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Assorted tips

Valentin D. Pinkman edited this page Dec 28, 2023 · 8 revisions

If you feel any of these tips have a better place in one of the existing pages, please feel free to move the tip there. I'm creating this on the fly because sometimes you land on a piece of information that's too valuable to forget and maybe not clear enough where to place.

Automatic refresh of packages while working on LLM and LLD

If you are modifying a another package while working on LLM or LLD you can get on the fly updates it you run pnpm --filter="@ledgerhq/hw-transport" run watch where @ledgerhq/hw-transport is the package you are modifying. In some cases such as modifying live-common you may be advised to run this command before starting the application or it will go nuts and break everything.

Build and run LLM on iOS from the terminal without opening XCode on macOS

You'll need to install globally ios-deploy

sudo npm install -g ios-deploy
// or
brew install ios-deploy

Then from the root of the monorepo, run (with a metro server already running):

pnpm mobile ios --device -- configuration Debug

This is an alias to actually:

cd apps/ledger-live-mobile
npx react-native run-ios --device -- configuration Debug

The --device option means "take the first USB connected iOS device". You can also directly set which device to install the app to by doing:

pnpm mobile ios --device "Alex's iPhone" -- configuration Debug

You can list, on macOS, all available real and simulated iOS devices by running:

xcrun xctrace list devices
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