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Jay Deshaun edited this page Feb 22, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to MTASA World of Tanks Gamemode wiki page!

This project is to bring World of Tanks to MTASA using everything MTA scripting functions got to give.

How to play?

What I know is that there is 2 types of game beginners

  1. The type that would jump into the game and learn while playing
  2. The type that would read manuals and look deeper into how it's being played

For now my priority is to provide for the first type because most players are like that.

Now the actual "How to play" guide:

  1. Join the server
  2. Wait for the lobby timer to finish (If it's on)
  3. Kill every enemy tank by shooting at it
  4. and repeat tasks 2 and 3 again.

How to help?

TBW (To Be Written)

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