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🧮 @colyseus/schema
:abacus: @colyseus/schema
Problems related to Schema Serializer
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
🔐 security
:closed_lock_with_key: security
📖 documentation
📖 documentation
❗ wontfix
:exclamation: wontfix
👀 triage
:eyes: triage
🆘 help wanted
🆘 help wanted
❌ invalid
❌ invalid
↔️ duplicate
:left_right_arrow: duplicate
🔍 research
:mag: research
🏟 matchmaking
🏟 matchmaking
🔬 need reproduction scenario
:microscope: need reproduction scenario
💅 enhancement
:nail_care: enhancement
🚀 feature
:rocket: feature
🏃 performance
:runner: performance
🛠️ SDK
🛠️ SDK
SDK-related issues
💬 feedback
:speech_balloon: feedback