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Shanghai, China.

Based in Shanghai, China

A1219 a-1219
Multimedia artist and producer


Seb Soroori sorooris
i hunt bugs, bugs haunt me. i help uncover your fucky-wucky.

Czech TV (Česká Televize), ex @trezor Prague, CZ

Christine Hoang XINEXPORT
technologist with a curiosity for synthesis, audio, coding, and graphic design

Dallas, TX

Alex MacLean alexjsmac
Software developer and new media artist

@Evertz London, ON

Raphaël Forment Bubobubobubobubo
Music PhD student and live-coder.

Paris | Lyon | Toulouse

Erik Meseck meseck
Frontend Developer x Graphic Designer
Alex McLean yaxu
Para-academic research fellow as part of non-profit Then Try This

Then Try This Sheffield, UK

Teixido MarianneTeixido
Front End Developer | Live Coder | Digital Artist | Creative Technologist

@piranhalab // @rggtrn

Lizzie lwlsn
Akello (234.48:4) DolicaAkelloEgwel
Descendant of warriors and cannibals. Lover of cats and "extreme" sounds. Cardiacs stan. Squeak's human ♥️🌈. Wannabe powerlifter.

Cosmic Coincidence Control Centre The edge of the moshpit / the black iron prison.

nik gaffney zzkt

FoAM Elgaland Vargaland

Antonio hellocatfood
Likes cats


Mariano Portal devsiderio
web developer 💻 // free software 🐧

General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina

Guillermo Ismael Garcia Borges somnioperpetuum
Med school student. Neurology and Neurosciences. Programmer. Psychonaut. Musician. Founder of Melting Phase Collective.
Antonio Giganti antonelse
Ciao, I'm æ. I'm a PhD student at Politecnico di Milano - @polimi-ispl, mostly working with audio-related stuff ツ ツ ツ

ISPL - Image and Sound Processing Lab - PoliMi Milan

jeoooo jeoooo
i commit programming warcrimes


Arinjoy Pramanik EchoCoder1729
BE CSE @ Jadavpur University

Jadavpur University India

Kellan Cartledge kellan-cartledge
Spatial Computing Solutions Architect

AWS Los Angeles, CA

Patrick Robert paradiddle16
Drummer-samplist-sound designer and occasional coder.

Montreal, Canadadada

.sh raifthenerd

Twelve Labs

Frequency of Bachelor/BSc in INFORMATICS Engineering @ University of Minho & Portuguese Open University.


Nicky System NickySystem
Melbourne Based Generalist

Teeth Lost Melbourne

Darren Cole DarrenAlexanderCole
moving image sound artist, currently studying at wpi and teaching at massart.
Mohamed Taoufik TEKAYA MohamedTaoufik
Software engineer who is passionate by digital arts, "2d-3d" animation process and audio-visual special effects "VFX" for the media and video game industries.

StartUp-SME: Horizons Software Solutions Tunisia-Sousse

Alexandra Cárdenas tiemposdelruido
Using open source software like SuperCollider and TidalCycles, her work explores the musicality of code and the algorithmic behaviour of music.

Berlin, Germany

Alex Sanchez al-codes
software engineer

San Francisco, CA

Sascha Brossmann brsma
Product × People × Purpose = Impact 👈 Leadership · Advisor · Mentor · Community builder 🌟 Growth ⚭ Courage ⚭ Connection Berlin