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πŸ‘‹ Greeting Fellow Geeks ! πŸ‘‹

Welcome to this place around which I grow my knowledge and feed my curiosity about software and engineering!


I am currently a student in computer engineering and for most of the past 3 years, I have been experiencing with various technology in order to find where I would focus my career. I have had a particularly high amount of fun playing with microcontrollers like Rpi, Arduino and the espressif family.
Although, I recently spent a large amount of time on Hack The Box getting some ground knowledge on cybersecurity, mostly AppSec since it is the direction my career is heading.
I am progressively looking for projects I could contribute to or build in that domain. To be continued...

- πŸ”­ I’m currently working on ...

My current project is a Puzzle Box based on an ESP8266. I am making this project because it makes me understand the espressif platform at a deeper level and because it is an interesting engineering challenge with design choices and tests to be made along the road!
These skills will make me faster building tools on the espressif platform for IoT or penetration testing purposes.

- 🌱 I’m currently learning ...

  • Application penetration testing (XSS, SQLi, XXE, CSRF, ... and linux priviledge escalation)
  • Securing Web Apps with tools, good design patterns and architecture

- πŸ‘― I’m looking to collaborate on ...

Cybersec tools, mostly a Linux CLI tool for application penetration testing or else a MCU based tool for various RF based penetration testing (Wifi, Bluetooth, or other IoT related tools)


- πŸŽ“ Engineering student projects ...

  • This project based on the SunFOunder PiCar was a realy interesting challenge in the fact that we had to use relatively unreliable sensors in order to make the PiCar follow a trajectory with obstacles. We used statistics to simulate the sensors behaviors and state machine principles in order to react to various percieved constraints from the environment.
  • This project was the REACT user interface for a web server running on an FPGA. It was an interesting first start with REACT and javascript! My team and I also tried a new wokflow where we would design the app on figma and than implementing it in react... Didn't went a round as we thought but was a great learning experience!

- 🌟 Personnal projects ...

  • The Funky_PAD has been a project I spent a lot of time on and tested with actual users. The problem I tried to address was that when using standing desks, static posture could still be an issue and all the tools actually on the market impared focus quite significantly when used. I built the first version of a prototype with antifatigue mat and simple coin shaped actuators that would vibrate at a steady "beats" to mimic walking patterns. The second version iterated on users feedback and introduced some form of biofeedback with the help of piezoelectrics. The challenge was the electronic part of the project since I wanted the piezoelectrics to produce an analog signal while pressing and releasing the foot on the mat.

  • The implementation of a jukebox inside a modified toy robot I made for a friend. The aim of this simple project was to see how fast I could come up with something that would work.

- πŸŽ‡ My contributions ...

  • For an amateur Rocketery university student project (Projet CASUS), I contributed in:
  • Another project I wanted to contribute since I used their platform quite a lot at this time was the IoT for Beginners course from the Microsoft team. I simply started the french translation and translated a few chapters!

- πŸ’₯ First blood ...


The project that got me started in computer engineering was a simple garden watering scheduler that I actually still use to this day!
The first version was a local web app running on python with flask on a raspberry pi, a single 24V electric valve and a simple board with LEDs and buttons and a simple RC filter.


I upgraded it over the years on a 3,50$ ESP8266 to work securely through Azure IoT Hub and added two more valves:
Device part
This project was a nice opportunity to play around with Azure IoT Hub and understand how to use cheap devices like the ESP8266 with this powerfull platform.

This project is still in progress but is a nice opportunity to learm C#, dotnet frameework along with Azure App Services and Azure devops for CI/CD.


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