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Stef Heyenrath edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the WireMock.Net wiki

Stubbing & Request Matching

A core feature of WireMock is the ability to return predefined HTTP responses for requests matching criteria, Stubbing & Request Matching.


WireMock.Net has the ability to selectively proxy requests through to other hosts. This supports a proxy/intercept setup where requests are by default proxied to another (possibly real, live) service, but where specific stubs are configured these are returned in place of the remote service’s response. Responses that the live service can’t be forced to generate on demand can thus be injected for testing. Wiki : Proxying.

Record (via proxy) and Save

WireMock.Net has the ability to create stub mappings by recording them while you send requests. This can be used to quickly capture a collection of responses from a real service then use them offline in your tests. Wiki : Proxy and Record) and Save.


WireMock.Net supports state via the notion of scenarios. A scenario is essentially a state machine whose states can be arbitrarily assigned. See Wiki : Scenarios and States

Using WireMock.Net in UnitTest framework

You can use your favorite test framework and use WireMock within your tests, see Wiki : UnitTesting.

Admin API Reference

The WireMock admin API provides functionality to define the mappings via a http interface, see Wiki : Admin API Reference.

WireMock as a standalone process

This is quite straight forward to launch a mock server within a console application, see Wiki : standalone.

WireMock hosted in IIS or Azure

It's also possible to run in IIS or as a WebApp in Azure. See Wiki: IIS/Azure

WireMock as Windows Service

See Wiki : Windows Service on how to run as a Windows service.

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