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Vladislav edited this page Sep 29, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Coverett wiki!

Coverett - C library for interacting with HLAPI devices of the OpenComputers II mod.

What is a HLAPI device?

This is a new type of device in OC2, which includes most devices, such as modules for a robot, a redstone card, a sound card, and others. They are controlled through a "controller" that communicates with computer by JSON messages via a character special file (by default "/dev/hvc0"). For C (where the library was written in the first place), working with JSON messages is a rather tedious task. Coverett aims to make it easier to communicate with HLAPI devices in C and compatible languages. Of course, this will not make programs very easy to write, C is C. However, the process of developing programs for OC2 will be much easier. The library itself consists only of a "core" with a set of standard functions. Sets of functions for devices are connecting as separate "modules" (the "devices" folder) with their own header files (the headers of the required devices are then included in the program source). Therefore, if you are a very good C expert, you can write modules for your devices and connect them to the library when building.


The library is in alpha stage, so it can contain a bunch of nasty bugs, glitches and other things. You were warned!


Now the library is being developed by only one person - me.
Therefore, the quality of the code is not perfect. So I will be happy to see any Issue and Pull Request. After all, the power of Open Source is in people!

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