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Terraform module to configure Aqua Security’s CSPM and agentless solutions on Azure


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This Terraform module provides an easy way to configure Aqua Security’s CSPM and agentless solutions on Azure.

It creates the necessary resources, such as service accounts, roles, and permissions, to enable seamless integration with Aqua’s platform.

Table of Contents


Before using this module, ensure that you have the following:

  • Terraform version 1.6.4 or later.
  • azure CLI installed and configured.
  • Python 3+ installed.
  • Aqua Security account API credentials.


  1. Leverage the Aqua platform to generate the local variables required by the module.
  2. Important: Replace <aqua_api_key> and <aqua_api_secret> with your generated API credentials.
  3. Get from Azure console your Tenant ID.
  4. Run az login --tenant <tenant_id> to set your tenant.
  5. Only for single subscription --> run az account set --subscription <subscription_name> to set azure cli context.
  6. Run terraform init to initialize the module.
  7. Run terraform apply to create the resources.


Here's an example of how to use this module:

Single subscription

module "aqua_azure_onboarding" {
  source                               = "aquasecurity/onboarding/azure"
  onboarding_type                      = "single-subscription"
  aqua_bucket_name                     = "aqua-bucket-name"
  aqua_cspm_url                        = "aqua-cspm-url"
  aqua_volscan_api_url                  = "aqua-volscan-api-url"
  aqua_volscan_api_token                = "aqua-volscan-api-token"
  aqua_volscan_resource_group_location = "westus2"
  aqua_volscan_scan_locations          = ["australiaeast", "australiasoutheast"]
  aqua_cspm_group_id                   = "cspm-group-id"
  aqua_configuration_id                 = "aqua-configuration-id"
  aqua_autoconnect_url                  = "aqua-autoconnect-url"
  aqua_api_key                          = "aqua-api-key"
  aqua_api_secret                       = "aqua-api-secret"
  aqua_custom_tags                      = { aqua = "true" }

Management Group

module "aqua_azure_onboarding" {
  source                               = "aquasecurity/onboarding/azure"
  onboarding_type                      = "management-group"
  aqua_bucket_name                     = "aqua-bucket-name"
  management_group_id                  = "management-group-id"
  aqua_cspm_url                        = "aqua-cspm-url"
  aqua_volscan_api_url                 = "aqua-volscan-api-url"
  aqua_volscan_api_token               = "aqua-volscan-api-token"
  aqua_volscan_resource_group_location = "westus2"
  aqua_volscan_scan_locations          = ["australiaeast", "australiasoutheast"]
  aqua_cspm_group_id                   = "cspm-group-id"
  aqua_configuration_id                = "aqua-configuration-id"
  aqua_autoconnect_url                 = "aqua-autoconnect-url"
  aqua_api_key                         = "aqua-api-key"
  aqua_api_secret                      = "aqua-api-secret"
  aqua_custom_tags                     = { aqua = "true" }

Using Existing Network

If you prefer to use existing networking instead of Aqua provisioning new ones, you can do so by setting create_network = false in the module's input variables. In this case, you will need to create the network per subscription, prior to onboarding, the following resources with the following naming convention:

  • Resource group:
    • Name 'aqua-agentless-scanner'
    • Tag aqua-agentless-scanner:true
  • Security group (per each chosen scan location):
    • Name <resource-group-name>-<region>. E.g., aqua-agentless-scanner-centralus
    • Tag aqua-agentless-scanner:true
  • Virtual network (per each chosen scan location):
    • Name <resource-group-name>-<region>. E.g., aqua-agentless-scanner-centralus
    • Tag aqua-agentless-scanner:true
  • Subnet (attached to the virtual network):
    • Name <resource-group-name>. E.g., aqua-agentless-scanner


Name Version
terraform >= 1.6.4
azuread ~>2.47.0
azurerm ~>3.95.0
external ~>2.3.3
http ~>3.4.2


Name Version
azuread 2.47.0
azurerm 3.95.0


Name Source Version
application ./modules/application n/a
iam ./modules/iam n/a
management_group ./modules/management_group n/a
subscription ./modules/subscription n/a


Name Type
azuread_client_config.current data source
azurerm_management_group.current data source
azurerm_subscription.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aqua_api_key Aqua API key string n/a yes
aqua_api_secret Aqua API secret key string n/a yes
aqua_autoconnect_url Aqua AutoConnect URL string n/a yes
aqua_bucket_name Aqua Bucket Name string n/a yes
aqua_configuration_id Aqua configuration ID string n/a yes
aqua_cspm_group_id CSPM group ID string n/a yes
aqua_cspm_role_name Aqua AutoConnect Scanner Role Name - The default value will be calculated as 'Aqua_Auto_Discovery_Scanner_Role_<subscription_id>' string "" no
aqua_cspm_url Aqua CSPM url string n/a yes
aqua_custom_tags Client additional resource tags map(string) {} no
aqua_event_subscriptions_name Aqua volume scanning Event Subscriptions Name string "aqua-agentless-scanner" no
aqua_network_security_group_name Aqua volume scanning Network Security Group Name string "aqua-agentless-scanner" no
aqua_subnet_name Aqua volume scanning Subnet Name string "aqua-agentless-scanner" no
aqua_system_topics_name Aqua volume scanning Event Grid System Topic Name string "aqua-agentless-scanner" no
aqua_virtual_network_name Aqua volume scanning Virtual Network Name string "aqua-agentless-scanner" no
aqua_volscan_api_token Aqua volume scanning API token string n/a yes
aqua_volscan_api_url Aqua Event Subscription webhook URL string n/a yes
aqua_volscan_resource_group_location Aqua volume scanning Resource Group Location string "eastus" no
aqua_volscan_resource_group_name Aqua volume scanning Resource Group Name string "aqua-agentless-scanner" no
aqua_volscan_scan_locations List of Azure locations to scan - by default, all regions are selected list(string)
create_network Toggle to create network resources bool true no
management_group_id Aqua Management Group ID - Relevant when onboarding_type is management-group string "" no
onboarding_type The type of onboarding. Valid values are 'single-subscription' or 'management-group' onboarding types string n/a yes
show_outputs Toggle to show summary outputs after deployment bool false no


Name Description
application_id Application ID
aqua_agentless_scanner_delete_role_definition_id The ID of the created Aqua agentless delete role definition
aqua_agentless_scanner_role_definition_id The ID of the created Aqua agentless role definition
aqua_cspm_scanner_role_definition_id The ID of the created Aqua CSPM role definition
aqua_volscan_resource_group_name Aqua volume scanning Resource Group Name
eventgrid_id EventGrid ID
management_group_name Management Group name
resource_group_id Resource Group ID
security_groups_names Security Groups names
subscription_id Subscription ID
virtual_networks_names Virtual Networks names


Terraform module to configure Aqua Security’s CSPM and agentless solutions on Azure




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