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/ dotfiles Public template

Collection of all my configuration files for utilities & tools I use. Oh and did I mention I use Arch btw!

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【 Evangelospro's dotfiles 】


Showcase (may be outdated) 3.png 2.png 1.png

  1. Breakdown

  2. How to apply?

  3. Keybindings

  4. Linux Setup

  5. Windows Setup

  6. Hacking Setup

  7. Contributing

  8. Sources / Inspiration


There are a few main components to this project:

  • chezmoi - Chezmoi takes cares of the dotfiles and the configuration of the system. It is a tool that helps you manage your personal configuration files across multiple machines. Chezmoi is needed to apply the dotfiles and this repo follows chezmois structure

  • rebos - Rebos (Re)(B)uild(Os) is a neat command line tool that essentially adds nix-like reproduction to arch-based systems. It is a tool that helps you manage your system and install packages. To see the full list of packages that are installed and managed by rebos, you can check the packages

My dotfiles can be applied with the below oneliners. BUT I highly recommend that you fork this repo and edit the files to your liking before applying them(using your GitHub username).

Please before applying review and change the [config file] to your liking. E.g username, email, change personal to false, as it will install very personal configurations that you might not want, etc...

export GITHUB_USERNAME=Evangelospro # Preferably used your forked repo
curl --silent$GITHUB_USERNAME/dotfiles/main/|bash



Keybinding Action
Windows + M Exit Hyprland

Launch / Reload Applications

Keybinding Action
Windows + Enter Launch Terminal
Windows + L Lock Screen(swaylock)
Windows + Space Launch launcher(anyrun)
Windows + V Open clipboard manager (wl-clipboard)
Windows + C Select color from screen (hyprpicker) and copy it
Windows + E Open file manager(Nemo)
Windows + R Resize window with slurp
Windows + Shift + R Reload the bar on top (waybar)

Close / Fullscreen / Kill Applications / Arrange monitors

Keybinding Action
ALT + F4 Close focused window
CTRL + SHIFT + ESC Kill window clicked on (xkill or windows taskmanager)
Windows + F Toggle fullscreen on focused window
Windows + Shift + F Toggle floating on focused window
Windows + P Arrange monitors (extend / duplicate)

Screenshot / OCR

Keybinding Action
prtsc Take screenshot interactively (flameshot)
Windows + O Copy text from screen with OCR (tesseract)

Move focus between windows in the current workspace

Keybinding Action
Windows + AWSD Move focus to the direction of the arrow key

Rearrange windows in the current workspace

Keybinding Action
Windows + Arrow keys Move focused window to the direction of the AWSD keys

Move Windows Between Monitors

Keybinding Action
Windows + SHIFT + Arrow keys Move focused window to the monitor in the direction of the arrow key

Move Windows Between Workspaces

Keybinding Action
Windows + SHIFT + 1-9 Move focused window to the workspace with the number pressed
Windows + 1-9 Move to the workspace with the number pressed

Cycle through workspaces

Keybinding Action
Windows + TAB Cycle through workspaces forward
Windows + SHIFT + TAB Cycle through workspaces backward

Move window with mouse

Keybinding Action
Windows + Click and drag Move window with mouse

Linux Setup

Kernel: Linux-zen or Linux-g14

Display Server: Wayland

Window Manager: Hyprland

Terminal: Warp

Shell ZSH

Bindings: binds.zsh


Functions: functions.zsh

Plugin Manager: Zinit

Color Scheme: Dracula

Development Setup

Windows Setup

On windows I use GlazeWM with the Win key remapped using PowerToys

winget install Microsoft.PowerToys --source winget


Hacking Setup

Shell functions

Function Action
update-burp Update burp to the latest version
angr Run angr in a docker container
extract-base64 Extract base64 encoded strings from a file
extract-urls Extract urls from a file
frida-init Initialize frida server on android device
frida-kill Kill frida server on android device
pwnenv Create a pwn environment in a docker container
pwnsetup Setup a pwn template in the current directory
scan Use rustscan to scan a host
curl Normal curl but uses the burp proxy if it's running
ferox-* Feroxbust a host with a specific wordlist
ffuf-* Fuzz a host with a specific wordlist
getWordlist Return a wordlist of either dns or dir according to the argument passed


Installation and updates

Burp is setup to auto update with the update zsh function above. As I like to use the jar file with my own loaders for obvious reasons, the latest jar file is fetched and placed in $HOME/.config/Burp/Burp-Loader and symlinked to burpsuite_pro.jar


IDA essentially runs in docker(running xfce and wine) and rdesktop auto connects It can be started via the IDA desktop file it can be launched from the launcher

Android Emulator

A setup android emulator can be started from the launcher using the android_emulator desktop file


Bug Reports, Feature Requests and questions

  • Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs, file feature requests or ask questions.

Pull Requests

  • Feel free to fork and contribute to this project. If you feel like you can add something to it or fix a bug, go for it.
  • If you want to contribute to the project, please open a pull request.
  • If you want to add a new feature, please create an issue first to discuss if it is a good idea or not.
  • If you want to fix a bug, please also create an issue first.

🌟 Stars 🌟

  • Consider leaving a star if you liked the project! Thanks!


Thanks to these awesome projects and many more!!!