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cla: required
cla: required
cla: signed
cla: signed
component: breakout rooms
component: breakout rooms
component: chat
component: chat
component: closed captions
component: closed captions
component: external video
component: external video
component: layout
component: layout
component: learning dashboard
component: learning dashboard
component: listen only
component: listen only
component: microphone
component: microphone
component: polling
component: polling
component: presentation
component: presentation
component: screenshare
component: screenshare
component: shared notes
component: shared notes
component: timer
component: timer
component: webcam
component: webcam
component: whiteboard
component: whiteboard
contributions welcome
contributions welcome
Pull requests that update a dependency file
deploy: configuration
deploy: configuration
deploy: installation
deploy: installation
deploy: packaging
deploy: packaging
design: user experience
design: user experience
design: user interface
design: user interface
Pull requests that update Java code
Pull requests that update Javascript code
module: audio
module: audio
module: client
module: client
module: core
module: core