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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


The underlying design features a modular, dynamic approach to generating filenames and ships with a variety of specialized modules for renaming e.g. fonts or images, and more general ones - such as content-digests, simple counters or regex captures.

See the examples below, to get an idea of how everything works!


bulkrename -[vqc] [-l LIMIT] [-m MODULE ARGS] [-f FORMAT] [FILE [FILE..]]
bulkrename --help

Files are renamed in accordance with the given FORMAT string. If no FORMAT is specified, the output will exactly match the input. By default no action is taken and a list of planned changes is printed. Pass --commit to actually rename files.

In order to keep a good performance profile modules must be enabled explicitly to be used and some modules accept additional flags to control their output.


$ git clone
$ cd bulkrename
$ pip install --user -r requirements.txt


Module Description Arguments  
hash Content digest --algorithm [md5|sha256] Select algorithm
mime Try to detect MIME type
number Simple counter --number N Start counting from N
regex Capture via regex --regex REGEX Regex to use
stat Unix file stat command
image Image dimensions
font Font information



Format Description
name Contains the original file name, without extension
ext Contains the original extension. May be empty


Format Description
hash The content digest


Format Description
mime Best-effort guess of the MIME-type. May be incorrect!


Format Description
number The number N of the file


The regex will be run against every file name. You can access any named capture group in the format string. Very flexible and powerful.


Format Description
mode File mode
inode Inode number
device Device
nlink Number of hardlinks
uid User ID
gid Group ID
size Size in bytes
atime Last accest time
mtime Last modification time
ctime Birth time


Format Description
width The width of the image file in pixels
height The height of the image file in pixels
ratio The ratio of width to height


Add prefix/suffix:

$ bulkrename -f 'prefix-{name}{ext}' -- ..files..
$ bulkrename -f '{name}-suffix{ext}' -- ..files..

Content digest - in this case the md5 algorithm is used:

bulkrename -m hash -a md5 -f '{hash}{ext}' -- ..files..

Incrementing counter - files are numbered in the order they appear as arguments:

bulkrename -m number '{number}{ext}' -- ..files..

Rename with regex:

bulkrename -m regex -r '(?P<capture>.*)' -f 'your.{capture}.here' -- ..files..

Fix mime types:

bulkrename -m mime -f '{name}{mime}' -- ..files..

Add mtime or other file stats:

bulkrename -m stat -f '{name}-{mtime}{ext}' -- ..files..

Image width and height:

bulkrename -m image -f '{name}_{width}x{height}{ext}' -- ..files..


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