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Anton patepelo
Software Enthusiast

Barcelona, Spain

5541502D504C543A584F524F58 Moxicution
2B || !2B, or both, or none, or just Schrödinger TFO of Juliet's actions , or not...
akingyin akingyin1987 重庆

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Wendel Hime WendelHime
Software engineer trying to cook some good tools

São Paulo, SP, Brasil

☰☷ di0v0ib
Happy is my whole world.
Joseph Nicholas R. Alcantara josephnicholas
C++ Software Craftsman, hungry to learn more about writing quality code, fast and efficient algorithms, and great software design.

@oneiress Philippines