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Paul DiLoreto sudogoku
I'm trying my best!

Docusign Los Angeles, CA

Caribou (lraymond) Dvergar
Love @flutter / @dart-lang and fiddling with multiplayer online games, @HaxeFoundation, @godotengine & @python.

CHILI publish Brussels

Esther White monacodelisa
🅰Angular Full Stack Web Programmer ✨ Open Source lead developer & maintainer @PaidlancerDev @TechShowcase @TechOpenSolve @AnguHashBlog @winona-ui
Nay Wint Dev naywintdev
Freelancer Blogger

NWDEVBLOG Yangon, Myanmar

Aljoscha Pörtner aljoshare

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Bielefeld, Germany

Alexis B. 0x70616666
Golang / IT Security CEO at BLACKSIL


Yuriy B. yuriybeck


Carlos E. Barboza FossilizedCarlos
Engineer, iOS Developer, Tri Age Grouper, and Cappuccino explorer.

Fossilized Bits Houston, TX

Eirik Rolland Enger engeir
PhD candidate in the complex systems modelling group at UiT


Cody Quantumheart
Software developer passionate for coffee, beer, games, and modding.
Luis Hernandez 0xluish
Blockchain, Web3, DeFi and FinTech enthusiast.

Mexico City

Enes Emre Demir eedemir
Software Craftsman

Istanbul, Turkey

Foxy Tama10
Gamer | Metalhead Blessings of the moons upon you, traveller.

Freelance English/Polish Translator Elsweyr

Konstantin kkostov
Independent App Developer | Building 💡 FeedbackBulb | Full-Stack Mobile and Web Developer

Headbright Group Belgium

J. Ross scallywagJ
I will not ask how you ended up here, but the fact you're reading this is the universe discretely suggesting that you have had enough computer for one day...

Denver, CO

João Pedro de Bragança JPedroBraganca
Co-Founder & Chief Data Officer at Innovation Intelligence

Innovation Intelligence


Utah County, Utah

Leo Liu silver886
Loves challenges
Vishnu P L vishnupl


Oliver Schmitz schmitzCatz
Team Leader, Software Developer and Architect with over 15 Years of experience. Still eager to learn.


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Hugoy Hugoy8
🌿 FullStack - UX/UI Designer

@Perform-Code Lille, France

Ame ameknite
「ART • Software」