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Personal Configurations

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You can have the same user experience as me in Archlinux

Desktop Environment(Native Wayland)

Install packages in Archlinux (need aur):

  1. shell
yay -S eza fish rsync bat starship htop
  1. fonts
yay -S ttf-firacode-nerd ttf-maple-sc-nerd
  1. utils
yay -S qt5-wayland qt6-wayland
  1. hypr
yay -S dunst libbotify hyprland rofi-lbonn-wayland-git waybar swww swaylock-effects-git wlogout grimblast-git cliphist pipewire-pulse swappy hyde-cli-git wf-recorder
  1. dependency
yay -S polkit-gnome xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland python-pyamdgpuinfo parallel imagemagick qt5-imageformats brightnessctl pavucontrol pamixer pacman-contrib
  1. theme
yay -S nwg-look kvantum qt5ct qt6ct
  1. apps
yay -S google-chrome kitty fastfetch neovim fcitx5
  1. others
pip install hyprshade


  1. Install all packages
  2. Run ./, it will initialize env and patch sources.
  3. If there is a conflicting file, delete it manually. run ./ install


run startde w in tty.


./ uninstall
git pull --rebase
./ install


It is easy to rm the symbol, just run ./ uninstall

Editor/IDE (Neovim)

Developer Environment (Neovim config dependeies)

Install packages:

yay -S python fnm
python -m venv ~/.python_venv
fnm install <version/--latest>
fnm default <version>
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Restart terminal for apply environment.

pip install pynvim
npm i -g neovim

pip and npm are just the basic environment configuration of neovim, it is highly recommended to use the :checkhealth command to see which commands are not installed after running the configuration of lua, you can continue to use the corresponding package management for installation!

install neovim config

default use git ssh, if you use http, modify .gitmodules, set url:

Update git submodule:

git submodule update --init

Thanks to

  1. hyprdots: themes from here!