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Lalit Prakash Vatsal lprakashv
Tinkerer of code.

@AppDynamics Bangalore/Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Chih-Yu Yeh cyyeh
I am working on a problem that humans have been attempting to solve for 50 years.

@Canner New Taipei, Taiwan

zsummerfield zsummerfield
Bomboklaat! 🐯 I'm English/Hungarian bilingual. Communicate in German on an intermediate level.

Budapest, Hungary

Nimastic Nimastic
Coding in CS

@Omega-Education Singapore

Naveen Kumar Reddy Naveenreddy7571
Student of computer science

Student India

Chimeziri Obioha traderstechie
I'm the spare parts trader who turned techie, to help develop necessary tech to modernise activities of local traders and services vendors. I'm Nigerian.

Lagos, Nigeria

Rakib webdrakib
Web Designer | Developer

SIAC GROUP Dhaka, Bangladesh

Ricky Clark opvexe
Local finish should way artist rise case.
goldmeninalmaty Ulyk04
Software Developer

Microsoft California

大斌 lihbt0527
my name is david,living in beijing,china.
Hoang Tran HoangTran0410
Playing with Programing

MoMo - M_Service Viet Nam

pros pros2021
Change the world bit by bit in open source.。 Computer Programmer 。


Dhruv Baslas dhruvbaslas
trying to bot a bot using Cloud Computing

Accenture Banglore, India

Riyad riyadrb
Software Developer & DevOps

Ethics Advanced Technology Limited Bangladesh

davistheweb davistheweb
Certified Ethical hacker🚀 Webdeveloper 🧑🏿‍💻 Journey in Progress 🅿️.


Brayden Tropical101
A reader not a writer
Mohamad Talebi talebi-dev
Click here to go to the main account👇 : @TalebiDev

Tahsintopu Tahsintopu174
Hi, I'm Tahsin and I'm a 🖤Learner 🧡photographer 💙Tech enthusiast 🤍and mostly a human being :)

West Shanarpar, Demra, Dhaka

Ethan Facca untypequicode
Je suis étudiant à l’université de Bordeaux. J’utilise principalement Python, C++, HTML et CSS.

Université de Bordeaux France

Ali Hamza Sarwar Ali6114

Information Technology University Lahore

Naran Kumar naran3434

Artisan Coimbatore

Muhammad Faizan Alam FaizanMS
Web and App Developer

Freelancer Karachi, Pakistan.

JinTai Yuan Tyeeee
Android/WeChat Mini Program/HTML Developer


夜莺悠吟 payiz-asj
A passionate Software Engineer.

Jiangsu, China

Simon Hawke sjhawke
Cloud ALM/DevOps/Platform engineer, but I quite like playing with Raspberry Pi computers in my spare time

n/a - This is MY stuff. UK

Mohamed Ashfak ashfakmohamed
Software Developer 💻
Lucas Veronez veronezl
Information technology student at Univesp (Virtual University of the State of São Paulo), currently in the fourth semester.
👋 Hi there! I'm Omar, a passionate learner and aspiring full-stack web developer. I'm currently diving deep into the world of web development, exploring.