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AtmoPackMaker is a project aimed at enabling anyone to create their own custom Atmosphere pack that updates automatically.



To allow you to have your pack based on this template, I use GitHub's fork system. To create your fork, go here, and fill in the various options as you see fit. Make sure to leave "Copy the main branch only" checked. Now that you have your own fork of the project, I recommend you follow the rest of the tutorial from there.


To always have the latest version of the project, remember to click on the "Sync fork" button from time to time to check for updates.



To select the name of your pack, you need to use GitHub's variable system. To do this, go here, and in the name field, put PACK_NAME, then put the name you want to give to your pack in the value field.


If you want to include files in your pack that don't need to be downloaded, you can simply place them in the localFiles folder, the contents of which will be copied to the root of the SD card.


The main configuration is done with the config.json file, which allows you to configure several things.

  • language represents the language you want to use to display console logs (list of all available languages accessible here).

  • repoLink represents the path to your repository where the project is, for example Kiriox94/AtmoPackMaker. By default, this value is automatically retrieved, so there is no need to specify it unless there is a special case.

  • branch represents the branch of your repository on which the pack is located (to be indicated only if it's on a branch other than main).

  • useAIO represents whether you want to include aio-switch-updater in the pack, allowing you to update the pack directly from your switch.

  • startuplogoPath represents the path to a .png file of size 308x350 that replaces the Nintendo Switch logo at startup (leave blank if you don't want to replace the startup icon).

  • splashscreenPath represents the path to a .png file of size 1280x720 that replaces the Atmosphere splash screen when launching the fusee.bin payload (leave blank if you don't want to replace the fusee.bin splash screen).

  • githubFiles represents the files you want to have the latest version downloaded directly from GitHub. Each element of the array represents a different GitHub repo, and each must have these properties:

    • link represents the GitHub path of the repository, for example, for GoldLeaf: XorTroll/Goldleaf
    • desiredFiles is also an array representing all the files you want to be downloaded from the latest release of the repo. Here are the available properties:
      • filename represents the name the file will have once downloaded.
      • directory represents the path on the SD card where you want your file to be placed. For example, for a homebrew, just put switch to place it in the right folder (leave blank if you want it placed at the root).
      • exp represents the name of the file you want to retrieve from the release in the form of a regular expression, handy if the filename changes with versions. For example, to download the correct file on the Atmosphere release: /^atmosphere-(\d+(\.\d+))((\.\d+))-[a-zA-Z]+-[a-zA-Z0-9]+\+hbl-[0-9]*\.[0-9]+[0-9]*\.[0-9]+\+hbmenu-[0-9]*\.[0-9]+[0-9]*\.[0-9]+\.zip$/ (if nothing is specified, it will be generated automatically from the filename property).
  • onlineFiles represents the files you want to download via a link. Each element of the array represents a different file, and each must have these properties:

    • name represents the name the file will have once downloaded.
    • url represents the URL from which your file will be downloaded.
    • directory represents the path on the SD card where you want your file to be placed. For example, for a homebrew, just put switch to place it in the right folder (leave blank if you want it placed at the root).


To easily compile the pack, I use GitHub's workflow system. To enable it, go to the actions section of your repository, and click on the blue button.


Allows triggering the compilation of the pack directly from your switch. This option is still in development, please refer to the manual system in the meantime.


Build And Release

Build And Release allows you to compile the package and then publish it in a release. To do this, go to here and click on Run workflow. Next, specify the version number you want for your release (note that two releases cannot have the same version number, as this would create an error). Finally, click on the blue Run workflow button. Now all you have to do is wait for the process to finish.

Just Build

Just Build allows you to compile the package without publishing a release afterwards. This can be useful if you want to see how well your configuration works without actually making a release. To do this, go to here and click on Run workflow, then again on Run workflow. Now all you have to do is wait for the process to finish.



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