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Code I'm tinkering with, sometimes borrowed from strangers on the internet.

├── bash                   
│   ├── bash-guide                    : A quick guide to the Bash Shell.
│   └── bash-commands                 : Some of the most popular Bash commands!
├── c
│   ├── HackerRank                    : Notes for solving HackerRank problems
│   └── InterviewCake                 : Notes for solving InterviewCake problems
├── clojure
│   ├── cljs-quickstart               : The (Google) ClojureScript quickstart.
│   └── clojure-code-demo             : A demo for Vscode Clojure integration.
├── excel                             
│   └── functions                     : Some Excel functions I like.
├── f#                                
│   └── functional-practice           : Practice with Monads & F#.
├── git
│   └── ohshitgit                     : Oh shit git!
├── javascript
│   ├── backpropNEAT                  : "Playground with Backprop NEAT." - @hardmaru
│   ├── ItsyBitsyDataStructures       : "All the things you didn't know you wanted to know about data structures." - @thejameskyle
│   └── TheSuperTinyCompiler          : "Possibly the smallest compiler ever." - @thejameskyle
├── klong
│   └── klong                         : "An Array Language."  - @nmh
├── julia
│   └── JuliaByExample                : "Examples of Julia." - @samuelcolvin
├── latex
│   ├── cv                            : A resume in  LaTeX.
│   └── TiesAsAServices               : A pet project to learn R and get into Hootsuite. I didn't get into Hootsuite.
├── markdown
├── matlab
│   ├── bitcoinFractals               : The code behind my 2014 paper "Multifractal Behavior in Bitcoin Pricing."
│   └── neuralNetworks                : The code behind my 2013 Medium post "My First Neural Network."
├── python
│   ├── 12StepstoScientificPythonCode : Some useful tips on writing clean Python code. On step 1. 
│   ├── algorithms                    : "Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python" - @keon
│   ├── Bayes                         : Playing around with some Bayesian stats.
│   ├── codeWars                      : Stuff from my Codewars adventures.
│   ├── cl-chess                      : "A python program to play chess against an AI in the terminal." =  @marcusbuffet
│   ├── evolutionaryStrategies        : "Notebooks and various random fun" - @karpathy
│   ├── hackerRank                    : Stuff from my Hackerrank games.
│   ├── intermediatePython            : Notes from someone who is better at Python than me
│   ├── kaggle                        : Kaggle attempts and notes.
│   ├── kerasDeepLearning             : "Introduction to Deep Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow" - @leriomaggio
│   ├── leetCode                      : A few Python3 solutions to some Leetcode problems
│   ├── pyCrumbs                      : "Bits and bytes of Python from the Internet" - @kirang89
│   ├── pytudes                       : "Python programs to practice or demonstrate skills." - @norvig
│   └── tensorflowExamples            : "TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners with Latest APIs" - @aymericdamien 
├── r
│   ├── Bayes                         : Let's get Bayesian in this bitch.
│   ├── gTrendScraper                 : Querying Google Trends from R.
│   ├── irisMachineLearning           : Everyone's favorite dataset, explored via Machine Learning!
│   ├── socialScraper                 : A variety of helpful scripts I wrote for Advertising jobs, focused on scraping social networks.
│   ├── swirlPractice                 : swirl is THE best intro to R I've ever found 
│   └── TiesAsAService                : The code behind TaaS, focused on MRR modeling and simulation via Monte Carlo
└── tableau
    ├── practice                      : Tableau workbooks rebuilt for practice.
    └── functions                     : Stuff from Tableau I felt like keeping.