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Welcome to flutter open source GrowERP.

GrowERP is an open source multi platform ERP application you can use right now!


Admin application

Hotel application:

TEST NEXT version:

Admin application

Hotel application:

When the application is started, create a new company, select demo data or an empty system and look around!

Documentation available at

Install GrowERP locally using global growerp command

required flutter version channel stable

dart pub global activate growerp
growerp install

Install GrowERP locally, manually

Get repository

git clone
cd growerp

start the chat server

cd chat

start backend in separate terminal


    cd moqui
    ./gradlew build      #only one time
    java -jar moqui.war load types=seed,seed-initial,install no-run-es


    cd moqui
    java -jar moqui.war no-run-es

run the flutter emulator or browser

cd flutter/packages/admin
flutter run

Use GrowERP locally with docker

In the docker directory there is a to run the complete system with docker images locally.

Some phone screen shots:

Some web/tablet screen shots:

The generated business website: