since we'll need to check for validity of ticket fields a lot, we want this to be as simple as possible. Creating a simple class which is capable of handling the in operator seems like a pretty straightforward idea. We'll create a DoubleRange class which takes the four values for initialization and implements a custom __contains__() method for easily checking if a value is in any of the two ranges.

class DoubleRange:
    def __init__(self, a, b, c, d):
        self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d = a, b, c, d

    def __contains__(self, value):
        return self.a <= value <= self.b or self.c <= value <= self.d

We don't really care about field names, so we'll just use \d+ as regular expression to extract all four numbers at once with re.findall(), then map() the numbers to int, and use them to create a DoubleRange object. We'll put all the ranges in a list and return it. To extract tickets, we can instead just .split() on commas (,) and map() to int directly, creating a tuple per ticket. We'll return everything along with the ranges.

import re

def parse_input(fin):
    ranges = []
    num_exp = re.compile(r'\d+')

    for line in map(str.rstrip, fin):
        if not line:

        numbers = map(int, num_exp.findall(line))

    my_ticket = tuple(map(int, fin.readline().split(',')))

    tickets = []
    for line in fin:
        tickets.append(tuple(map(int, line.split(','))))

    return ranges, my_ticket, tickets

fin = open(...)
ranges, my_ticket, tickets = parse_input(fin)

Now that we have everything ready, we can create a function to check a ticket. In particular, we want to extract all invalid fields (i.e. fields that are not inside any of our ranges) from each ticket. For simplicity, we'll just pass the ticket as parameter and use the global ranges list.

We'll create a nice generator function which given a ticket spits out all the values of invalid fields. To check for validity of a single field of a ticket, we can take advantage of the all() function to check the value against all ranges. If the value isn't in any of the ranges, we'll yield it and keep going. Easier to write than to explain.

def invalid_fields(ticket):
    for value in ticket:
        if all(value not in rng for rng in ranges):
            yield value

Now all that's left to do is sum all the invalid fields for every ticket:

total = 0
for ticket in tickets:
    for f in invalid_fields(ticket):
        total += f

The above can be simplified down to one line with the help of sum(), mapping all tickets using invalid_fields():

total = sum(map(sum, map(invalid_fields, tickets)))
print('Part 1:', total)

We really spent more time writing the input parsing function than actually solving the puzzle!

Part 2

For the second part of the puzzle, we now need to deduce which field corresponds to which number for each ticket. All tickets have their fields ordered in the same way, but we don't know the order. In other words, we don't know the index of a certain field in the list of values of a ticket.

We are however told that, considering valid tickets only, we can deduce this from the ticket field values. This means that we can check for validity of the values of every single field of each ticket and deduce the correct ordering of the fields for tickets.

For example, we know that if the field x has ranges 5-10 15-20 and we have a ticket 1,3,34,6, then the field x can only be the last one (index 4), because none of the previous ones matches the validity requirements for x.

After determining the correct order of fields in tickets, we must calculate the product of the six fields of our ticket whose name starts with departure.

First of all, we already know that these six fields are the first six of our ranges array, so no need to parse field names or change existing code. We just need to determine their correct index in our ticket.

We are told to also use our ticket for determining the correct field ordering so we'll just include it in the list of tickets right away. Then, we'll keep a set of "possible" valid positions for each field. We'll start creating one set for each field including all the numbers from 0 to the number fo fields of a ticket:

n_fields = len(my_ticket)
possible = [set(range(n_fields)) for _ in range(len(ranges))]

Now since we only want to work with valid tickets, let's create a function to check the validity of a ticket. It's actually pretty simple, we just need to make sure that each field in the ticket has a value that is correct according to at least one of the field validity constraints.

def is_valid(ticket):
    for value in ticket:
        ok = False
        for rng in ranges:
            if value in rng:
                ok = True

        if not ok:
            return False

    return True

It may not be so simple to notice at first, but the above can be simplified a lot with the help of all() and any(). In the inner loop we are checking if the current value is inside any of the ranges. Therefore the inner loop can just be rewritten as:

ok = any(value in rng for rng in ranges)

While in the outer loop we are making sure that the above is true for all values of the ticket. Therefore the entire thing can be rewritten as:

def is_valid(ticket):
    return all(any(v in r for r in ranges) for v in ticket)

Sweet. Now we just need to filter out invalid tickets and only work with valid ones. Perfect use case for the filter() built-in. Then, for each valid ticket, for each field we want to check if any of the ticket values violate that particular field's validity requirements. If so, we'll remove the index of that value as a possible index for the field.

We can iterate over ranges and possible pairwise using zip(), and use enumerate() to scan the values of each ticket while also keeping track of their index.

# For each valid ticket
for ticket in filter(is_valid, tickets):
    # For every field and its set of possible indexes
    for rng, poss in zip(ranges, possible):
        # For each value in the ticket
        for i, value in enumerate(ticket):
            # If that value cannot be valid for this field, then remove its
            # index from the possible indexes for the field
            if value not in rng and i in poss:

Perfect, now taking a look at those possible indexes:

>>> for i, p in enumerate(possible):
        print(i, p)

0 {0, 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12}
1 {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12}
2 {0, 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12}
15 {8}
16 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19}
17 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19}
18 {1, 3, 4, 8, 12}
19 {8, 12}

Hmm... It doesn't look like we are certain about which field should have which position in a ticket. The only one we are sure about seems to be field 15, which we see only has 8 as a possible index. If you look carefully though, you can see that field 19 only has 8 and 12 as possible indexes, but we know that 8 must be the index of field 15, since no other option is available for it. We could therefore remove the 8 from the possible indexes of any other field, because we know it must be used for 15.

More generally, we can do the following in a loop until we find a solution:

  1. Find a set of possible indexes which only has one index, remove that index from the set (making the set empty) and assign it to the corresponding field.
  2. Cycle through all the other sets and remove the index we just assigned from each of them.
  3. Check if all the sets are empty: if so, we assigned all field indexes and we are done.

Let's code it in a function:

def simplify(possible):
    # Start with None for all fields so that we can catch errors later if some None is not replaced.
    assigned = [None] * len(possible)

    # Continue until all sets of possible indexes are empty (i.e. we assigned each field an index)
    while any(possible):
        # For each set of possible indexes
        for i, poss in enumerate(possible):
            # If only one possible index is left, then it must be assigned to this field
            if len(poss) == 1:
                assigned[i] = poss.pop()

        # Remove the assigned value from every other set
        for other in possible:
            if assigned[i] in other:

    # Optionally check for correctness
    assert all(a is not None for a in assigned)

    return assigned

Now we can just call the above function to finalize the index assignments and know the correct position of each field.

indexes = simplify(possible)

Now, simply look at the correct index in our ticket for the first 6 fields and calculate their product. In order to multiply the values together we can use the helpful

from math import prod

total = prod(my_ticket[i] for i in indexes)
print('Part 2:', total)

I feel like after all the travel documents validations in this Advent of Code, we're easily going to find a job as an airport passenger check-in officer.

Day 17 - Conway Cubes

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Part 1

Oh boy, I hope you like cellular automata. If you had fun on day 11 you will have a lot more fun today!

I'll cut the gibberish to the minimum and come right to the point: we are dealing with a 3-dimensional cellular automaton. In the initial generation all cells are dead, except for a few in the plane z=0.

Our input consists of the initial state of the cells at z=0: we are given a grid of characters (# for alive, . for dead) which is 8 columns wide and 8 rows tall, representing a portion of 3D space from (0, 0, 0) to (7, 7, 0).

We need to simulate life according to two simple rules of evolution from one generation to the next:

  • If a cell is dead (.) and exactly 3 of its neighbors are alive (#), the cell becomes alive (#).
  • If a cell is alive (#) and exactly 2 or 3 of its neighbors are alive (#), the cell stays alive, otherwise it dies (.).

In 3D space, "neighbors" of a cell means any of the 26 other cells for which any of the coordinates differs by at most 1. That is, the entire 3x3 cube of cells centered at the coordinates of the cell, except the cell itself. You can also see this as the 26 pieces surrounding the core of a Rubik's cube.

After evolving for 6 generations, we need to count the number of cells that are alive.

Let's get input parsing out of the way. We have a grid of characters as input, so we can just rstrip each line of input to remove trailing newlines using map() and turn the whole thing into a tuple.

grid = tuple(map(str.rstrip, fin))

Before we begin writing any more code, we need to think about which data structure to use to hold information about cells. It's important to notice that we can expand in any of the three dimensions, so using matrices (i.e. nested lists) to represent each level of our 3-dimensional space is not as simple as it looks.

After all, we do not really care how cells are arranged. The only thing we care about is being able to tell if a given point (x, y, z) in space represents a cell that is alive or not. In other words, we only want to keep track of the coordinates which represent alive cells, and we can consider anything else dead.

To do this, we can only need a set of coordinates. Our initial grid represents a small portion of the plane at z=0, so for each (x, y) we'll add the coordinates (x, y, 0) to our set if grid[x][y] is alive (#). I'll use enumerate() to iterate over the grid.

cube = set()

for x, row in enumerate(grid):
    for y, cell in enumerate(row):
        if cell == '#':
            cube.add((x, y, 0))

Now our cube represents the set of coordinates of alive cells in our 3D space.

The next thing to do is define a function which can count how many cells are alive around a given cell (given its coordinates). Well, simple enough: it's almost the same thing we did in day 11 part 1. We'll vary each coordinate c in the range [c+1, c-1] and count how many of the coordinates we generate are in our cube. We don't need to do any bound checking since we don't actually have bounds. Doing coords in cube is enough to check if a cell at coords is alive.

We'll actually split this in two functions, creating a small generator function to get the neighbor coordinates, which we'll also use later. For performance purposes, along with neighbor coordinates we'll also return the given coordinates theirselves; we will check later with a single if whether we also need them or not, rather than checking every single coordinate in the nested loops, which would be a lot slower.

def neighbors(x, y, z):
    for xx in range(x - 1, x + 2):
        for yy in range(y - 1, y + 2):
            for zz in range(z - 1, z + 2):
                yield xx, yy, zz

def alive_neighbors(cube, coords):
    alive = 0
    for n in neighbors(*coords):
        if n in cube:
            alive += 1

    # Just subtract 1 here if we also counted the given coordinates, since we
    # don't filter them out in neighbors()
    if coords in cube:
        alive -= 1

    return alive

We can simplify the nested loops in the above neighbors function with the help of itertools.product(), using the pretty cool "generator delegation" sytax yield from:

from itertools import product

def neighbors(x, y, z):
    yield from product(range(x-1, x+2), range(y-1, y+2), range(z-1, z+2))

The alive_neighbors() function can also be simplified using sum() along with a generator expression, since all it's doing is counting the number of times the condition n in cube is True:

def alive_neighbors(cube, coords):
    alive  = sum(p in cube for p in neighbors(*coords))
    alive -= coords in cube
    return alive

Now we need to evolve the cells. The cells in our cube are enclosed in a limited cube in space. We want to iterate over each cell of said cube. In addition to this, as we noticed earlier, each generation there's also a possibility that this limited cube "expands" or even moves around, because dead neighbors which are not considered in our set can come to life if they are near enough alive cells.

For example, in an analogous 2D situation (sorry, can't really do 3D ASCII-art):

. . . . .      . . . . .
. . . . .      . . . . .
. # # . .      . # # . .
. . # . .  =>  . . . . .
. # # # .      . # # # .
. . . . .      . . # . . <-- expansion
. . . . .      . . . . .

This means that each generation, in addition to checking all the cells in our cube, we also need to check their neighbors. To determine the neighbors of all the cells we can simply iterate over all the coordinates and call the neighbors() function we just wrote for each of them: this time the fact that the function also returns the given coordinates is useful. Since there's a high chance of having cells close to each other, and therefore considering the same neighbors more than once, to avoid wasting time we'll filter all duplicate coordinates out using a set().

def all_neighbors(cube):
    return set(n for p in cube for n in neighbors(*p))

Now that we figured this out, all we have to do is iterate over all the coordinates returned from all_neighbors(), and check the evolution rules each time.

def evolve(cube):
    new = set()

    for p in all_neighbors(cube):
        alive = alive_neighbors(cube, p)

        if p in cube:
            if alive == 2 or alive == 3:
                # alive cell stays alive only if exactly 2 or 3 neighbors are alive
        elif alive == 3:
            # dead cell becomes alive only if exactly 3 neighbors are alive

    return new

The checks for evolving a cell can be simplified a lot by noticing that cells which have 3 alive neighbors will become (or stay) alive regardless of their previous state, while cells that are already alive will also stay alive if they have exactly 2 neighbors:

def evolve(cube):
    new = set()

    for p in all_neighbors(cube):
        alive = alive_neighbors(cube, p)

        if alive == 3 or (alive == 2 and p in cube):

    return new

Beautiful! Now that we have all we need, we can finally start simulating. We want to simulate 6 generations, then stop and count alive cells. Since our cube is just a set of coordinates of alive cells, to count the final number of alive cells we can simply take its len() after the last evolution.

for _ in range(6):
    cube = evolve(cube)

total_alive = len(cube)
print('Part 1:', total_alive)

Well, that was nice! Onto the second part.

Part 2

For this second part... nothing changes, except that we now have four dimensions.

Oh no! The code we wrote works with 3 dimensions, do we need to rewrite everything? Well, not quite, the only function that would need to be updated is neighbors(), since it takes exactly 3 arguments. We can make a small change to generalize it to work with any number of dimensions.

To generate neighbor coordinates, we would need to take an additional parameter w for the fourth dimension, but since we want this to be general, taking a tuple of coords instead is the way to go. For each coordinate c we will create a tuple (c - 1, c, c + 1), then pass all those tuples to itertools.product() (we could even do this using range(), but for only three values we won't really see any difference).

The new general function is literally just one more line than before:

def neighbors(coords):
    ranges = ((c - 1, c, c + 1) for c in coords)
    yield from product(*ranges)

We also need to remove the unpacking operator (*) when calling the new neighbors() function since now it can take the entire tuple as one argument:

def alive_neighbors(cube, coords):
    alive  = sum(p in cube for p in neighbors(coords)) # changed *coords to coords
    alive -= coords in cube
    return alive

def all_neighbors(cube):
    return set(n for p in cube for n in neighbors(p)) # changed *p to p

The solution for part 1 stays the same since we did not touch evolve(), while for part 2 all we have to do is create another cube with an additional coordinate set to 0 for all initial points:

hypercube = set()

for x, row in enumerate(grid):
    for y, cell in enumerate(row):
        if cell == '#':
            hypercube.add((x, y, 0, 0))

And then simply simulate again:

for _ in range(6):
    hypercube = evolve(hypercube)

total_alive = len(hypercube)
print('Part 2:', total_alive)

What a nice puzzle!

Day 18 - Operation Order

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Part 1

Today's problem is about math, but a slightly different math than the one we are used to!

The assignment is really simple: we are given a list of mathematical expressions which only use natural numbers, parentheses (()), addition (+) and multiplication (*). We need to evaluate each of the expressions giving the same precedence to multiplication and addition. Parentheses are the only thing that establishes precedence of operations. Once the results of all expressions are calculated, we need to compute their sum.

You may have already noticed that ignoring the precedence of multiplication (*) over addition (+) does not make this problem solvable with a simple eval(). While in normal math something like 1 + 2 * 3 evaluates to 7, ignoring the precedence of * over + the result is 9 instead, because we first compute 1 + 2 = 3 and then 3 * 3 = 9.

Since there is no precedence between operators, it's easy to solve an expression which does not contain parentheses: just scan the expression and execute each operation as soon as you encounter it, keeping the result in an accumulator. Let's start getting to that point, and we'll see how to take into account parentheses later.

First of all, let's write a very simple tokenizer to extract numbers, parentheses and operators from each expression, and construct a list of "tokens" that we'll use later for the actual evaluation.

Our expressions are pretty simple: we can use a single regular expression to match all tokens at once. We want to match: numbers (\d+), parentheses ((, )) and operators (+, *), so a simple pipe operator and a character class ([]) will suffice. We'll use re.findall() to extract all tokens at once.

import re

def tokenize(expr):
    return re.findall(r'\d+|[+*()]', expr)

# tokenize('(1 + 2) * 3') -> ['(', '1', '+', '2', ')', '*', '3']

Now that we have tokens we can start by writing a simple evaluation function to calculate the value of an expression without parentheses. For simplicity, before passing the list returned by tokenize(), we'll turn it into a deque, so that we can just pop tokens from the start of the deque without having to worry about indexing or iterating. For the operations, we can import add and mul from the operator module.

Our algorithm will do the following:

  • Start with an accumulator initialized to 0, and an operation op initialized to add.
  • While we still have tokens, pop one at a time:
    • If the token is a number, convert it to int, then perform the operation stored in op between the accumulator and the value we just obtained, storing the result in accumulator.
    • If the token is a +, change op to add.
    • If the token is a *, change op to mul.
  • Return the accumulator which now contains the result of the expression.

To check if a token is a number (of one or more decimal digits) we can use str.isdigit(). Here's the code:

def evaluate(tokens):
    accumulator = 0
    op = add

    while tokens:
        tok = tokens.popleft()

        if tok.isdigit():
            val = int(tok)
            accumulator = op(accumulator, val)
        elif tok == '+':
            op = add
        elif tok == '*':
            op = mul

    return accumulator

Now we also need to account for parentheses. If we think about it for a second, a sub-expression enclosed in parentheses is not different from a normal expression. Whenever we encounter an open parenthesis (() we can make a recursive call to our function and let it calculate the value of the sub-expression, then perform the needed operation like we do for normal numbers. Whenever we encounter a closed parenthesis ()) we can just assume that we need to return a value to the caller because we were called to solve a sub-expression.

In terms of code, this translates into two additional elif branches:

def evaluate(tokens):
    accumulator = 0
    op = add

    while tokens:
        tok = tokens.popleft()

        if tok.isdigit():
            val = int(tok)
            accumulator = op(accumulator, val)
        elif tok == '+':
            op = add
        elif tok == '*':
            op = mul
        elif tok == '(':
            val = evaluate(tokens)
            accumulator = op(accumulator, val)
        elif tok == ')':

    return accumulator

Now we can use our tokenizer to turn each expression in the input into a list of tokens, then turn it into a deque and finally pass it to the evaluate() function we just wrote. We can use map() to conveniently tokenize all input lines in one go.

fin = open(...)
exprs = map(tokenize, fin)

total = 0
for expr in exprs:
    total += evaluate(deque(expr))

The above loop can be further simplified with the help of sum() down to a single line:

exprs = map(tokenize, fin)
total = sum(map(evaluate, map(deque, exprs)))

print('Part 1:', total)

And sure enough we get a ridicolously high number which is our solution.

Part 2

For the second part of the problem, we still need to calculate the sum of all the results of the input expressions, but this time we want + to have precedence over *. That's right, it's exactly the opposite you would normally do to solve an expression. For example, now 1 * 2 + 3 evaluates to 5, because we first need to compute 2 + 3 = 5, and then 1 * 5 = 5.

Okay, this isn't that simple anymore. There are different ways to solve the problem, and three main approaches that I know of (of which we're going to use the third):

  1. The textbook approach: building a simple expression evaluator using the Shunting-yard algorithm to turn the expressions from infix notation to postfix notation (also called reverse-polish notation), which makes them very easy to evaluate using a simple stack later.

    This is the most complex yet most general approach, which can be used to calculate almost any kind of mathematical expression, using any order of precedence for the operators. I'm not going to use it here, but I've nonetheless written an alternative solution which does exactly this just for fun. You can find it here if you are interested.

  2. The hacker's approach: exploit the ability of defining Python classes with customized methods for basic operators such as + and *.

    Build a custom class K implementing an __add__ method which actually computes the product, and a __mul__ method which computes the sum. Then, replace each number N in the expression with an instantiation of the class (K(N)) and swap each + with a * (and vice-versa). Finally, let Python take care of operator precedence and evaluate the whole thing using eval(), which will give precedence to *, which will in turn be treated as a + by our custom class. This can also be applied to part 1 swapping each * with a - and implementing a custom __sub__ operator.

    This is a... pretty interesting approach which I've seen used by a lot of people on the daily Reddit solution thread, but it feels a little bit like cheating. Nonetheless, you guessed it: I've implemented this too because it was just too fun of an idea (and also really the simplest solution in terms of actual code). You can find this solution here if you are interested.

  3. The "smart" solution: realize that we can apply the distributive property to solve everything in a single scan, similarly to what we did for part 1. This is the approach I'll be using and describing now.

Let's again think for a moment about what we should do if we had to evaluate the an expression without parentheses. We have an expression that is only composed of additions and multiplications, and additions have precedence over multiplications, for example:

1 * 2 * 3 + 4    (should evaluate to 2 * 7 = 21)

It seems pretty clear that if it weren't for the + in there, we could still use the same approach as we did before. Just continue multiplying values together accumulating the resulting value. A problem however arises when we encounter an addition: we must stop blindly multiplying and solve that first before continuing.

If we find a way to "pre-calculate" all additions and replace them with their result, then we can just calculate the product of everything. This seems reasonable, but isn't that simple, as it involves scanning the entire expression back and forth.

However, we can take advantage of the distributive property of multiplication. In "normal" math, we can distribute a multiplication over multiple terms of a sum if those terms are enclosed in parentheses:

2 * (3 + 4 + 5) = (2 * 3) + (2 * 4) + (2 * 5) = 24

In our case, since the addition has precedence over the multiplication, we can also do the same thing even when the terms of the sum are not enclosed in parentheses:

2 * 3 + 4 + 5 = (2 * 3) + (2 * 4) + (2 * 5) = 24

If we have more terms to multiply before encountering a series of sums, the result is similar:

  2 * 3 * 4 + 5 = (2 * 3 * 4) + (2 * 3 * 5) =
=   6   * 4 + 5 = (  6   * 4) + (  6   * 5) = 54

We can perform distribution of all the multiplications by keeping a "multiplier" value and use it to multiply every value we encounter in our way, adding the result into an accumulator. Updating this multiplier value in a smart way will get us to the solution.

The algorithm is the following:

  • Start with multiplier = 1 and accumulator = 0.
  • While we still have tokens, pop one at a time:
    • If the token is a number, multiply it with the multiplier and add the result to the accumulator.
    • If the token is a *, set the multiplier to the value of the accumulator, and reset the accumulator to 0.
    • If the token is a +, simply ignore it.
  • Return the accumulator which contains the result of the expression.

Doing this, we are "pausing" multiplication unless we encounter * operators, updating the multiplier in the meantime. This effectively distributes the multiplication over every single operand of any addition, even at the beginning when we start with multiplier = 1 (which does nothing).

To make it simpler to understand, here's an example:

Expression to evaluate: 2 * 3 + 1 * 5 * 6 + 1 + 3   (expected result: 400)

TOKEN   MULT   ACC   Operation performed
         1      0
  2      1      2    ACC += 2 * 1
  *      2      0    MULT = ACC; ACC = 0
  3      2      6    ACC += 3 * 2
  +      2      6
  1      2      8    ACC += 1 * 2
  *      8      0    MULT = ACC; ACC = 0
  5      8     40    ACC += 5 * 8
  *     40      0    MULT = ACC; ACC = 0
  6     40    240    ACC += 6 * 40
  +     40    240
  1     40    280    ACC += 1 * 40
  +     40    280
  3     40    400    ACC += 3 * 40

Turning the above algorithm into Python code, we have:

def evaluate2(tokens):
    multiplier  = 1
    accumulator = 0

    while tokens:
        tok = tokens.popleft()

        if tok.isdigit():
            val = int(tok)
            accumulator += val * multiplier
        elif tok == '*':
            multiplier  = accumulator
            accumulator = 0

    return accumulator

Now to also account for sub-expressions inside parentheses (()) we can do the exact same thing we did for part 1: do a recursive call when we encounter an open parenthesis, and return immediately when we encounter a closed one.

def evaluate2(tokens):
    multiplier  = 1
    accumulator = 0

    while tokens:
        tok = tokens.popleft()

        if tok.isdigit():
            val = int(tok)
            accumulator += val * multiplier
        elif tok == '*':
            multiplier  = accumulator
            accumulator = 0
        elif tok == '(':
            val = evaluate2(tokens)
            accumulator += val * multiplier
        elif tok == ')':

    return accumulator

Sweet as pie. We can now calculate the solution again exactly how we did for part 1:

total = sum(map(evaluate2, map(deque, exprs)))
print('Part 2:', total)

If we want, we can further simplify this turning the two functions for part 1 and part 2 into a single one, deciding which strategy to apply using an additional argument and a couple more if statements. This is what I did in my complete solution for today's problem.

Day 19 - Monster Messages

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Part 1

Do you like regular expressions? I really do, the art of writing regular expressions to automate simple tasks is really useful when programming and processing data. Today's problem is about regular and not-so-regular expressions.

Let's get straight to the point. Our input is split in two parts by an empty line: the second part is a list of messages that are strings which are only composed of the letters a and b, and which we need to match according to the list of rules defined in the first part of the input.

The rules are as follows (each uppercase letter here represent a rule ID, which is a number uniquely identifying a rule):

  1. X: A B C ... - match one or more rules in the exact given order.
  2. X: A B | C D - match either the first list of rules in the given order, or the second one (always in the given order).
  3. X: "a" or X: "b" - match the character a or b respectively.

Our task is to figure out how many of the messages are matched by the rule 0. The messages need to be matched entirely, that is, we need to match every single character of a message for it to be considered as matched.

To give an example, suppose we have the following rules:

0: 1 2 | 1 3
1: "a"
2: "b"
3: 2 1

The first option of rule 0 here means "match rule 1 followed by rule 2". If we look at those, this translates to "match a followed by b", so rule 0 would match the message ab.

The second option of rule 0 means "match rule 1 followed by rule 3", and if we look at rule 3 it means "match rule 2 followed by rule 1". Rules 1 and 2 match a and b respectively, therefore this second option of rule 0 means "match a followed by b followed by a". Hence, rule 0 would also match the message aba.

Any other message (e.g. a, aa, bb, abb, abab, etc.) would not be matched by rule 0.

The input we are given looks very much like a huge regular expression which has been parsed into some kind of tree of rules. This is assuming that there are no cycles in the given rules (e.g. 1: 2 1), which is true for our input.

If we draw a diagram of the above example, we get the following:

     /   \
    /     \
(1  2)    (1  3)
 |  |      |   \
 a  b      a    \
                (2  1)
                 |  |
                 b  a

Now it's simple to see the tree, and even simpler to see which strings can be matched by the rule.

As I mentioned earlier, it looks like this has something to do with regular expressions. Indeed, following the rules outlined by the input is equivalent to matching a huge regular expression which only uses capture groups (i.e. parentheses ()) and alternations (i.e. pipes |). Turning the above example into a regular expression using only those two special operators is simple enough: ^(ab|aba)$. The ^ and $ are anchors used to match the start and the end of the string respectively (writing just (ab|aba) would match anything starting with ab or aba).

If we find a nice way to turn the tree of rules we have into a regular expression, we can then just let re.match() match the messages and do the job for us.

First of all, let's parse the input into a tree structure. We can use a simple dictionary for this, where each key is the ID of a rule, containing either a list of tuples (the various options) or a single character to match ('a' or 'b').

Input parsing is kind of convoluted, so let's write a function for it. We'll iterate over the input line by line, stopping when we encounter the empty line which separates rules and messages. For each line we'll get the rule ID and its content, splitting on : . Then, if the rule contains a ", we'll simply extract the character to match from it, otherwise we'll split the rule again on | to get a list of options, then map() each option (consisting of multiple rule IDs) into a tuple of int, storing all the tuples in a list. Finally, we'll store everything into a dictionary, which will have the form {rule_id: [(id1, id2, ...), (id3, id4, ...), ...]} (and for the final rules {rule_id: 'a'}).

def parse_input(fin):
    rules = {}

    for line in map(str.rstrip, fin):
        if not line:

        rule_id, options = line.split(': ')
        rule_id = int(rule_id)

        if '"' in options:
            rule = options[1:-1]
            rule = []
            for option in options.split('|'):
                rule.append(tuple(map(int, option.split())))

        rules[rule_id] = rule

    return rules

Cool, cool, cool, cool, coool. Now to the actual program: in order to turn the whole tree of rules into a regular expression, we'll write a recursive solution. If we think about it for one second, it's quite simple:

  1. If a rule is a "final" rule, that is rules[rule_id] is a string ('a' or 'b'), then the corresponding regular expression is just the rule itself.
  2. Otherwise, the regular expression we need to compose is a capturing group (...) of multiple options separated by |, where each options is the concatenation of the regular expressions of each of the rules in the option.

Applying the above idea, it's only a matter of joining strings in the right way:

def build_regexp(rules, rule=0):
    rule = rules[rule]
    if type(rule) is str:
        return rule

    options = []
    for option in rule:
        option = ''
        for sub_rule in option:
            option += build_regexp(rules, rule)

    return '(' + '|'.join(options) + ')'

We can further simplify the inner loop above using a generator expression:

    # ...
    options = []
    for option in rule:
        option = ''.join(build_regexp(rules, r) for r in option)
    # ...

We could also go further and compress the entire block of code above into a single line, but let's stop here before it becomes unreadable (ok, fine, you really wanna know? Here you go: options = map(''.join, (map(partial(build_regexp, rules), o) for o in rule))).

Now we can finally parse the input file to build the rules tree, then use it to build and compile() a regular expression (adding the two anchors ^ and $ to only match whole strings), and then use that expression to match() every single message.

import re

fin   = open(...)
rules = parse_input(fin)
rexp  = re.compile('^' + build_regexp(rules) + '$')
valid = 0

for msg in map(str.rstrip, fin):
    if rexp.match(msg):
        valid += 1

Well, that's just a "if x then increment" kind of loop, we can really turn it into a single line using sum() and map(). We need to convert matches to True or False though, as re.match() returns a match object if the match is successful: we can simply use bool() for that.

valid = sum(map(bool, map(rexp.match, map(str.rstrip, fin))))
print('Part 1:', valid)

Part 2

The task is the same as part 1, but we need to modify two of the rules we have. In particular, rule 8 becomes 8: 42 | 42 8, and rule 11 becomes 11: 42 31 | 42 11 31.

Whelp, now we've got a problem! Remember when in part 1 I said: "assuming that there are no cycles in the given rules"? Well, that's not the case anymore now! The two new rules do actually include cycles! So we cannot simply generate a regular expression out of them using our previous function.

There are three main alternative solutions here:

  1. The "hacky" solution: still solve this using Python's regular expressions only, in a way similar to what we did for the first part. This can be done because it's actually possible to turn the two new recursive rules into (rather ugly) regular expressions after noticing a couple of properties. This is not the solution I've used, but it's nonetheless funny enough that I wrote an alternative solution using this approach, which you can find here.

  2. The "real" solution: write a matching function capable of matching messages given a tree of rules. This is basically like building a limited expression engine capable of handling a very limited subset of regular expressions plus recursive rules. This is the most optimal and general solution, which is the one I linked as the complete clean solution for today's problem.

  3. The "lazy" solution: use a third party regular expression library/engine which is capable of handling recursive rules (like the 3rd party regex module).

I will now explain both alternative 1 and 2 in detail, while I will not discuss the third solution as I don't find it interesting. Feel free to skip to your favorite using the above links.

Part 2 - Hacky solution

We can understand the high-level meaning of the new rules by taking them apart. Let's look at them in detail:

  • 8: 42 | 42 8: this means that rule 8 can either directly translate to rule 42, or to rule 42 followed by rule 8 again. To make it simpler to understand, let's imagine that rule 42 is just "a". In such case, rule 8 would be equivalent to: 8: "a" | "a" 8, meaning that we can match one a followed by an arbitrary amount of a, or in other words one or more a.

    This rule can actually be expressed through a regular expression using the + operator: convert whatever rule 42 is into its regexp, then simply wrap it in parentheses () and add a +, like this: (<rule_42_regexp>)+.

  • 11: 42 31 | 42 11 31: this... is not as simple. Translating it again using letters to make it easier it becomes: 11: "a" "b" | "a" 11 "b". This is similar to the previous rule, except that in the second option the recursion happens in the middle of a and b. This means "match ab, or a and b with something in the middle", where that "something in the middle" is again either ab or a and b with something in the middle... What this ends up translating to is: "match one or more a followed by the same amount of b".

    This rule is a bit of a problem! Regular expressions are not powerful enough to count and remember the number of previously matched characters. However, we can get around the issue by abusing the fact that we are in reality only dealing with a limited set of messages, of which we know the maximum possible length. We can therefore translate rule 42 and rule 31 into their respective regexps, then construct a big capture group with a sequence of pipe-delimited options with a number of repetitions from 1 up to half the maximum length of a message.

    For example (using a for rule 42 and b for rule 31 for simplicity), if our maximum message length was 16 characters, we could translate rule 11 into the following regexp:


    Or a little bit more concisely, using curly brackets {} for repetition:


We'll create a new function copying the build_regexp() function we wrote for part 1, adding the two special cases mentioned above for rules 8 and 11. For rule 8, we'll simply build the regexp for rule 42 and then wrap it around parentheses adding a +. For rule 11, we'll build the regexps for rule 42 and 31, then build a huge capture group joining together every possible number of repetitions from 1 to 40 (our maximum message length seems to be 80). We'll use str.format() for this.

def build_regexp_special(rules, rule=0):
    if rule == 8:
        return '(' + build_regexp_special(rules, 42) + ')+'

    if rule == 11:
        a = build_regexp_special(rules, 42)
        b = build_regexp_special(rules, 31)

        options = []
        for n in range(1, 40):
            options.append('{a}{{{n}}}{b}{{{n}}}'.format(a=a, b=b, n=n))

        return '(' + '|'.join(options) + ')'

    rule = rules[rule]
    if type(rule) is str:
        return rule

    options = []
    for option in rule:
        option = ''.join(build_regexp_special(rules, r) for r in option)

    return '(' + '|'.join(options) + ')'

The above function will generate a rather long and extremely complex regular expression (75869 characters for my input!), so Python's regular expression engine will not exactly be thrilled to run it... and indeed it will be very slow when matching. In any case, it's fun and also probably the "simplest" solution to write using vanilla Python 3.

Now we can do the exact same thing we did in part 1, building, compiling and then using the new regexp. We can actually also check each message for both part 1 and part 2 regular expressions in the same loop.

rules  = parse_input(fin)
rexp1  = re.compile('^' + build_regexp(rules) + '$')
rexp2  = re.compile('^' + build_regexp_special(rules) + '$')
valid1 = 0
valid2 = 0

for msg in map(str.rstrip, fin):
    if rexp1.match(msg):
        valid1 += 1
    if rexp2.match(msg):
        valid2 += 1

print('Part 1:', valid1)
print('Part 2:', valid2)

You can find a complete solution using this approach here, but as I said this is not the one I ended up using, so let's continue on with the real solution.

Part 2 - Real solution

We need to stop taking shortcuts and build a real matching function. How can we do it? A straightforward way to define such a function would be to take 4 parameters: the tree of rules, the string to match, the current rule and an index in the string to start matching from. As per the return value, it will be a list of indexes from which the matching should continue.

As I explained at the very beginning of part 1, we have three main kind of rules which at this point we should already be familiar with. Let's analyze them further and see how each of them can be translated if we want to write such a matching function.

  1. X: "a" or X: "b" - this is the simplest kind of rule: match a single character literally. If the type of the rule we are matching is a string, we'll simply return either 1 or zero indexes: the current index plus 1 if the character matches, and an empty list otherwise.

  2. X: A B C ... - a rule which only consists of a single option of multiple other rules to match in order. We'll need to make one recursive call for each rule in the option, starting to match from the current index we have, and accumulating all possible indexes where to continue from for each recursive call, passing them on to the next one, then return those.

    As an example, assume we want to match the rule X: A B C and we are called with index 1. We will make the following recursive calls, in order (omitting the first two arguments which are always the same for simplicity):

    • match(A, 1): assume this returns [2]. We can then continue matching rule B from index 2.
    • match(B, 2): assume this returns [3, 4, 7]. We can now continue matching rule C, but be careful, we need to try and continue matching from all possible indexes returned, so we'll make one call for each:
      • match(C, 3) -> [5]
      • match(C, 4) -> [] (matching failed)
      • match(C, 7) -> [8, 11]

    Finally, the result we would return is [5, 8, 11], indicating we can continue matching from any of those indexes of the string onward.

  3. X: A B | C D - this is actually the same as the previous case, but since we have multiple options we'll have to do the same thing one time per option, accumulating all indexes returned by each of the options. We can just use a for loop for this. Actually, we can simply "join" this and the previous case together and use a loop regardless, given that the rule tree we build will have a list of options (tuples of other rules) regardless.

Putting the above in terms of code, with the help of some comments, we have:

def match(rules, string, rule=0, index=0):
    # If we are past the end of the string, we can't match anything anymore
    if index >= len(string):
        return []

    # If the current rule is a simple character, match that literally
    rule = rules[rule]
    if type(rule) is str:
        # If it matches, advance 1 and return this information to the caller
        if string[index] == rule:
            return [index + 1]
        # Otherwise fail, we cannot continue matching
        return []

    # If we get here, we are in the case `X: A B | C D`
    matches = []

    # For each option
    for option in rule:
        # Start matching from the current position
        sub_matches = [index]

        # For any rule of this option
        for sub_rule in option:
            # Get all resulting positions after matching this rule from any of the
            # possible positions we have so far.
            new_matches = []
            for idx in sub_matches:
                new_matches += match(rules, string, sub_rule, idx)

            # Keep the new positions and continue with the next rule, trying to match all of them
            sub_matches = new_matches

        # Collect all possible matches for the current option and add them to the final result
        matches += sub_matches

    # Return all possible final indexes after matching this rule
    return matches

The function we just wrote is a general solution which is also capable of correctly handling recursive rules. We cannot fall into infinite recursion from recursive rules because a rule can either (1) not match, returning an empty list (in this case we'll stop there), or (2) match and advance the current index returning one or more indexes (greater than the current). If a recursive rule keeps matching, we'll advance each time and eventually reach the end of the string, stopping if we get past it.

Now how do we check if a message is a positive match? Simple, just call the above function and see if any of the returned indexes is exactly equal to the length of the message: this means that at least one path of rules in the tree matched all characters of the message, and returned the length of the entire message after matching the last index.

We can use the above function to solve both parts (this is what I do in my complete solution linked at the beginning of today's walkthrough). The only thing we need to do first is make sure that we build two different rule trees, manually modifying rule 8 and 11 of the second one replacing them with the new ones given in the problem statement. We can do this easily using deepcopy() to clone the initial rules, and then modify those two.

from copy import deepcopy

fin = open(...)

rules1 = parse_input(fin)
rules2 = deepcopy(rules1)
rules2[8]  = [(42,), (42, 8)]
rules2[11] = [(42, 31), (42, 11, 31)]
valid1 = 0
valid2 = 0

for msg in map(str.rstrip, fin):
    if len(msg) in match(rules1, msg):
        valid1 += 1
    if len(msg) in match(rules2, msg):
        valid2 += 1

print('Part 1:', valid1)
print('Part 2:', valid2)

You will still like regular expressions after today right? Right? I never stopped loving them... I mean... as long as they are simple enough!

Day 20 - Jurassic Jigsaw

Problem statementComplete solutionBack to top

Part 1

Today's puzzle is a literal puzzle, a jigsaw puzzle to be precise. Strap in because this is going to get wild. I'd recommend reading the problem statement linked above before continuing, in order to better understand what we're dealing with.

We are given a list of ASCII-art tiles as input. Each tile is a little grid of 10x10 characters and has an unique ID. We are told that these tiles compose a larger square image (we have 144 tiles, so the image is going to be 12x12 tiles).

The tiles we are given are in no particular order, and are also randomly flipped and rotated. The only thing that we know is that tiles which are supposed to be next to each other in the final image have matching edges, and the edge of each tile only matches exactly one other tile.

For the first part of the problem we need to identify the four corner tiles of the image and calculate the product of their IDs.

We're gonna write a lot of code, so better start using functions. The very first thing to do is of course parsing the input. Simple enough, there's one empty line between tiles, so we can split the input on a double newline (\n\n), then take the ID from the first line of each tile and the actual character grid from the others. I'll build a dictionary {id: tile}, where tile is a grid of characters (list of strings). I'll use map() to split each tile in lines through str.splitlines(), then simply iterate over those.

def parse_input(fin):
    raw_tiles ='\n\n')
    raw_tiles = map(str.splitlines, raw_tiles)
    tiles = {}

    for t in raw_tiles:
        tid = int(t[0][5:-1])
        tiles[tid] = t[1:]

    return tiles

fin = open(...)
tiles = parse_input(fin)

A function to extract an edge given a tile and a side (north, south, east, west) would be really useful. It will simply take two parameters: tile and side. Based on the side, we'll iterate over all the characters of the corresponding edge and return a string. For north and south it's straightforward, we already have the string as a row of the tile. For east or west we need to join together all characters of the first or last column respectively.

def edge(matrix, side):
    if side == 'n':
        return matrix[0] # north == first row
    if side == 's':
        return matrix[-1] # south == last row

    res = ''
    if side == 'e':
        for row in matrix:
            res += row[-1] # east == last column
        # 'w'
        for row in matrix:
            res += row[0] # east == first column

    return res

The above function can be simplified further taking advantage of operator.itemgetter() to extract all characters with a single map():

from operator import itemgetter

def edge(matrix, side):
    if side == 'n':
        return matrix[0]
    if side == 's':
        return matrix[-1]
    if side == 'e':
        return ''.join(map(itemgetter(-1), matrix))
    # 'w'
    return ''.join(map(itemgetter(0), matrix))

Now that we have a dictionary of tiles and a function to extract edges, we can start matching them together based on their edges. If we count the number of matching sides for each tile, we can easily distinguish between three different kinds of tiles:

  • Corner tiles: the ones we are actually looking for. These will only have two matching tiles, since two of their sides will compose the outer border of the image.
  • Side tiles: tiles that are on an edge, but are not corner tiles. These will match exactly 3 other tiles, since one side is on the outside border of the image.
  • Center tiles: tiles that are not on an edge and will therefore have a tile connected to each of their edges, matching exactly 4 other tiles.

It's easy to notice the above with a simple drawing:

| 1 | 2 | 3 |
+---+---+---+   Corner tiles: 1, 3, 7, 9
| 4 | 5 | 6 |   Side tiles  : 2, 4, 6, 8
+---+---+---+   Center tiles: 5
| 7 | 8 | 9 |

In order to do the matching, we can look at every possible pair of tiles, and for each pair check if any two edges match. It's important to remember that tiles can be in any orientation and could even be flipped. Trying to match each pair of edges for every couple of tiles we are already taking into account different orientations, but we also need to take into account flipping. We can do this by also checking if pairs of edges match when either one is flipped (i.e. the string representing it is reversed).

The function we're going to write takes our tiles dictionary as only parameter, and spits out a list of corner IDs as result. To track the number of matches per tile, we'll use a defaultdict of integers (which simplifies the addition of new items). In order to iterate over all possible pairs of different tiles we'll use the very handy combinations() from the itertools module.

from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import combinations

def match_tiles(tiles):
    matching_sides = defaultdict(int)
    corners = []

    # For every pair of distinct tiles
    for id_a, id_b in combinations(tiles, 2):
        a, b = tiles[id_a], tiles[id_b]

        # For each possible pair of sides
        for side_a in 'nsew':
            for side_b in 'nsew':
                # Extract the edges correspoinding to these sides
                edge_a, edge_b = edge(a, side_a), edge(b, side_b)

                # Check if they match
                if edge_a == edge_b or edge_a == edge_b[::-1]:
                    matching_sides[id_a] += 1
                    matching_sides[id_b] += 1

    # Find the corner tiles by checking tiles that only match two other tiles
    for tid, n_sides in matching_sides.items():
        if n_sides == 2:

    assert len(corners) == 4 # Sanity check
    return corners

Now we can just call the above function and get our answer using to easily compute the product of the returned list of corner IDs:

corners = match_tiles(tiles)
ans = prod(corners)
print('Part 1:', ans)

Well, that was easy. Now comes the fun part...

Part 2

For this second part we actually need to reconstruct the whole image. This means solving the jigsaw puzzle of tiles, rotating and flipping each one of them until all of them match together.

After all tiles are matched, we need to strip away their outermost edges (the ones that we used to match them together). The resulting tiles will be 8x8, and will constitute the final image. Once we have the final image, we need to find and count the number of times a specific pattern appears.

The pattern we need to count is the one of a "sea monster":

#    ##    ##    ###
 #  #  #  #  #  #

Each # in the pattern must match a # in the image, while spaces can be ignored. Important detail: we don't know which way the final image should be oriented/flipped. We must check each orientation of each side until we find the right one containing sea monsters.

After counting the number of sea monsters in the final image, we need to calculate the "water roughness" of the sea, which corresponds to the number of # that are not part of any sea monster.

This is not a simple task. Well, it's not complicated either, it's just a really tedious process. We need to master the art of tile manipulation in order to go through all the steps needed to recompose the image without mistakes, which are pretty easy to make in such a scenario.

The first thing to notice is that we cannot really say which corner tile should go where since the tiles are arbitrarily rotated/flipped. It's not a problem though, we can just pick any of the corner tiles we found earlier, and then start matching one tile after the other, matching one edge at a time.

We'll start by picking an arbitrary top left corner tile, and then rotate it until the two matching edges are on the right (east) and bottom (south). This way, the tile will be in the correct position, and we can start attaching tiles to either of the two edges. In order to know how many times we need to rotate the top left tile we need to first know which on which sides we matched it. Let's modify the match_tiles() function defined in part 1 to also return the matching sides for the corner tiles, the only real change is turning the matching_sides dictionary into a defaultdict of strings instead of integers.

def match_tiles(tiles):
    matching_sides = defaultdict(str) # changed
    corners = {}                      # changed

    for id_a, id_b in combinations(tiles, 2):
        a, b = tiles[id_a], tiles[id_b]

        for side_a in 'nsew':
            for side_b in 'nsew':
                edge_a, edge_b = edge(a, side_a), edge(b, side_b)

                if edge_a == edge_b or edge_a == edge_b[::-1]:
                    matching_sides[id_a] += side_a  # changed
                    matching_sides[id_b] += side_b  # changed

    for tid, sides in matching_sides.items():
        if len(sides) == 2:      # changed
            corners[tid] = sides # changed

    assert len(corners) == 4
    return corners

corners = match_tiles(tiles)
# Something like: {1453: 'nw', 2897: 'nw', 1439: 'se', 2477: 'sw'}

In order to rotate a tile 90 degrees, we can write a simple helper function. Rotating 90 degrees clockwise can be done by iterating over each column from the bottom and turning it into a string, appending it to a new tile as a row.

# A A A    C B A
# B B B -> C B A
# C C C    C B A

def rotate90(tile):
    new = []
    for c in range(len(tile[0])):
        new_row = ''
        for row in tile[::-1]: # rows in reverse order
            new_row += row[c]

    return new

The above can then be simplified using str.join and a generator expression:

def rotate90(tile):
    new = []
    for c in range(len(tile[0])):
        new_row = ''.join(row[c] for row in tile)[::-1]
    return new

And even more exploiting the zip() function along with unpacking as a way to easily iterate over all characters of each row at once:

def rotate90(matrix):
    return tuple(''.join(reversed(x)) for x in zip(*matrix))

Now let's take an arbitrary top-left corner, and rotate it until the two matching edges are south and east (we technically could already have one that is correctly oriented (e.g. 1439 in the code above), but we want to write a general solution.

top_left_id, matching_sides = corners.popitem()
top_left = tiles[top_left_id]

if matching_sides in ('ne', 'en'):   # North & East edges match other tiles, rotate 90 degrees clockwise
    top_left = rotate90(top_left)
elif matching_sides in ('nw', 'wn'): # North & West edges match other tiles, rotate 180 degrees clockwise
    top_left = rotate90(rotate90(top_left))
elif matching_sides in ('sw', 'ws'): # South & West edges match other tiles, rotate 270 degrees clockwise
    top_left = rotate90(rotate90(rotate90(top_left)))

We could have also written specific functions to rotate a tile more than 90 degrees, but this is the only time we'll need to do more than one 90 degree rotation at once, so it's no issue.

Now the top-left corner tile is oriented in the right direction, and we can start thinking about matching other tiles on its east and south edges.

Let's calculate the dimensions (in tiles) of the final image (yes, we already know it should be 12x12 tiles, but let's not "cheat" and determine it from the input instead). Since the image is a square, we can calculate the square root of the number of tiles to know its dimension. The power operator (**) in Python can be used to compute roots by providing exponents smaller than 1.

image_dimension = int(len(tiles) ** 0.5)

Now onto the real task: building the image. First and foremost, in order to find a tile to match one edge of the top-left corner (or to match any other tile really), we must have a way of rotating and flipping tiles in each of the eight possible arrangements:

A X   B A   X B   X X
B X   X X   X A   A B

B X   X X   X A   A B
A X   B A   X B   X X

We already wrote rotate90(), now we only need a function to flip a tile. Well... flipping vertically is really just reversing the tuple/list representing a tile, and this can just be done through slicing ([::-1]). To compute all the possible arrangements of a tile we can just rotate it around, then flip it, and rotate it around again. Let's write a couple of generator functions for this. It's always satisfying to find an use case for the yeild from syntax.

def orientations(tile):
    yield tile
    for _ in range(3):
        tile = rotate90(tile)
        yield tile

def arrangements(tile):
    yield from orientations(tile)
    yield from orientations(tile[::-1])

Now we can write a function that finds a matching tile given a tile, a set of tiles to choose from, and the two desired sides to match. We can use the previously written edge() function to extract the first edge from the tile we want to match, then iterate over each one of the tiles in the given set, arranging them in every possible way, extracting the second edge each time, until we find a match.

def matching_tile(tile, tiles, side_a, side_b):
    prev_side = edge(tile, side_a)

    # Iterate over all possible tiles
    for other_id, other in tiles.items():
        if tile is other:

        # Arrange second tile in any possible way
        for other in arrangements(other):
            # Until the two sides match
            if prev_side == edge(other, side_b):
                return other

# matching_tile(x, tiles, 'e', 'w') -> tile whose west edge matches x's east edge

The tile returned by the above function will already be oriented and flipped in the correct way. This function also pops the matched tile out of the given dictionary of tiles, so that we don't even need to worry about it.

Now that we have a way of matching arbitrary tiles, we can write a function which finds all matching tiles of an entire row of the image. It's pretty simple using the above function. We'll take the first row tile as parameter and then keep matching tiles on the east edge of the last one. I'll write this as a generator function to make it lighter since we'll only need to iterate over the tiles of a row once (we'll see why later).

def matching_row(prev, tiles, tiles_per_row):
    yield prev
    for _ in range(tiles_per_row - 1):
        tile = matching_tile(prev, tiles, 'e', 'w')
        prev = tile
        yield prev

Now, as we should remember, each tile of the final image needs to be stripped of its outermost edges after being correctly placed. We'll go from 10x10 tiles to 8x8 tiles. Let's write yet another helper function to "strip" the edges of a tile. It's quite straightforward: take every row except the first and last, and again for each row take all characters except the first the last. It's really only one line of code using a list comprehension:

def strip_edges(tile):
    return [row[1:-1] for row in tile[1:-1]]

Now we can actually start building the image: we'll start from the top left corner, and keep adding rows using matching_row() until tiles run out. Each tile of each row will be passed through strip_edges(), building a completely new row of stripped tiles (and this is why we only need to iterate over the rows returned by matching_row() once).

After matching and stripping all tiles of a row, we can "join" them together into 8 rows of the final image using zip() plus unpacking again to concatenate each i-th row of each tile into a single big row of the final image using str.join.

def build_image(top_left_tile, tiles, image_dimension):
    # Start from the top left
    first = top_left_tile
    image = []

    while 1:
        # Get a row of matching tiles
        image_row = matching_row(first, tiles, image_dimension)
        # Strip the outermost edges from each of them
        image_row = map(strip_edges, image_row)
        # Add together each row of the tiles into a single big row, and add it to the final image
        image.extend(map(''.join, zip(*image_row)))

        # Do this until tiles run out
        if not tiles:

        # Match the first tile of the next row, which is south of the first tile of the current row
        first = matching_tile(first, tiles, 's', 'n')

    return image

Woah, almost there. We can finally build the image!

# Remove top-left tile from the tiles to match first. We need to do this since
# our `top_left` is the result of rotations, hence it will no longer be equal to
# the one in the `tiles` dictionary.

image = build_image(top_left, tiles, image_dimension)

The "only" thing left to do is trying all possible arrangements() of the image and check if we can find any monsters. Let's write the last function of today's puzzle: a function which takes the image and a pattern as input, and returns the number of times that pattern was matched.

To do this we can first find all characters of the pattern which are #, and build a set of "deltas" from the top left corner of the pattern. Then, iterate over each cell of the image and try matching the entire pattern considering that cell as the top-left cell of the pattern.

To convert a pattern into deltas we can just iterate through it using enumerate() and construct a list:

deltas = []
for r, row in enumerate(pattern):
    for c, cell in enumerate(row):
        if cell == '#':
            deltas.append((r, c))

Consider for example the monster pattern:

0                   #
1 #    ##    ##    ###
2 #  #  #  #  #  #

The result would be the following (yeah we could even hardcode this, but where's the fun in that?).

[(0, 18), (1, 0), (1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 11), (1, 12), (1, 17), (1, 18), (1, 19), (2, 1), (2, 4), (2, 7), (2, 10), (2, 13), (2, 16)]

Now to try counting the matches of the pattern on the image, taking advantage of the all() function (one of my favorite built-ins):

pattern_h, pattern_w = len(pattern), len(pattern[0])
image_sz = len(image)

n = 0
for r in range(image_sz - pattern_h):
    for c in range(image_sz - pattern_w):
        if all(image[r + dr][c + dc] == '#' for dr, dc in deltas):
            n += 1

Putting everything we said together, and also testing all possible arrangements of the image, this is the resulting function:

def count_pattern(image, pattern):
    pattern_h, pattern_w = len(pattern), len(pattern[0])
    image_sz = len(image)
    deltas = []

    for r, row in enumerate(pattern):
        for c, cell in enumerate(row):
            if cell == '#':
                deltas.append((r, c))

    for img in arrangements(image):
        n = 0
        for r in range(image_sz - pattern_h):
            for c in range(image_sz - pattern_w):
                if all(img[r + dr][c + dc] == '#' for dr, dc in deltas):
                    n += 1

        if n != 0:
            return n

The number of # characters can be counted with a simple combination of sum() plus str.count().

    '                  # ',
    '#    ##    ##    ###',
    ' #  #  #  #  #  #   '

monster_cells = sum(row.count('#') for row in MONSTER_PATTERN)
water_cells   = sum(row.count('#') for row in image)
n_monsters    = count_pattern(image, MONSTER_PATTERN)
roughness     = water_cells - n_monsters * monster_cells

print('Part 2:', roughness)

We can now finally get our second star and hopefully also something for the headache. Jeez, I've got mixed feelings about this one.


While the solution I adopted and explained above is nothing short of a bruteforce approach, it is still really fast on such a "small" input (144 tiles), and I decided to keep it that way without overcomplicating it just for a minimal performance gain.

In any case, it's worth mentioning that we can do better: when making the initial matches between tiles we could keep the information of which tiles match which, and then instead of looking for one tile at a time in all the left tiles, use this information to limit our search for a specific matching tile to at most 4 other tiles (one per side).

This would basically mean building and making good use of an undirected graph of matches (using a simple dictionary), where tiles are vertexes and edges mean "matching". It's pretty similar to what we are already doing in the first function we wrote called match_tiles(), we would only need to also remember the IDs of the matches for each matched side.

Applying this approach would solve the second part of the problem in linear time (proportional to the number of tiles), although it would result in a little bit more complicated program to implement. However for the first part, finding all the matches for each tile would still take quadratic time, and therefore the final solution would still be O(n2) overall.

Day 21 - Allergen Assessment

Problem statementComplete solutionBack to top

Part 1

We are given a menu of recipes, one per line: each recipe consists of a list of ingredients and a list of allergens. Each allergen is contained in exactly one ingredient amongst all ingredients of the menu (that is, there is a global 1-to-1 association between allergens and ingredients). While allergens are listed in English, ingredient names are in an unknown language, so we cannot simply deduce which allergen may be contained in which ingredient simply by its name.

We know that each recipe contains at least the listed allergens, but it could also contain more allergens which are not explicitly listed. Given our input, we must determine which ingredients are safe and definitely don't contain allergens, and count the number of times any of those ingredients appear in the menu.

Our task is not obvious, but we can understand it better through an example. Suppose we're at an Italian restaurant, we don't know Italian, and we're presented with the following menu:

stoccafisso maionese aceto origano (contains dairy, fish)
riso maionese tofu patate (contains dairy)
stoccafisso tofu (contains soy)
stoccafisso maionese patate (contains fish)

By looking at the above recipes (pretty strange Italian restaurant by the way, never seen such dishes to be honest!), we can see that the first contains at least two allergens: dairy and fish, so we know that aceto could contain either one of those allergens. If we look at the other recipes, we can't see aceto anywhere, even though the second dish contains dairy and the fourth dish contains fish.

Remember that there is a 1-to-1 association between allergens and ingredients, so if aceto was the ingredient containing dairy, we should see aceto in every dish which contains dairy. The same reasoning goes for fish. Since we see two other plates with dairy or fish, but none of them has aceto as an ingredient, we can conclude that aceto can contain neither of those, and does not contain any allergen at all.

In short, all the ingridients missing from a specific recipe cannot possibly contain any of the allergenes listed in the recipe. This appears to be the only deduction that we are allowed to make based on the given menu, and indeed it is enough to solve the problem.

Applying this reasoning to all the ingredients of the above example menu, we can come to the conclusion that none of aceto, origano, riso and patate contain allergens. Counting the occurrences of those, the answer would be 5.

We can now apply the reasoning to each ingredient of the real menu to find out which ingredients don't contain allergens.

Let's start with input parsing. We could use a regex, but the recipe format is simple enough: for each line of input we'll first separate ingredients and allergens by removing the trailing closed parentheses and newlines and splitting on the string " (contains ". Then, we'll split both the ingredient and the allergens into a list and build a set out of each list. The reason for using a set will be clear soon.

In order to solve the problem, we need to keep a set of "possible" allergens for each ingredient, and we also need to keep track of which recipes contain a given allergen. We'll do this by creating two dicrionaries: {ingredient: set_of_allergens} and {allergen: list_of_recipes}. To simplify the creation of new entries we can use two defaultdict. We'll write a function to parse the input and extract all this information:

def parse_input(fin):
    recipes = []
    possible_allers = defaultdict(set)
    recipes_with    = defaultdict(list)

    for i, line in enumerate(fin):
        ingredients, allergens = line.rstrip(')\n').split(' (contains ')

        ingredients = set(ingredients.split())
        allergens   = set(allergens.split(', '))

        for aller in allergens:

        for ingr in ingredients:
            possible_allers[ingr] |= allergens

    return recipes, possible_allers, recipes_with

fin = open(...)
recipes, possible_allers, recipes_with = parse_input(fin)

Now possible_allers[ingr] contains the set of possible allergens for the ingredient ingr, and recipes_with[aller] contains a list of indexes of recipes containing the allergen aller.

Perfect, we just need to apply the above reasoning to find safe ingredients. For each ingredient we'll check all its possible allergens: if any of the recipes containing such allergen does not include the ingredient we are checking, then we can safely exclude the allergen from the set of possible allergens for the ingredient.

def safe_ingredients(recipes, possible_allers, recipes_with):
    safe = []

    for ingr, possible in possible_allers.items():
        impossible = set()

        for aller in possible:
            for i in recipes_with[aller]:
                if ingr not in recipes[i]:

        # Difference between sets: remove all the items of `impossible` from `possible`
        possible -= impossible

        # If no possible allergens are left, the ingredient does not contain allergens
        if not possible:

    return safe

safe = safe_ingredients(recipes, possible_allers, recipes_with)

The continuous checking if ingr not in recipes[i] is the reason we used sets instead of lists for recipe ingredients.

We can simplify the innermost for loop above using any(), and replacing the for with a simple generator expression, since all it's doing is checking if the ingredient ingr is in any of the recipes containing the allergen aller, stopping at the first negative match:

def safe_ingredients(recipes, possible_allers, recipes_with):
# ... unchanged ...
        for aller in possible:
            if any(ingr not in recipes[i] for i in recipes_with[aller]):
# ... unchanged ...

Now that we have a list of ingredients with no allergens, we can just count the number of times each of them appears in the menu, summing up each count. To do this easily we can use sum():

tot = 0
for ingr in safe:
    tot += sum(ingr in r for r in recipes)

We can actually also compress the outer for into sum():

tot = sum(ingr in r for r in recipes for ingr in safe)
print('Part 1:' tot)

Hope you are not allergic to peanuts, it would be a shame if you couldn't taste the delicious tjbngs with jrhvk! Typical Advent of Code recipe.

Part 2

For the second part of today's puzzle, for each allergen we need to determine the ingredient wihch contains it. Our answer must be a comma separated list of ingredient names, sorted alphabetically by their allergen.

We need to do something very similar to what we did for day 16 part 2. It's the exact same algorithm, just with a different associated meaning. First, remove all empty sets from our dictionary of possible allergens:

for ingr in safe:
    del possible_allers[ingr]

Now we'll write a function to simplify the sets of possible allergens for each ingredient down to a single allergen per ingredient:

  1. Start with a set of possible allergens per ingredient (possible_allers).
  2. Find a set with only one allergen left: assign that allergen to the ingredient associated with the set, then remove the set from our dictionary.
  3. Cycle through all the other sets and remove the matched allergen from each of them.
  4. Check if all the sets are empty: if so, we assigned all allergens to an ingredient and we are done. If not, go back to step 2.

Using our innate ability to translate English sentences into Python code, we come up with this function:

def simplify(possible_allers):
    assigned = {}

    while possible_allers:
        for ingr, possible in possible_allers.items():
            if len(possible) == 1:

        aller = possible.pop()
        assigned[aller] = ingr
        del possible_allers[ingr]

        for ingr, possible in possible_allers.items():
            if aller in possible:

    return assigned

All we have to do now is get the assignments calling this function and then sort them according to the requirements. We need to sort the assignments in alphabetical order according to the allergen name. To do this, we can sort the keys of the assigned dictionary returned by the above function using sorted() and then map() each key (allergen) into its value (ingredient). Finally, join() the values together separating them with commas (,).

assigned = simplify(possible_allers)
lst = ','.join(map(assigned.get, sorted(assigned)))

print('Part 2:', lst)

You may not be able to enjoy tjbngs if you're allergic to peanuts, but you can simply go with the mlqnfs as a peanut-free alternative (which is also vegan as the name obviously implies).

Day 22 - Crab Combat

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Part 1

Today we've got to emulate a two-player card game. Cards are positive integer numbers, and the rules of the game are pretty straightforward:

  • Each player starts with their own deck of cards.
  • Then, each turn:
    • Both players draw the top card of their deck.
    • The player who drew the higher-valued card wins the round and keeps both cards, inserting them at the bottom of their deck, their card first.
    • If either player is left with no cards, the game ends and the winner is the player with all the cards. Otherwise the game keeps going.

We need to determine the score of the winner, which is calculated as the sum of the product of each card with its position from the bottom of the deck (the last card's position is 1).

As usual, let's get input parsing out of the way. Cards are given one by line for each player, with an empty newline between the two decks, and a seemingly unneeded "heading" line before the list of cards of each player. We can split the entire input on a double newline (\n\n), then split again both parts into separate lines using str.splitlines(), throwing away the first line of each part. We can do this in a rather compact way with the help of map().

deck1, deck2 = map(str.splitlines,'\n\n'))

We'll end up with two lists of strings representing the decks of player 1 and player 2 which we can easily map() again into lists of int. However, since the game involves continuously moving cards around from the top to the bottom of the decks, we should avoid using list to represent decks, since popping the first element from a list takes linear time proportional to the length of the list. A deque is the perfect data structure, supporting fast removal and insertion of elements on both ends.

deck1 = deque(map(int, deck1[1:]))
deck2 = deque(map(int, deck2[1:]))

Now let's actually write the code to play this game. We'll create a simple function which does nothing more than following the rules outlined in the problem statement. Each turn we'll .popleft() the first card of each deck, then compare the two and .extend() the winner's deck with both cards (in the right order). It's not clear what happens should the two cards have the same value, so we'll just assume that's impossible (we can assert that this never happens just to be sure).

def play(deck1, deck2):
    while deck1 and deck2:
        c1, c2 = deck1.popleft(), deck2.popleft()

        if c1 > c2:
            deck1.extend((c1, c2))
            deck2.extend((c2, c1))

    return deck1 if deck1 else deck2

The function we just wrote returns the final deck of the winner (using a conditional expression), now let's write another function to calculate the winner's score (spoiler: we are writing a function just because we'll need it again for part 2).

For each card in the winner's deck, start from the bottom and multiply it by its position (from the bottom), summing up every value. To reverse the deck, since we are dealing with a deque and deque objects do not support slicing, we cannot simply use [::-1], we need to resort to the built-in reversed() function. Once the deck is reversed, we can then use enumerate counting from 1 to iterate over both the values and their positions.

def score(deck):
    tot = 0
    for pos, card in enumerate(reversed(deck), 1):
        tot += card * pos
    return tot

As always, a simple loop that is only summing up values can be simplified down to a single line using sum():

def score(deck):
    return sum(p * c for p, c in enumerate(reversed(deck), 1))

All that's left to do is use the functions we defined to simulate the game and get our answer:

winner_deck  = play(deck1.copy(), deck2.copy())
winner_score = score(winner_deck)

print('Part 1:', winner_score)

Note: we're passing a .copy() here just because we'll need to re-use the same decks for part 2.

Part 2

Now the rules change, and the game becomes recursive. Oh no, we'll need to write another recursive function!

The new rules to apply each turn are the following:

  • Before each turn, avoid entering an infinite loop by checking the current decks. If the current decks have ever been seen before in this game with the same length and the exact same cards in the same order, stop playing: player 1 automatically wins.
  • Both players draw the top card of their deck.
  • If for both players the value of the drawn card is less than or equal to the number of remaining cards in deck, the winner of the round is determined by playing a new game. Take a number of cards equal to the drawn card from the top of each deck, and start a new sub-game to determine the winner of this round.
  • Otherwise (one or both cards have values higher than the number of cards left in the corresponding deck) play normally. The player who drew the higher-valued card wins the round and keeps both cards, inserting them at the bottom of their deck, their card first.
  • If either player is left with no cards, the game ends and the winner is the player with all the cards. Otherwise the game keeps going.

There does not seem much to think about, all we need to do is follow the rules again, creating a new function to play the game recursively.

In order to check for the first rule above, we can use a simple set to keep track of seen decks. Before each turn, we'll check if the current pair of decks is in the set, and stop declaring player 1 the winner if that's the case. Otherwise, we'll turn the current decks into a pair of tuple and add them to the set of seen decks.

For the recursive part, all we need to do each turn is again apply the rules literally: draw two cards and check if they both have values higher than the length of the two decks. If so, cut the decks by temporarily turning them into tuples or lists (deque objects do not support slicing) and do a recursive call to determine the winner of the round. Otherwise, the winner of the round is the one who drew the higher-valued card.

Since we now also need to know who won (and not only the winner's deck), we'll return two values from our recursive function: the winner and its deck, ignoring the deck in the case of a recursive call. To identify the winner we'll simply return True in case player 1 wins and Fales otherwise.

def recursive_play(deck1, deck2):
    seen = set()

    while deck1 and deck2:
        key = tuple(deck1), tuple(deck2)
        if key in seen:
            return True, deck1

        c1, c2 = deck1.popleft(), deck2.popleft()

        if len(deck1) >= c1 and len(deck2) >= c2:
            sub1, sub2 = tuple(deck1)[:c1], tuple(deck2)[:c2]
            p1win, _ = recursive_play(deque(sub1), deque(sub2))
            p1win = c1 > c2

        if p1win:
            deck1.extend((c1, c2))
            deck2.extend((c2, c1))

    return (True, deck1) if deck1 else (False, deck2)

Done, now let's call the function and call it a day:

_, winner_deck = recursive_play(deck1, deck2)
winner_score   = score(winner_deck)

print('Part 2:', winner_score)

Day 23 - Crab Cups

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Part 1

Another game with numbers, how cool! This time we'll be playing with cups. We have 10 cups labeled with values from 1 to 9 in a specific order (our puzzle input). These cups are arranged in a circle, that is, after the last cup we find the first one again. We are going to shuffle them according to a set of precise rules.

We start with the first cup in our input list as the "current" cup. Each round, the following actions are performed to move cups around:

  • Pick up (removing them from the circle) the 3 cups right after the current one.
  • Take the value of the current cup and subtract 1 from it. Keep subtracting 1 until the value is not amongst the values of the 3 cups we picked up. Whenever the value goes below the minimum value amongst all cups, set it to the maximum value.
  • Find the cup with the value we just calculated, and place the 3 cups we picked up earlier right after it, in the same order in which they were picked up.
  • Select the cup right after the current one as the new current.

After performing the above actions for 100 rounds, we need to find the cup with value 1, and concatenate all the values of the other cups after it, in order. This will be the answer for part 1.

Hopefully the explanation is clear enough, but let's look at a small example of 5 rounds anyway. This is the same as the one provided in the problem statement linked above, with input 389125467, just rearranged in a way I find easier to understand. The current cup is surrounded by parentheses ( ), and the 3 picked up cups are surrounded by square brackets [ ].

Round 1:  (3) [8   9   1]  2   5   4   6   7
               \_______/     ↑

Round 2:   3  (2) [8   9   1]  5   4   6   7
                   \_______/                 ↑

Round 3:   3   2  (5) [4   6   7]  8   9   1
             ↑         \_______/

Round 4:   3]  4   6   7   2   5  (8) [9   1
       ..._/             ↑             \_____...

Round 5:  (4) [6   7   9]  1   3   2   5   8
               \_______/         ↑

Final:     4   1   3   6   7   9   2   5   8
Values after 1: 3 6 7 9 2 5 8 4

As you can see from above, moving the 3 picked up cups in round 1 is simple enough, we take 3 - 1 = 2, so we place the cups after cup 2. In the second round though we have 2 - 1 = 1, and 1 is amongst the cups we picked up, so we subtract 1 wrapping back up to 9, which is still in the picked-up cups, we do this two more times and end up with 7 which is not amongst the picked up cups, so we place them after cup 7.

Parsing our input today couldn't be simpler, just map() the digits of the only line of input into integers:

orig = tuple(map(int, fin.readline().rstrip()))

We keep the original list in a tuple because we'll need it later for part 2.

Since we need to continuously remove and insert elements, and we are dealing with a cyclic list, we can use a deque to hold the values of the cups. We highly prefer a deque over a list because it supports fast insertion and deletions, while inserting and deleting elements from a list costs proportionally to the length of the list.

A deque can be easily "rotated" through .rotate(). If we keep our current cup always at the first spot in the deque, we can just use .rotate() to reposition the cups whenever we need to pop some out or add them back in. All the "rotations" we need to make are to the right, so the numbers passed to .rotate() will have to be negative since this method rotates to the left.

The operations to perform in a round can be easily translated in terms of .popleft(), .rotate() and .appendleft() (or .extendleft()):

  • Looking at the current cup value simply means checking at [0].
  • Picking 3 cups up after the current means .rotate(-1) then .popleft() 3 times.
  • Inserting the 3 cups back means .rotate(-dest - 1) then .appendleft() 3 times (or just .extendleft()).

Let's write a function to play the game given a deque of cups. All we need to do is apply the rules, translating them to operations on the deque as explained above.

def play(cups, n_moves):
    mincup, maxcup = min(cups), max(cups)

    for move in range(n_moves):
        cur = cups[0]

        # Pick up 3 cups after the current
        picked = [cups.popleft() for _ in range(3)]

        # Select the destination cup value, after which we'll insert the 3 picked cups
        dst = cur - 1
        while dst in picked or dst < mincup:
            if dst < mincup:
                dst = maxcup
                dst -= 1

        # Find the position of the destination cup and rotate the deque so that we are right after it
        pos = cups.index(dst) + 1
        # Insert the 3 picked up cups there (extendleft inserts backwards so we need to reverse them [::-1])
        # Go back to where we were, so that the next current cup is at position 0

    # Move right at the cup with value 1
    pos = cups.index(1)

    # Discard cup 1 and concatenate the values of all subsequent cups to get the answer
    return ''.join(map(str, cups))

The above loop adjusts the "destination" value according to the rules can be simplified using conditional expressions:

        dst = maxcup if cur == mincup else cur - 1
        while dst in picked:
            dst = maxcup if dst == mincup else dst - 1

If we also start the values from 0 instead of 1 we can simplify the formula a little bit, but let's keep it this way to keep the calculation of the final value simple.

Now we just need to call the function with the appropriate parameters:

cups = deque(orig)
ans  = play(cups, 100)

print('Part 1:', ans)

That was simple enough. Onto part 2!

Part 2

Now we are told that we need to add some more cups... precisely, all cups valued from 10 to 1000000 (1 million). We also need to play the game for 10 million rounds instead of 100. After the last round, we need to multiply together the values of the two cups right after the cup with value 1.

Well... needless to say, we can't use a deque anymore. Shifting around 1 million elements is quite slow; doing it 10 million times is just impossible (it would take ages). There are two main problems with our part 1 approach:

  1. Finding the index of a cup through .index() means scanning the entire deque. This is way too slow on a large deque, and we need to do it every single round. We need this operation to be as fast as possible, taking constant time instead of linear time.
  2. Rotating around using .rotate() also takes linear time in the worst case (i.e. rotate of the entire length of the deque). We also need this operation to be performed in constant time if we want to solve this before the heat death of the universe.

The two above points weren't really noticeable with only 100 rounds with 10 items, since the operation is nearly instantaneous with such small numbers, but become a huge problem when the number of elements increases.

Say hello to linked lists, the most beautiful data structure ever invented! In particular, we'll be building and using a circular linked list to make the above issues disappear. We'll see how shortly.

In Python, the concept of an explicit "pointer" does not exist, so we don't have "conventional" linked lists out of the box, since we cannot not explicitly point to values. However, one can implicitly point to a value by wrapping it inside an instance of a "wrapper" class and taking a reference to that instance. Instancing a class and assigning it to a variable merely means keeping a reference to the instance of the class, which is akin to keeping a "pointer" to the instance.

We can create a wrapper class for linked list nodes in the following way:

class Node:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value # actual value of this node  = None  # pointer to next Node of the linked list

However, since we have to play for 10 million rounds, we might want to find a little bit more efficient way of representing a linked list. This is because, unluckily for us, accessing attributes of an object is one of the slowest primitive operations in Python, so before going on, let's see if we can do better.

Thankfully, we can, as it just so happens that in our case the cups (and therefore the nodes of our linked list) will assume all values from 1 to 1 million. Therefore all we need to keep track of the next of a given cup is just a big list of integers, let's call it next_cup, storing at index i the value of the cup after the cup with value i. That is, next_cup[i] is the the cup which follows cup i.

This next_cup list will have 1 million plus 1 elements, and will be initialized according to the initial 9 values we have as input plus another 999991 values from 10 to 1000000. We add that 1 additional element in the list because we don't want to worry about calculating the correct indexes, and adding one more element while ignoring next_cup[0] makes us able to just use cup values as indexes. Finally, the last entry of the list will be the value of the first cup in our input, making the 1-millionth cup have the first one as "next", therefore making our linked list also circular.

Keeping cups in a linked list removes the problem of having to shift everything around just to remove and insert an arbitrary contiguous chunk of cups:

  • To remove cups from the list, we only need to update one value, the "next" of the cup right before the first cup we remove, replacing it with the value of the "next" of the last cup we remove.
  • To insert cups back into the list between two other cups, we only need to update two values: the "next" of the cup before the insertion point (setting it to the value of the first inserted cup), and the "next" of the last inserted cup (setting it to the value of the cup after the insertion point.

Here's a bonus ASCII-art diagram to visualize the removal of elements (and also insertion if you read it from the bottom up) from a linked list:

+---+------+    +---+------+    +---+------+    +---+------+    +---+------+
| A | next |--->| B | next |--->| C | next |--->| D | next |--->| E | next |--+
+---+------+    +---+------+    +---+------+    +---+------+    +---+------+  |
  ^                                                                           |

+---+------+                                                    +---+------+
| A | next |--------------------------------------------------->| E | next |--+
+---+------+                                                    +---+------+  |
  ^                                                                           |

The first 9 cups will just be linked one to the other from left to right, we can use zip() to iterate over a pair of consecutive cups and set up the "next" of each. Then, we'll add the values from 10 to 1 million (in order, since they are initially sorted this way, and finally add the first value of our original list at the end of the list, so that the "next" cup of the last one is the first (effectively making the list circular).

def build_list(cups):
    next_cup = [0] * len(cups)

    for prev, cur in zip(cups, cups[1:]):
        next_cup[prev] = cur

    next_cup[cups[-1]] = len(next_cup)
    next_cup += list(range(len(next_cup) + 1, 1000000 + 2))
    next_cup[n] = cups[0]

    return next_cup

Now we can write a new play() function to actually play the game. There isn't really much more to say except what I explained above, so I'll let the code mainly speak for itself, with the help of some comments.

def play(cur, next_cup, n_rounds):
    max_cup = len(next_cup) - 1

    for _ in range(n_rounds):
        # Pick up 3 cups
        first  = next_cup[cur]
        mid    = next_cup[first]
        last   = next_cup[mid]
        picked = (first, mid, last)

        # Remove them from the list
        next_cup[cur] = next_cup[last]

        # Select the destination cup value, after which we'll insert the 3 picked-up cups
        dst = max_cup if cur == 1 else cur - 1
        while dst in picked:
            dst = max_cup if dst == 1 else dst - 1

        # Insert the picked cups right after it
        next_cup[last] = next_cup[dst]
        next_cup[dst]  = first

        # Advance to the next cup after the current
        cur = next_cup[cur]

Lastly, let's build the linked list and pass it to the above function to simulate 10 million rounds of the game:

next_cup = build_list(orig, 1000000)
play(orig[0], next_cup, 10000000)

The answer will just be the product of the values of the two cups after the cup with value 1:

ans = next_cup[1] * next_cup[next_cup[1]]
print('Part 2:', ans)

With minor modifications, we can make the build_list() more generic to create a linked list of an arbitrary number of cups

def build_list(cups, n=None):
    initial_sz = max(cups) + 1
    next_cup   = [0] * initial_sz

    for prev, cur in zip(cups, cups[1:]):
        next_cup[prev] = cur

    if n is None:
        next_cup[cups[-1]] = cups[0]
        next_cup += list(range(initial_sz + 1, n + 2))
        next_cup[n] = cups[0]
        next_cup[cups[-1]] = initial_sz

    return next_cup

Then we can use our new play() function to also solve part 1, discarding the previous suboptimal solution. The only thing that we'll need to change is the calculation of the final value, since we'll have to iterate over the list manually.

next_cup = build_list(orig)
play(orig[0], next_cup, 100)

ans = ''
cur = next_cup[1]
while cur != 1:
    ans += str(cur)
    cur = next_cup[cur]

print('Part 1:', ans)


Today is kind of a bad day for our poor Python. The solution isn't really as fast as I'd like it to be. On my machine I get a total execution time of roughly 7s with CPython 3.9 using a big list to keep track of the "next" of each node (like I explained in the part 2 solution above), and of course even worse times using classes instead. However, PyPy 7.3.3 (Python 3.7.9) comes to the rescue as always and obliterates CPython again with its optimized list operations, taking a little less than 700ms for both parts.

Overall, what really affects performance in CPython is the slowness of indexing and/or accessing properties of Python objects, which apparently is a downside intrinsic in the implementation. Sad.

Day 24 - Lobby Layout

Problem statementComplete solutionBack to top

Part 1

Today we have to navigate through an hexagonal grid, how cool!

We have a room with a hexagonally-tiled floor. All the tiles of the floor have one black side and one white side, and they are initially all placed with the white side facing up. We need to flip specific tiles according to a list of directions.

Each entry in our list of direction is a string consisting of multiple moves concatenated together: each move can be either e, se, sw, w, nw, or ne. There is no space between two moves, as it's not needed to identify the moves. Each string of moves in our list represents the steps to make to arrive to the tile we need to flip, always starting from the same reference tile.

We need to determine how many tiles will have the black side up after flipping in order all the tiles following the directions. Note that we could also end up flipping the same tile more than once.

Not that difficult of a problem, all we need is a decent coordinate system to uniquely identify the position of a tile relative to the reference tile.

Even though it might seem that we can move in more than two directions, we really are not. Even dealing with a hexagonal grid, we are still in a 2-dimensional space, so each tile's position can be uniquely identified by exactly two integer coordinates (x, y). If we concentrate enough, we can actually look at tiles as if they were arranged in rows and (slightly slanted) columns.

Here's how we can represent tile coordinates (bear with me on this one, ASCII-art hexagonal tiles are really only pretty when drawn in the perpendicular orientation, unfortunately):

       / \     / \     / \     / \     / \     /#\
     /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /#####\
    | -1,-1 |  0,-1 |  1,-1 |  2,-1 |  3,-1 |#######|
    |       |       |       |       |       |#######|
   / \     / \     / \     / \     / \     /#\#####/ \
 /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /#####\#/     \
| -1,0  |  0,0  |  1,0  |  2,0  |  3,0  |#######|  5,0  |
|       |  REF  |       |       |       |#######|       |
 \     / \     / \     / \     / \     /#\#####/ \     /
   \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /#####\#/     \ /
    |  0,1  |  1,1  |  2,1  |  3,1  |#######|  5,1  |
    |       |       |       |       |#######|       |
   / \     / \     / \     / \     /#\#####/ \     / \
 /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /#####\#/     \ /     \
|  0,2  |  1,2  |  2,2  |  3,2  |#######|  5,2  |  6,2  |
|       |       |       |       |#######|       |       |
 \     / \     / \     / \     / \#####/ \     / \     /
   \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \#/     \ /     \ /

In the above representation rows are clearly visible, and I've highlighted the column y=4 filling it with #. The reference cell is at (0,0) and marked with REF.

A movement east or west using such a coordinate system is nothing special, we stay on same row, and just need to change the x coordinate. However, a north or south movement could either change one coordinate only or both coordinates, depending on the direction. Moving south west only changes y, while moving south east changes both x and y! Similarly, moving north east changes only y, while moving north west changes both x and y!

Now that we have a clear coordinate system to follow, we can start working. Let's write a function which, given a list of moves, "walks" the hexagonal grid and returns the coordinates of the final cell relative to the reference cell. In order to do this, a global dictionary representing the deltas to apply to each coordinate comes in handy, and lets us avoid writing 6 different if/elif branches.

    'e' : ( 1,  0),
    'w' : (-1,  0),
    'se': ( 1,  1),
    'sw': ( 0,  1),
    'ne': ( 0, -1),
    'nw': (-1, -1)

def walk(moves):
    x, y = 0, 0

    for move in moves:
        dx, dy = MOVEMAP[move]
        x += dx
        y += dy

    return x, y

That was straightforward. Now all that's left to do is parse the input directions and apply them.

In order to split each string of directions into a list of moves, we can use a simple regular expression consisting of only 6 alternatives separated by pipes (|):

import re

rexp = re.compile(r'e|w|se|sw|ne|nw')

Applying .findall() on a line of input using the above regexp will split each time one of the alternatives matches and return a list of moves to follow to get to the wanted tile to flip.

The code we're going to write from now on is very similar to the one we wrote for day 17: the only thing we care about a specific coordinate of our grid, is if that coordinate represents a black tile or not. To keep track of this information, all we need is a set of coordinates representing black tiles, assuming any coordinate that is not in the set represents a white tile.

Initially, the set will be empty. Then we'll parse each line of input into a list of directions using the previously written regexp and pass it through walk() to get the final coordinates of the tile to flip. Finally, to "flip" the tile we'll simply add the coordinates to our set if and only if they aren't in the set already (meaning the tile is being flipped from white to black side), or remove them if they are already in the set (meaning the tile is being flipped from black to white side).

grid = set() # coords of tiles with black side up

for line in fin:
    moves = rexp.findall(line)
    p = walk(moves)

    if p in grid:

All that's left to do is "calculate" the number of black tiles in our set:

n_black = len(grid)
print('Part 1:', n_black)

Part 2

For the second part of the puzzle, now the hexagonal grid of tiles becomes... a cellular automaton, because why not!?

We should already know the drill, it's the third time we are dealing with a cellular automaton this year (the other two being day 11 and day 17). The rules to evolve each tile based on its color and the state of the 6 adjacent tiles are simple:

  • Any black tile with 0 or more than 2 black tiles immediately adjacent to it is flipped to white.
  • Any white tile with exactly 2 black tiles immediately adjacent to it is flipped to black.

We need to "evolve" our hexagonal grid of tiles for 100 generations, then count the final number of tiles with the black side facing up.

I usually avoid using complex one-liners. Today feels to good to not simplify everything down into a couple of lines of code though. I'll limit myself and try to explain each step in the best way I can.

Like for day 17, it's important to consider that when "evolving" our tiles, our set of black tiles can actually "expand" outwards. If a tile that is not black (and therefore not in our grid) is adjacent to exactly 2 black tiles, it will be flipped and will become black. For this reason, when evolving the grid, we need to also check all tiles surrounding the ones we already have, even if they are not in our grid set.

We can compute all coordinates that we need to check using a generator function which iterates over all adjacent coordinates of any coordinate in our grid. This is as simple as iterating over every point in grid and adding each possible "delta" to it (that is, stepping one unit forward in each possible direction).

def all_neighbors(grid):
    deltas = ((1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1))

    for x, y in grid:
        for dx, dy in delta:
            yield (x + dx, y + dy)

Simple enough. The coordinates we need to check to evolve the grid should be the ones already in grid plus all the neighbors returned by the above function. However, as per the rules, black tiles with no adjacent black tiles will always be flipped to white. This means that no tile whose coordinates aren't already included in the ones yielded by all_neighbors() will have the chance of staying black, as this function generates all the coordinates of tiles which have at least one adjacent black tile. We can therefore only consider the ones returned by the above function as candidates for our "new" grid after evolving one generation.

We now also need to count the number of adjacent black tiles for each tile. The above generator function could actually yield the same coordinates multiple times. For example, if a tile at (x, y) has 4 adjacent black tiles, then for each one of those we will compute the same (x, y), and we'll end up yielding 4 copies of the same coordinate.

This means that the above function, with a minor modification, can already tell us both (1) all the coordinates of the tiles we should check and (2) how many adjacent black tiles does each one of them have. We can do this by simply counting duplicate coordinates.

Here's a new function which does just that, using a defaultdict to count the number of times we see the same coordinate:

from collections import defaultdict

def all_neighbors(grid):
    deltas = ((1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1))
    counts = defaultdict(int)

    for x, y in grid:
        for dx, dy in deltas:
            counts[x + dx, y + dy] += 1

    return counts

Counting duplicate elements in an iterable sequence can actually be done using a Counter object from the collections module, which takes an iterable as parameter and returns a dictionary of the form {element: count}. Combining this with a generator expression to compress the two above for loops into a single line, the result is the following:

def all_neighbors(grid):
    deltas = ((1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1))
    return Counter((x + dx, y + dy) for x, y in grid for dx, dy in deltas)

All we need to do to evolve our grid now is iterate over all the coordinates and counts in the dictionary returned by the above function, following the rules on the number of adjacent black tiles to determine whether each tile should stay (or turn) black.

def evolve(grid):
    new = set()

    for p, n in all_neighbors(grid).items():
        if p in grid and not (n == 0 or n > 2):
        elif p not in grid and n == 2:

    return new

The above checks, which are a literal translation of the given rules into logical formulas, can be simplified a lot noticing two things: if the number of black adjacent tiles is 2, the current tile will be black regardless of its previous state; otherwise, if its previous state was black, the tile can also keep being black if the number of adjacent black tiles is exactly 1.

def evolve(grid):
    new = set()

    for p, n in all_neighbors(grid).items():
        if n == 2 or (n == 1 and p in grid):

    return new

Since we extract the .items() from the Counter returned by all_neighbors() right away, we can just incorporate that into the function itself:

def all_neighbors(grid):
    deltas = ((1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1))
    return Counter((x + dx, y + dy) for x, y in grid for dx, dy in deltas).items()

Secondly, since all we are doing in evolve() is constructing a set of new coordinates filtering the ones returned by all_neighbors() based on a condition, we can even simplify evolve down to a single line using a generator expression with an additional if condition:

def evolve(grid):
    return set(p for p, n in all_neighbors(grid) if n == 2 or (n == 1 and p in grid))

Finally, since we just wrote two "one-liner" functions, let's just merge them together as they are not needed anywhere else:

def evolve(grid):
    deltas = ((1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1))
    near = Counter((x + dx, y + dy) for x, y in grid for dx, dy in deltas)
    return set(p for p, n in near.items() if n == 2 or n == 1 and p in grid)

A for loop to eveolve the grid 100 times is all that's left to do:

for _ in range(100):
    grid = evolve(grid)

n_black = len(grid)
print('Part 2:', n_black)

I don't know about you, but I find hexagonal tilings quite satisfying.

Day 25 - Combo Breaker

Problem statementComplete solutionBack to top

The last puzzle of this year's Advent of Code is a pretty simple one, dealing once again with modular arithmetic.

We need to crack the secret keys exchanged in a handshake between two devices. The handshake involves transforming numbers according to the following transformation, which takes two numbers as input: the number we want to transform, called "subject number", and a "loop size".

  • Start with a value of 1, then perform the following operation a number of times equal to the loop size:
    • Multiply the value by the subject number.
    • Set the value to itself modulo 20201227.
  • The result is the value after performing the above two steps loop size times.

Each device initially sends a public key to the other. We are able to intercept both of them (our puzzle input). We know that those public keys are the result of transforming the number 7 using a secret, unknown loop size (different for each device). Then, each device calculates a secret key by transforming (always according to the above) the other device's public key using their own secret loop size.

We need to figure out the secret key based on either one of the two public keys, by first finding the loop size used to calculate one of the two public keys, and then use it to transform the other public key.

There are two main solutions to today's problem. One is a simple and very straightforward bruteforce approach, while the other is a faster and more general purely mathematical solution. I ended up implementing the latter when initially solving the problem, but I nonetheless will explain both of them in detail.

Bruteforce solution

We will follow the given directions to implement the "transformation" that is described by the problem statement one step at a time, in order to find the secret "loop size" of one of the two devices. To do so, we'll start from 1 and then keep multiplying by 7 and doing modulo 20201227 until we find a value equal to one of the two public keys. That value will be the secret "loop size" of one of the the two devices.

fin = open(...)
A, B = map(int, fin)

x = 1
v = 7
while v != A and v != B:
    v = (v * 7) % 20201227
    x += 1

It's easy to notice by looking at the above loop that the "transformation" we are applying is nothing more than the modular exponentiation of a given number (the "subject number", in the above case 7) to the power of x (the "loop size") modulo 20201227. Python can actually do modular exponentiation using pow() passing a third argument (the modulus), so we could also have written something like this:

x = 1
v = 7
while v != A and v != B:
    x += 1
    v = pow(7, x, 20201227)

However it must be noted that this is a lot slower. This is because we are calling pow() every single time, which does the full exponentiation for us, while in the above "manual" solution we do one single arbitrarily large exponentiation one step at a time, stopping when needed. This is not really a big issue since Python uses a fast exponentiation algorithm to do this calculation, called exponentiation by squaring, but it's slower nonetheless since we cannot just supply a big number to pow() and make it "stop" when we want (we need to call it once for each attempt).

Either way, regardless of the method we use, once the loop is finished and we have found a value for x, depending on whether we have found a match for the public key A or B, we can then use that value to apply the transformation to the other public key and calculate the secret key as the problem statement explains:

if v == A:
    # x is the "loop size" of the device with public key A
    secret_key = pow(B, x, 20201227)
    # x is the "loop size" of the device with public key B
    secret_key = pow(A, x, 20201227)

print('Part 1:', secret_key)

Or more consicely using a conditional expression:

secret_key = pow(B if v == A else A, x, 20201227)
print('Part 1:', secret_key)

This is probably what most people did, and it's a prefectly valid solution which does not really require any background knowledge. I implemented it here for reference.

This solution is however quite slow, a lot slower than the optimal solution, and also really boring! So let me go ahead and explain the real solution to this problem.

Purely mathematical solution

As we said in the previous section, it's easy to notice by writing it down as a simple loop in really any programming language (or even in pseudocode on paper), that the above "transformation" is nothing more than the modular exponentiation of a given number (the "subject number") to the power of x (the "loop size") modulo 20201227.

Let A and B be the two public keys given as our input. We want to find either one of two unknown values a and b such that 7a mod 20201227 = A or 7b mod 20201227 = B. In other words, we want to compute the discrete logarithm modulus 20201227 of either A or B to base 7.

There are known algorithms for computing the discrete logarithm of a number given a modulus and a base. If you want, you can scroll right to the solution below, but first I would like to give some background information on what is actually happening here. Some modular arithmetic knowledge would be useful to understand what I'm going to explain, but I'll try to be as clear as possible either way.

What was described in the problem statement in a rather verbose manner is an algorithm best known as Diffie-Hellman key exchange. This algorithm allows two parties to securely compute the same secret key, using a pre-established common base g and modulus p, and exchanging each other's public keys over an insecure channel. In the above explanation p = 20201227 (which must be a prime number, and indeed it is), and g = 7 (which must be a primitive root modulo p). As we just said, the described "transformation" of a number is nothing more than a modular exponentiation, which is the fundamental modular transformation that the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm is based upon.

We can rewrite the problem statement as follows:

Given the public base g = 7, the public modulo p = 20201227, and the two public keys A and B (obtained as A = ga mod p, B = gb mod p), calculate the secret key s = Ab mod p = Ba mod p.

The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm works because since A ≡ ga (mod p) and B ≡ gb (mod p), we have s ≡ AbBagab (mod p), no matter the values chosen for the two secret exponents a and b.

When intercepting the public keys exchanged between the two devices, we are performing what is known as eavesdropping. We then want to use the obtained information (the public keys), knowing the already public information (p and g). What we are really being asked is in fact just "please crack this Diffie-Hellman key exchange and find the shared secret key given two sniffed public keys".

The Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a secure algorithm whose primary purpose is exactly to be resistant against such an attack, given that "good enough" values for p, a and b are chosen (as explained towards the end of the "Cryptographic explanation" section of the wikipedia article). The resistance of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange against an attempt to discover the computed common secret key comes from the fact that, in order to do so, one must be able to solve the discrete logarithm modulo p of A to base g.

To put it in simple terms: no efficient method exists to compute the discrete logarithm of a given number when g (and therefore p) are effectively chosen to be large enough, as there is no known "general" algorithm with a reasonable time complexity to compute the discrete logarithm. For large enough values of p (hundreds of digits), it is therefore humanly impossible to compute the discrete logarithm (and by that I mean that no existing computer could solve the problem in less than thousands of years).

Back to the problem now.

As it turns out, the numbers chosen for today's puzzle are very far from being cryptographically secure. In fact, they are extremely small, and make the solution very easily computable with the right algorithm even using just pen and paper (I should know this very well because this was one of the exercises given in the "foundamentals of network security" course at my university).

The most commonly known algorithm for computing the discrete logarithm is the baby-step giant-step algorithm. I will not get into the details of the algorithm, as its demonstration (and therefore understanding) requires a decent background of modular algebra. Nonetheless, countless implementations both in actual code and in pseudo-code are available online through a simple Google search.

Here's my Python implementation of the baby-step giant-step algorithm. Note that the discrete logarithm does not always have a solution, and that p must be prime for the following to work.

def bsgs(base, n, p):
    m     = ceil(sqrt(p))
    table = {pow(base, i, p): i for i in range(m)}
    inv   = pow(base, (p - 2) * m, p) # base^(-m) mod p == base^(m*(p-2)) assuming p is prime
    res   = None

    for i in range(m):
        y = (n * pow(inv, i, p)) % p
        if y in table:
            res = i * m + table[y]

    return res

Aaand... that's basically it, now we can easily calculate the private exponent (a) of either party by using baby-step giant-step to compute the discrete logarithm (base 7 modulo 20201227) of one of the public keys (A), and then compute the secret key by modular exponentiation (modulo 20201227) of the other key (B) to the power of a. It literally takes more time to say it than to write it.

fin = open(...)

A, B = map(int, fin)
a    = bsgs(7, A, 20201227)
key  = pow(B, a, 20201227)

print('Part 1:', key)

As usual, there is no part 2 for the 25th day of Advent of Code, so our magical journey for this year is over. Merry Christmas!

Copyright © 2020 Marco Bonelli. This document is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

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