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ShaderWorkshop License: LGPL v3

ShaderWorkshop UI

Inspired by ShaderToy, made with Qt.


ShaderWorkshop requires Qt 5.7+ for build. At runtime, any graphics card capable of running OpenGL 3.3 core profile context is enough.


Open and save '.frag' or '.txt' GLSL fragment shader files using File menu. As in ShaderToy, you can add/remove buffers and change connections and sampling parameters between them. Shaders in each buffer must be recompiled separately for changes to take effect.


Soft shadows:

Soft shadow screenshot

Path tracer demo:
Image: iChannel0 input Buffer A
Buffer A: iChannel0 input BufferA, iChannel1 input BufferB
Buffer B: iChannel0 input BufferB

Path tracer demo screenshot


Seascape screenshot