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Pradyumna Singh Rathore pradhyumna85
👋 I am a Petroleum Engineer currently working as Data Scientist (R&D) 👨‍💻 at Computation Sciences and Engineering for Energy (CSEE), Landmark, Halliburton. Bengaluru

Churnie HXCN excniesNIED
Seize the day, never lose the time.

excnies Friendly-Shandong, China

xhd2015 xhd2015
@harbin Institute of Technology

Bytedance Inc. @Shenzhen

Caio Fossá caiofossa

Caio Fossá Brazil

Techno Artist


Tariq West tariqwest
Full Stack Software Engineer. Building mostly in JavaScript, so React, Angular and Node are my main jams.

San Francisco, CA

Kira Jakeverse
Slow learner :)

Aokigahara Forest


Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

我只是你的过客 743859910

我只是你的过客工作室 中国湖北省孝感市云梦县

Fir androids7
Learning Android、Linux、SDL2、Qt、Godot、WPF、OpenGL、RT-Thread OS、Java Web、GPGPU


Liao Kun Yong coolRoger

Bright Scholar Education Group 顺德

Valter l souza konterlim
@valterlsouza um dia de cada vez ! Deus é Grande!!

valterlsouza são paulo

Kevin Tang tangkv
You are not prepared.

Beijing, China

高亚斌 charygao
- sometime it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

no more working shanghai china

Quentin vfishv
o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o


eCho muks muksnodroid
shell scripting beginner and Linux os immigration

freelance Giza

wusphinx wusphinx
less is more

Hangzhou, China