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Uday Patel udaypatel1
tinkerer of things
Kenneth Yashim kzamani44
- Computer science student - Front-end Web developer - HTML, CSS, JavaScript,


Gullit DamiΓ£o Teixeira de Campos GullitCampos
Estudante de CiΓͺncias de Computação Universidade Federal de UberlΓ’ndia.


Archax_94 Archak-Basak
Think Digital,Live Digital

Ex-Accenture Siliguri

Gabriel Anyosa gabrielanyosa1
Assistant Researcher at University of Navarra's Department of Communications, specializing in data science, ML, and NLP


ridwan ganiyu Ridwan747
Software Developer | Engineer | Full Stack Developer | AI Enthusiast and Innovator | Innovating for the Future.
Abhay Kumar abhayrobotics
I am Full stack web developer, a JavaScript React Developer.

Abhay Robotics India

Zeynep Hazneci zeyhznc
******* Software Developer ******* Curiosity in Java, Spring, C#, .NET and MATLAB. Motivated to learn, grow, and excel in web development

Agem Bilişim

nomad2036 user23052036
*(she) is really beautiful take Torvalds word for it.

none none

Full Stack Web Developer | React | Node | Mongodb| Django | RestAPI | MySQL | Git | GitHub | SEO
Aman Kumar amanalex1804
Lost in Debugging :)
Otoniel Emanuel euotiniel
I want to put a ding in the universe β–²

Luanda, Angola

Asabeneh Asabeneh
🌱 Educator πŸ’» Programmer 🌐 Developer πŸ”₯ Motivator πŸ“˜ Content creator πŸ“ˆ Data Analyst | I create jargon-free, easy to read and understand educational material

Helsinki, Finland

Krishna Hansda khris-hans
A full stack developer in the making.

Vadodara, India

Ahmed_hamdy SiNfuuL
Software engineer with a passion for continuous learning and a knack for teaching others.
Aryan Singh Aryan20apr
A final-year computer science undergraduate with experience in backend development with Springboot and mobile app development usning Flutter.
Nick Minor nrminor
Thinking about population genomics, evolution, and immunogenomics. Writing in Python, R, Rust, &c.

@dholab Madison, Wisconsin

I am young programer form Poland. πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± My favourite language is Python and Rust. πŸπŸ¦€


Jeevan Kumar g1kum4r
I'm EAAH, Engineer, Architect, Artist, and Human. #softwareEngineer #robotics #ai #machineLearning #java #python #nodejs #angular #reactjs


Rohan Shah RoSh-23
--> Currently pursuing Master of Computer Application (MCA) from SGSITS. --> Completed Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) from DAVV securing 9.58/10 CGPA.
Burhan zwayth
I'm entangled with the spooky quantum mysteries that defy our classical notions of reality.

In Abyss

Eddy Prasetyo eddyprasetyo
avr lover, soon to be replace by lx106

Jakarta, Indonesia

Praveen Dhasarathan PraveenDhasarathan
Hey everyone, I'm Praveen, and I'm a Lead Engineer at FICO in Bangalore City! I explore more on any new tech to improve on web application development

FICO Bangalore

Sabata Mofokeng samofoke
Software Engineer

AlgoQuantia johannesburg

PRATHAMESH CHOUGALE Prathamesh-chougale-17
I love to create and explore new things


Harvey Bui HaiBV
Senior Software Engineer

Huge Hanoi, Vietnam

Lhourquin Lhourquin
I like to carry out and contribute to projects that are meaningful to me, whether to progress in terms of skills or because I simply like the project.

CIPEO Lille, France

Chiamaka Adilieme amikable-tech
Began my tech journey March 2023. Currently learning Python at ReDI School of Digital Integration. Documenting my progress one code at a time.
