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Add a console and install/create plugins with a easy api to your bot.

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JDAExpansion - Add a console and install/create plugins with a easy api to your bot. It's based on the Discord library JDA and inspired on Bukkit.


  • Create a console on the Bot for execute commands.
  • Install or create plugins for any bot that have this expansion.
  • Create configs files for the plugins.
  • Easy API and usage.

Get started

public static void main(String[] args) throws LoginException {
       JDA jda = new JDABuilder(AccountType.BOT).setToken(token).build(); //any call of jda

Creating commands for Discord and the Console

createCommand command = new createCommand(new CommandData("principalcommand", "Some description for slash command"), "!", "principalcommand", "aliase1", "anotheraliase") {
	protected void isExecuted(String[] args, CommandSender sender) {
		if(sender instanceof ConsoleCommand) {
			ConsoleCommand e = (ConsoleCommand)sender;
			JDAExpansion.getLogger().info("Hey! This is just a test command for the console :D");
		if(sender instanceof Command) {
			Command e = (Command)sender;
			e.getChannel().sendMessage("Hey! This is just a test command without slash commands :D").queue();
		if(sender instanceof SlashCommand) {
			SlashCommand e = (SlashCommand)sender;
			e.reply("Hey! This is just a test command by slash commands :D").queue();
		sender.sendMessage("This message will sent without caring about the type");

You have to use the class of createCommand which needs a prefix, a principal commands, and aliases of the command (optional). The commands on the console doesn't have prefix, if you command is "!test" you have to execute as "test" on the console

Creating plugins

You will need to setup a plugin.yml on the jar without being on a package

name: Name of your plugin
main: your.main.class.of.your.plugin
# optional ⬇
author: Keffisor21
version: v2.3

Now you will have to create a class extending the PluginListener class

public class Main extends JavaPlugin {

	protected void onEnable() {
		JDAExtension.getLogger().info("Plugin enabled");
	protected void onDisable() {
		JDAExtension.getLogger().info("Plugin disabled");

You can use the api of events by the JDAExpansion without using the ListenerAdapter

public class EventTest implements PluginListener {
	With the new system of events in JDAExpansion you will be able to declare any event with a custom name, you can repeat in the same class
	any event and you can set the priority of execution of that event.
	@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR) //set the priority of the event, if it's not set, it will be NORMAL by default.
  	public void test(MessageReceivedEvent e) {

	public void test2(MessageReceivedEvent e) {


In case that you need to register a class with events you must to call this function

	protected void onEnable() {
		JDAExpansion.registerEvent(new EventClass());
		JDAExpansion.registerEvents(new Event1(), new Event2(), new Event3());

After compiling the plugin, you have to move the jar into the plugins folder created by the Bot. You can reload the plugins with the command !reload o !rl and you can see the plugins installed with !plugins or !pl.

Creating configs for plugins

public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
	public static FileConfiguration config;
	protected void onEnable() {
		JDAExpansion.registerEvent(new Event());		
		config = getConfig("config.yml");
	protected void onDisable() {

The config file is created into a directory with the name of the plugin in the directory of plugins. The config file must be created inside the jar without any package. The data that contains that config will be created into the directory of the plugin.

config.set("something", 1); //set data to the config



You can download an example of a plugin here