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Chowkidar automates security scans, leveraging open-source tools to identify vulnerabilities. Users simply input project details to receive detailed, actionable reports, ensuring robust security with minimal effort.


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CHOWKIDAR: Your Digital Pehredar

Chowkidar is an innovative platform designed to simplify and automate security testing for users. It empowers users to easily detect vulnerabilities within their website and provides detailed reports with actionable information. By leveraging Chowkidar Scanner and advanced automation techniques, Chowkidar ensures comprehensive security assessments without the need for extensive manual intervention.


  1. Automated Security Testing:

    • Users can initiate security scans by simply inputting their project name and website URL.
    • The platform handles the execution of various security tests using a suite of open-source tools.
  2. Vulnerability Detection:

    • Chowkidar scans for a wide range of vulnerabilities, including common issues like DoS Attack, POODLE, SWEET32, LOGJAM, Wordpress vulnerabilities and many more
    • Continuous updates to the scanning tools ensure the detection of the latest threats.
  3. Detailed Reporting:

    • Users receive detailed PDF reports that outline detected vulnerabilities, their severity, and potential impacts.
    • Each report includes actionable recommendations to help users address and mitigate identified risks.
  4. User-Friendly Interface:

    • The platform is designed with simplicity in mind, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
    • An intuitive dashboard provides a clear overview of scan results and progress.
    • Users receive email notifications upon completion of a scan, informing them of the results and providing a link to get the detailed report.
  5. Customizable Scans:

    • Users can configure scan parameters to tailor the testing process to their specific needs.

Setting Up Chowkidar Locally:


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Create config file to add admin email and number of worker config.ini.
admins = ['']

containers = 2

The containers setting specifies how many scans can run simultaneously, with the rest being queued.

  1. Get Google Client ID and Client Secret for setting up OAuth.

    • Add http://localhost/auth/callback under the Authorised redirect URIs
  2. Enable 2FA in your Gmail Account and generate an App passwords for email configration

    • Open App passwords image

    • Create new App and get the generated Password image

    • Create .env file to setup all the environment variables.

  3. Build the docker image

docker compose up
  1. Visit http://localhost


  2. Login with your Admin Account to add all the templates


How to Use Chowkidar

  1. Add new Audit http://localhost/audits/new


  2. Control your audits conveniently by initiating, stopping, and deleting them all from a single location http://localhost/audits.


  3. Get list of all discovered vulnerabilities http://localhost/audits/demo/vulnerability.


  4. Analyze the raw output generated by the open-source tools. http://localhost/audits/demo/scan-output



Contributions to chowkidar are welcome! If you encounter any bugs, have feature requests, or would like to contribute code improvements, please follow the following guidelines.

  1. Fork the Repository: Begin by forking the chowkidar repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Create a Branch: Create a new branch for your work to keep your changes separate from the main codebase.
git checkout -b feature-name
  1. Commit Your Changes: Make your changes and commit them with clear commit messages.
git commit -m "Your commit message"
  1. Push Your Changes: Push your changes to your fork.
  2. Open a Pull Request: After pushing your changes to your fork, proceed to open a pull request against the main chowkidar repository. Make sure to include a concise description of your modifications and explain why they are essential.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Chowkidar automates security scans, leveraging open-source tools to identify vulnerabilities. Users simply input project details to receive detailed, actionable reports, ensuring robust security with minimal effort.








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