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Prodigious Python

Prodigious Python cover

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Welcome to Prodigious Python 🐍

Idea of Prodigious Python is to be different from the traditional books.

We wanted Prodigious Python to be:

  • Fun 🎉
  • Executable 🤖
  • Publishable via static web pages and PDF ⚙️

Development setup

First things first, We need to clone our repo

git clone

We use Poetry for the dependency mangement.

Let's install the packages required using the below command:

poetry install

To run the jupyter-lab:

poetry run jupyter-lab

To convert the notebooks to html

poetry run jb build .

To convert the notebooks to pdf

poetry run jb build --builder=pdfhtml .

The generated files would be present in _build folder.


1. Introduction to Python
  1. Getting Started with Python language
  2. Creating Variables and assigning values
  3. Keywords and Variable Naming
  4. Datatypes
  5. Collection Types
  6. IDEs for Python
  7. User Input
  8. Builtins
  9. Modules
  10. String Representation of Objects
  11. Installing Packages
  12. Help Utility
2. Indentation
  1. Indentation
3. Comments and DocStrings
  1. Comments and Docstrings
4. Functions
  1. Functions
  2. Positional Arguments
  3. Unnamed Positional Arguments
  4. Keyword only Arguments
  5. Keyword Arguments
  6. Default Arguments
  7. TLDR about Function Arguments
  8. Lambda Functions
5. Operators
  1. Mathematical Operators
  2. Boolean Operators
  3. Comparison Operators
6. Conditionals
  1. Conditionals
7. Loops
  1. Loops
8. Classes
  1. Classes
  2. Class Attributes
  3. Class Static Methods

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