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Static website for AI Fitness prototype

Team: Anaïs Gilbert and Hassan Ahmed

Product Requirements Document: AI-Powered Fitness Platform

Project Overview

The AI-Powered Fitness Platform is a holistic fitness solution that leverages artificial intelligence to provide personalized workouts, nutrition guidance, virtual coaching, progress tracking, and a supportive community for users striving to achieve their fitness goals.

1. User Registration and Profiles

  • User-friendly registration and login process.
  • User profiles with fitness goals, health metrics, and preferences.

2. AI-Personalized Workouts

  • Develop AI algorithms for creating customized workout plans.
  • User inputs (fitness level, equipment, preferences) shape workout recommendations.
  • AI adjusts plans based on user progress and feedback.

3. Nutrition Guidance

  • AI-generated nutritional suggestions tailored to dietary needs and fitness objectives.
  • Integration with popular food tracking apps for seamless monitoring.

4. Virtual Coaching

  • AI-driven virtual fitness coach for real-time form correction and motivation during workouts.
  • Audio and visual cues for exercise demonstrations and guidance.

5. Progress Tracking

  • Automated tracking of workout performance, body measurements, weight, etc.
  • AI-generated progress reports and insights to monitor fitness journey.

6. Fitness Challenges

  • Regular AI-designed challenges based on user goals to maintain engagement.
  • AI-generated leaderboards to foster friendly competition within the community.

7. Recovery and Rest

  • AI-recommended rest days and recovery activities based on user activity levels.
  • Integration with wearable devices for sleep and stress monitoring.

8. Community and Social Features

  • User profiles showcasing fitness achievements, progress pictures, and challenge completions.
  • Community forums, interest groups, and direct messaging for interaction and support.

9. Virtual Classes and Workshops

  • Live and on-demand virtual fitness classes led by AI-powered trainers.
  • Variety of activities, from yoga to high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

10. Personalized Recommendations

  • AI-driven advice for modifying workouts, trying new exercises, and accessing fitness resources.
  • Integration with external fitness content and equipment providers.

11. Monetization

  • Freemium model with basic features accessible for free.
  • Premium subscription offering advanced AI coaching, specialized programs, and nutritional insights.

12. Data Privacy and Security

  • Stringent data protection measures to safeguard user health information.
  • Transparent privacy policies and user consent for AI-generated fitness plans.

13. Platform Compatibility

  • Web-based platform accessible on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Mobile app development for iOS and Android, with wearable device integration.

14. User Support

  • Comprehensive user guides, tutorials, and FAQs.
  • Multiple channels for technical assistance and fitness-related inquiries.

15. Future Enhancements

  • Integration with health tracking devices (heart rate monitors, smart scales).
  • AI-powered meditation and mindfulness modules.
  • Expansion into virtual reality (VR) fitness experiences.


The AI-Powered Fitness Platform aims to revolutionize fitness by merging technology and well-being. With its AI-generated workouts, nutritional guidance, virtual coaching, progress tracking, and community engagement, the platform empowers users to lead healthier lives and achieve their fitness aspirations.