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Android IOS
Requirement min 20+ min 9.0

Getting Started

This package render a webview for both android and ios and it is easy to implement.For web application it redirects or open up a new tab instead.

What so special?

This package is a plug and play, there are no neccessary code a webview from scratch. This package provide the feature of the following:

  1. Web a webpage from the assign url.
  2. Share url to 3rd party application.
  3. Option to open the url in the browser.



How to use?

  1. Installation Add simple_in_app_webview to pubspec.yaml, and hit command flutter pub get. or run flutter pub add simple_in_app_webview

      simple_in_app_webview: any
  2. Implementation Before implementing, make sure you uderstand the parameters.

    Key? key,
    @required this.url,
    @required this.title,
    @required this.message,
    this.isUrlCentered = false,
    this.fontColour = Colors.white,
    this.appBarColour = Colors.white,
    this.shareButtonColour =,
    this.loadingIndicatorColour =,
  }) : super(key: key);
  import 'package:simple_in_app_webview/simple_in_app_webview.dart';

Example of calling the widget:

    title: 'My github profile',
    message: 'This is the description',
    url: '',
    appBarColour: Colors.purple,
    isUrlCentered: false,
    fontColour: Colors.white,
    loadingIndicatorColour: Colors.purple,
    shareButtonColour: Colors.white,


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