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A simple and easy way to create and use HTTP errors (extending the original node.js Error) whilst giving you the control over what is seen.


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HTTP Responder

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A simple and easy way to create and use HTTP errors (extending the original Node.js Error) whilst giving you the control over what is seen.

All you need to do is type into your terminal:

$ npm install --save http-responder

then into your code:

const { HttpResponder } = require('http-responder');


import { HttpResponder } from 'http-responder';

and you're good to go!

To create a custom error: new HttpResponder(statusCode [, optionsOrError]);

  1. statusCode: number your error's status code or an error message.

  2. optionsOrError: Error | {} the options object may be a nodejs error, or include:

    1. message: string your custom error message.

    2. data: any whatever data you what to send (also shows up in the payload property) - has to be truthy.

Also, you can choose to use: new HttpResponder(message [, options]);

  1. message: string your custom error message.

  2. options: {} the options object may include:

    1. statusCode: number the error's status code (you can use status instead)

    2. data: any whatever data you what to send (also shows up in the payload property) - has to be truthy!

(new HttpResponder(); on its own will give you a 500 status error default.)

Or, you can create them by the pre-made static functions (HttpResponder.notFound(), for example, for code 404) - a full list below.

And then, your imagination is the limit, i.e.: HttpResponder.notFound().end(res); (only in express 4.x).


  1. status | statusCode the error's status code.

  2. statusDesc | statusText the default description for the given status code (readonly).

  3. data | body the included data.

  4. payload holds only a pretty version of the error (i.e., no stack), so no sensitive information will be leaked, including:

    • statusCode - the original status code.

    • statusDesc - the default status description.

    • message - the given message.

    • data - the given data.

    • log() - a function to console.log the payload - for testing.

  5. All other Node.js's Error object properties.


appendError(error: Error) to append an Error to your custom one.

end(res: Response) (or send() or json() for compability) to send the response payload back to the client (works in express 4.x).

log() to console.log you object - for testing.

Static methods:

HttpResponder.isHR(res) checks if the res object is of type HttpResponder.

HttpResponder.improve(err) returns a new HttpResponder based on the err: Error param (with a status code of 500 unless different in the err object).

Static response methods:

Each function here is used in the same manner: HttpResponder.<functionName>(message: string | undefined, data: any); or HttpResponder.<functionName>(data: any); (in the latter data cannot be of type string - otherwise the data will be inserted into the message param).

A Reminder: when using HttpResponder.noContent(data).end(res); express removes all fields from the response and returns only the status code (204)! So neither the data nor the default description will be returned.

Static Function Status Code
HttpResponder.continue() 100
HttpResponder.switchingProtocols() 101
HttpResponder.processing() 102
HttpResponder.earlyHints() 103
HttpResponder.ok() 200
HttpResponder.created() 201
HttpResponder.accepted() 202
HttpResponder.nonAuthoritativeInformation() 203
HttpResponder.noContent() 204
HttpResponder.resetContent() 205
HttpResponder.partialContent() 206
HttpResponder.multiStatus() 207
HttpResponder.alreadyReported() 208
HttpResponder.ImUsed() 226
HttpResponder.multipleChoices() 300
HttpResponder.movedPermanently() 301
HttpResponder.found() 302
HttpResponder.seeOther() 303
HttpResponder.notModified() 304
HttpResponder.useProxy() 305
HttpResponder.switchProxy() 306
HttpResponder.temporaryRedirect() 307
HttpResponder.permanentRedirect() 308
HttpResponder.badRequest() 400
HttpResponder.unauthorized() 401
HttpResponder.paymentRequired() 402
HttpResponder.forbidden() 403
HttpResponder.notFound() 404
HttpResponder.methodNotAllowed() 405
HttpResponder.notAcceptable() 406
HttpResponder.proxyAuthenticationRequired() 407
HttpResponder.requestTimeOut() 408
HttpResponder.conflict() 409
HttpResponder.gone() 410
HttpResponder.lengthRequired() 411
HttpResponder.preconditionFailed() 412
HttpResponder.payloadTooLarge() 413
HttpResponder.uriTooLong() 414
HttpResponder.unsupportedMediaType() 415
HttpResponder.requestedRangeNotSatisfiable() 416
HttpResponder.expectationFailed() 417
HttpResponder.iAmATeapot() 418
HttpResponder.misdirectedRequest() 421
HttpResponder.unprocessableEntity() 422
HttpResponder.locked() 423
HttpResponder.failedDependency() 424
HttpResponder.unorderedCollection() 425
HttpResponder.upgradeRequired() 426
HttpResponder.preconditionRequired() 428
HttpResponder.tooManyRequests() 429
HttpResponder.requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge() 431
HttpResponder.unavailableForLegalReasons() 451
HttpResponder.clientClosedRequest() 499
HttpResponder.internalServerError() 500
HttpResponder.notImplemented() 501
HttpResponder.badGateway() 502
HttpResponder.serviceUnavailable() 503
HttpResponder.gatewayTimeOut() 504
HttpResponder.httpVersionNotSupported() 505
HttpResponder.variantAlsoNegotiates() 506
HttpResponder.insufficientStorage() 507
HttpResponder.bandwidthLimitExceeded() 509
HttpResponder.notExtended() 510
HttpResponder.networkAuthenticationRequired() 511
HttpResponder.networkReadTimeoutError() 598
HttpResponder.networkConnectTimeoutError() 599

Happy responding! ;)


A simple and easy way to create and use HTTP errors (extending the original node.js Error) whilst giving you the control over what is seen.








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