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⚠️ Disclaimer: Configurations in this repository are adapted for my specific hardware and needs. If you intend to replicate it, be aware that tweaking will be necessary.

⚠️ Disclaimer 2: My dots are usually up to date but the info on the readme can be old.

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Setup Guide


  • Arch Linux
  • Internet connection

Let's start the setup!

  1. Uncomment Color and ParallelDownloads in /etc/pacman.conf. You can also set ParallelDownloads to 10.
sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf
  1. Install yay.
pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay-bin && makepkg -si
  1. Download all the packages (These are the ones I use; if you are not me, you don't need most of them. Take a look and choose the ones you actually want).
yay -S adw-gtk-theme alacritty ani-cli appimagelauncher-bin base base-devel blueman bluez-utils breeze-icons btop classicube-bin cliphist cmatrix code cowsay cpupower efibootmgr epson-inkjet-printer-escpr evhz-git fastfetch filezilla firefox gcolor3 gimp git gnome-disk-utility gradience grim gst-plugin-pipewire heroic-games-launcher-bin htop hypridle hyprland hyprpaper hyprpicker hyprutils imv informant intel-ucode jre-openjdk kvantum kvantum-qt5 kvantum-theme-libadwaita-git lib32-mangohud lib32-nvidia-utils-tkg lib32-opencl-nvidia-tkg libpulse libva-nvidia-driver linux linux-firmware linux-headers linux-wallpaperengine-git localsend-bin lsd man-db man-pages mangohud mesa-utils mpv nano networkmanager noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-extra nvidia-dkms-tkg nvidia-egl-wayland-tkg nvidia-settings-tkg nvidia-utils-tkg nwg-look obs-studio opencl-nvidia-tkg openrgb papirus-folders papirus-icon-theme pavucontrol pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse polkit-gnome prismlauncher-qt5-bin protonup-qt-bin python-zombie-imp qbittorrent qt5ct qt6ct reflector screen slurp sof-firmware steam swaync system-config-printer thorium-browser-bin throttled thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin tldr ttf-apple-emoji ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-ms-win11-auto unrar unzip upscayl-bin vesktop-bin virtualbox virtualbox-guest-iso vlc waybar wget wireplumber wl-clipboard wlogout wofi wttrbar xarchiver xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland yay-bin zip zram-generator
  1. I compile hyprlock myself using this patch, but you don't need to if you don't have a nvidia card.

  2. Clone the repo.

cd && git clone
  1. Copy everything from ~/nekrodots/config/ to ~/.config/.
cp ~/nekrodots/config/* ~/.config/ -r
  1. Put throttled.conf in the correct location (Note: This file contains my CPU undervolt settings; do not apply these settings if you are not me!).
sudo cp ~/nekrodots/throttled.conf /etc/
  1. Put cpupower in the correct location (Note: This file contains my CPU clock settings; do not apply these settings if you are not me!).
sudo cp ~/nekrodots/cpupower /etc/default/
  1. Enable the throttled service (Note: Activate the throttled service if you intend to utilize it).
sudo systemctl enable throttled
  1. Enable the cpupower service (Note: Activate the throttled service if you intend to utilize it).
sudo systemctl enable cpupower
  1. Move bashrc to ~/.bashrc.
mv ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.backup && cp ~/nekrodots/bashrc ~/.bashrc
  1. Reboot and enjoy! If you haven't installed any display manager, you'll need to start hyprland by typing Hyprland on the TTY.
sudo reboot now

Note: the wallpaper is set using linux-wallpaperengine, you can change it on hyprland.conf.