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Mortgage Comparison Tool

screenshot of landing page

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The Mortgage Comparison Tool is an interactive CL python application that allows user to calculate mortgage information such as monthly payments, lifetime interest on a loan, amortization schedules, and the effect of overpayments after inputing some basic mortgage information. User are allowed to save mortgages that they create for the session.


User Experience

The goal of this Mortgage Comparison tool is to allow the user an easy way to compare mortgages whether they are looking to purchase a home, refinance a home, or want to make overpayments on an existing loan.

  • Visitor Goal

    As a user, I want an easy way to view, compare, and manipulate potential mortgage scenarios to inform future financial decisions or goals.
  • User stories

    1. User looking to purchase a home and wants to compare different mortgages by percentage rate, loan length, lifetime interest, and monthly payment.
    2. User looking to refinance a home and wanting to compare current loan data with new potential loans by loan length, monthly payment, and overall cost of the loan.
    3. User wanting to add a loan for comparison.
    4. User wanting to compare how monthly payments affects their loan.
    5. User wanting to compare how a lump principal affects their loan.
    6. User wanting to save loans they want to keep for comparison.
    7. User wanting to see the amortization schedule of a loan that they have entered.

Data Model


This project utilizes Object Oriented Programming and centers around one main class, Mortgage.

The majority of the calculations are done via methods on that Mortgage class.


Created in, the following flowchart provides a visualization of the planning process for this application. During the development of the application, it became apparent that additional inputs, functionality, and outputs were required for the implementation for some of the calculations required and to better organise the options in a way that made sense to the user.

An example of this additional development is for principal overpayments. Originally, I had them as separate options. But based on initial user testing and feedback, I decided to combine them in the same menu option and allowing the user to select which type of overpayment they would make. This helped the organise the menu in a more logical way to the user.

Application Flowcart

screenshot of application flowchart



screenshot card grid

The Logo of the Mortgage Calculator is diplayed using ASCII.


screenshot of main menu

A Main Menu displays to explain the options to the user. The User is given a reminder message that they can enter 0 at any juncture that prompts the user to make a main menu selection to view the menu.

Input Validation

screenshot of input validation

When user input is required, input is validated to ensure that the input is within the parameters set. For example, if the user is required to input the APR (Annual Percentage Rate). The user is given an example of the format in the prompt and the input is validated as a float between 0 and 100. If the user inputs something that is not a number, a red error message is printed to the terminal stating the error and prompts the user to try again. If the user enters a number that is not within the paraments, in this case a negative number or a number greater than 100, a red error message is printed to the terminal and the user is prompted again to input a valid input.

Add Mortgages

screenshot of add mortgages

The user is allowed to add as many mortgages as they choose. Each mortgage is asked for user input for the name (or label) for the mortgage, principal amount, APR, and mortgage length. The monthly payment and lifetime interest is then calculated and printed on the terminal along with the mortgage inputs provided by the user. The user is then prompted to decide if they want to save this mortgage for their session. If the user chooses Yes, the mortgage is saved and the user is redirected back to the Main Menu options. If the user chooses not to save the mortgage, the user is redirected back to the Main Menu.

View Mortgages

screenshot of view mortgages

The user is allowed to view the details of any individual Mortgage profile that they have saved during their session. If they selected the View Mortgage menu option, but have NOT entered in any mortgages, they will receive an error message and will be prompted to make a different choice from the main menu. If there are mortgages saved, the user is provided with a list of the available Mortgage profiles and they can enter in a mortgage number that corresponds with their saved mortgages to view the details for that individual mortgage. After the mortgage details are printed to the terminal, the user is prompted to choose a different mortgage to view or to return to the main menu and exit the View Mortgages section.

Compare Mortgages

screenshot of footer

When the user has saved a minimum of two Mortgages, they can view a mortgage comparison table that displays the morgage name, principal amounts, APR, loan length, monthly payments, and lifetime interest. If the user has saved a minimum of two Mortgages, a red error message displays alerting them of the problem. The user can then select an option that allows them to create and save a Mortgage in the session.


screenshot overpayments

There are two options in the Overpayments feature: 1) Additional Monthly Principal overpayments and 2) A Lump Principal Payment. Once this feature is selected, the user is required to choose which type of Overpayment they would like to calculate.
  • Additional Monthly Principal Overpayment

    screenshot monthly overpayments

    The user is prompted to input basic mortgage details as well as an amount for the extra monthly payments. This input is then used to calculate a Mortgage profile and prints both the profile and an amortization schedule based on the new calculations. The user is given the option to save this mortgage to their mortgages when the calculations are completed.
  • Lump Principal Overpayment

    screenshot lump overpayments

    The user is prompted to input basic mortgage details as well as an amount for the lump payment to be applied to the Principal balance. This input is then used to calculate a Mortgage profile and prints both the original profile inputed and then an updated Mortgage profile. The user is given the option to save this updated mortgage to their mortgages when the calculations are completed.

Amortization Schedule

screenshot amortization

This option requires at least one saved Mortgage profile. If there is an insufficient number of Mortgage profiles, the user is alerted with a red error message and redirected back to the Main menu options. If there is at least one Mortgage profile, it is printed in a list and the user is asked to input a Mortgage Profile selection. Once selected, the amortization schedule is calculated and printed to the terminal. The user can either choose another Mortgage profile to view or can exit to the main menu.

Mortgage Data Analysis

screenshot amortization

When this option is selected, the data stores in a Google Sheet is retrieved and the average is calculated for each of the following catergories and printed for the user to view and compare inputed averages of all users to their own mortgage needs. - Average Principal Amount - Average APR - Average Loan Length - Average Monthly Payment - Average Lifetime Interest

Exit Program

screenshot exit

Should the user which to exit the Mortgage Comparison Tool, they can select option 6 from the Main menu. When this option is selected, the terminal is cleared and a Thank you message is printed before the program is terminated.

Future Development

  • For future development, I wanted to implement a table of data analysis of the aggregate mortgage data inputed by users to provide insight into the type of mortgages that user want to compare. Examples of potential insights would be average mortgage principal amount, average length of the mortgage, and average APR.
  • I noticed that other students implemented custom heroku terminal shell for deployment. I thought this was interesting and would like to implement this should I have more time to develop this further.
  • At the moment, the user is limited to 10 characters when naming their mortgage. This limit could be raised, but I would need additional time to ensure that that the printed output would be limited to a certain character length so that it doesn't not disrupt the layout of the comparison table.
  • During testing, it was revealed that when users save Mortgage profiles after applying Extra Monthly Principal payments, the mortgage profile that is saved is based on the original Mortgage inputs and is not updated with the new loan length and lifetime interest on the loan. For a future feature, I would like to be able to recalculate the updated length of the loan and the lifetime loan interest. With these updated values, users could then save this updated mortgage profile into their session to use to compare against other saved mortgages.


Languages Used

  • Python3

Technologies and Programs Used

  • GitHub - used to save and store all the files for this website
  • GitPod and VSCode - was used as the IDE to develop and test the code for this website in both the cloud and locally.
  • Git - provided the version control
  • Heroku - provided the cloud deployment environment shell and Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Google Docs - used for notes and documentation
  • Google Sheets - provided the spreadsheet application for storing the data generated by user inputs
  • - used for flowchart creation
  • PEP8 Code Institute Python Linter - tested the validity of python code (

Python Libraries

The following libraries in this program.

  • Colorama - producing colored terminal text
  • pyfiglet - takes ASCII text and renders it in ASCII art fonts
  • Tabulate - displays lists in a table
  • Termcolor - Allows printing in color
  • gspread - Python API for Google Sheets.
  • googleauth - Google authentication library for Python


GitHub and Heroku was used to deploy this website using the Gitpod Code Institute template which preloads any required dependencies. The following steps were taken:

  1. Log into GitHub account.
  2. Navigate to the project repository: [Memory-game]((
  3. Navigate to the CODE link on the navigation across the top.
  4. Then, navigate to the green CODE button on the right side and click.
  5. Select the Local tab and click on the copy icon to make a copy of the repository.
  6. Log into account.
  7. Navigate to the "New" button on the top right.
  8. Click on "New" and then click on "Create a new app".
  9. On the next page, create a unique App name for your deployment and choose a region. Then, click on the "Create app" button.
  10. Once your app has been created, it directs you to a new screen.
  11. Navigate across the top of the screen and click on the "Settings" tab.
  12. Navigate down the page and click on the "Reveal Config Vars" button.
  13. For the first key, type in "CREDS" and then copy and paste the entirety of the creds.json file into the value box.
  14. For the second key, type in "PORT" and then type in "8000" in its corresponding value.
  15. Under Buildpacks, add the python buildpack first. Then, add the nodejs buildpack. The buildpacks must be added in that order.
  16. After this is complete, navigate to the Deploy tab from the menu across the top of the page. Click on "GitHub" under Deployment method and provide the required access when prompted.
  17. Choose Automatic or Manual deployment.
  18. Click "Deploy" when ready to deploy.

How to clone the Mortgage Comparison Tool & make changes:

  1. Open the Mortgage-Comparison-tool repository on GitHub.
  2. Navigate to the CODE link on the navigation across the top.
  3. Then, navigate to the green CODE button on the right side and click.
  4. Select the Local tab and click on the copy icon to make a copy of the repository.
  5. Then navigate back to your main GitHub dashboard and then create a new repository with your desired name.
  6. On the next page, navigate to the bottom of the page and select Import code under "Import code from another repository".
  7. In the next window, paste the copied link of the Memory-game repository into the line.
  8. Then, click Begin Import to import the repository code.
  9. Make changes and/or deploy as desired.
  10. This program requires the use of a Google sheets file with a Google Drive and Google Sheets API to setup as is.


Validator Testing

This application was developed with Python3. No HTML, CSS, or Javascript was used.

  • Python3 Validation

    I used the Code Institute PEP8 Python Linter for code validation.

    Python Validation

    screenshot of PEP8 Python code validation

Manual Testing

Manual testing was performed on the website checking for print errors, content errors, and any errors in the flow of the application or in it's calculations.


  1. Microsoft Edge
  2. Google Chrome
  3. Opera

The results of testing are as follows:

Page Test Pass/Fail
Intro/Logo Does the Logo page load and allow the user to progress to the Main Menu? Pass
Main Menu Does the Main menu display correctly Pass
Main Menu Is the input validation for the Main Menu working correctly? Pass
Main Menu If the user selects an option from the Main Menu, does it direct the user to that option correctly? Pass
Add Mortgage On the Add Mortgage page, does it allow the user to create a Mortgage profile? Pass
Add Mortgage Is the input validation on the Add Mortgage page working? Pass
Add Mortgage Is a Mortgage profile added correctly if the user selects this option? Pass
Add Mortgage Is the Google Sheet updated with the data of the new Mortgage profile created regardless of whether the Mortgage profile is saved for the session? Pass
Add Mortgage Once Add Mortgage options are completed, is the user directed back to the Main Menu options? Pass
View Mortgage Does the page display an error message if there are no saved Mortgage profiles and directed back to the Main Menu? Pass
View Mortgage Does the page display all of the saved Mortgage Profiles and their name to the user? Pass
View Mortgage Is the user able to select a Mortgage Profile to view? Pass
View Mortgage Does an error message display if the user enters an invalid Mortgage option? Pass
View Mortgage Does the page display all of the saved Mortgage Profiles and their name to the user? Pass
View Mortgage When the user enters a valid Mortgage option, is the Mortgage profile displayed on the terminal? Pass
View Mortgage Is the user able to view another Mortgage and is given the option to exit this page and return to Main Menu? Pass
Compare Mortgages Does the page display an error message if there are less than 2 Mortgage profiles saved and directed back to the Main Menu? Pass
Compare Mortgages Does the page display all of the saved Mortgage Profiles and their name to the user? Pass
Compare Mortgages If there are 2 or more saved Mortgage profiles saved, does a comparison table print to the terminal? Pass
Compare Mortgages Is the user directed back to the Main Menu after the comparison table display is completed? Pass
Overpayments Is the user given an option to explore Extra Monthly Principal payments or Lump Principal Payments? Pass
Overpayments Is the user given an error message if they choose an invalid option? Pass
Overpayments Is the user able to exit the menu and return to the Main Menu? Pass
Extra Monthly Principal Overpayments Is the user able to enter Mortgage profile with extra monthly principal payments? Pass
Extra Monthly Principal Overpayments Are all user inputs validated with an error message printed? Pass
Extra Monthly Principal Overpayments Once the data is accepted, is the Mortgage profile displayed with an updated Amortization schedule? Pass
Extra Monthly Principal Overpayments Is the user able to save their Mortgage profile if desired? Does a confirmation display Pass
Extra Monthly Principal Overpayments Is the user redirected to the Main menu? Pass
Extra Lump Overpayments Is the user able to enter Mortgage profile with extra monthly principal payments? Pass
Extra Lump Overpayments Are all user inputs validated with an error message printed? Pass
Extra Lump Overpayments Once the data is accepted, is the Mortgage profile displayed with an updated Amortization schedule? Pass
Extra Lump Overpayments Is the user able to save their Mortgage profile if desired? Does a confirmation display Pass
Extra Lump Overpayments Is the user redirected to the Main menu? Pass
Amortization Schedule Does the page display an error message if there are no saved Mortgage profiles and directed back to the Main Menu? Pass
Amortization Schedule Does the page display all of the saved Mortgage Profiles and their name to the user? Pass
Amortization Schedule Is the user able to select a Mortgage Profile to amortize? Pass
Amortization Schedule Does an error message display if the user enters an invalid Mortgage option? Pass
Amortization Schedule Does an amortization schedule print for the selected Mortgage Profile Pass
Amortization Schedule Is the user able to view another Mortgage and is given the option to exit this page and return to Main Menu? Pass
Exit Program Does the terminal clear and an exit message print when this option is selected? Pass
0 Menu Option Does the terminal clear and the Main menu print with a prompted to input a Menu option? Pass

Bugs and Fixes

Bug Page Fix
Confirmation message for saved mortgage option not printing to terminal after saving a mortgage Extra Monthly Principal Payments Removed code that ends loop to resolve.
Confirmation message for saved mortgage option not printing to terminal after saving a mortgage Extra Lump Principal Payments Removed code that ends loop to resolve.
Unclear for users what to do if Main Menu is no longer visible. All Pages Add text above menu prompt that instructs user to enter 0 to go to the Main menu.
Table needs to display Mortgage name rather than Mortgage key Compare Mortgages Updates Mortgage class method that generates values for comparison table so that mortgage name displays instead of mortgage ID/key
Table needs to display Mortgage name rather than Mortgage key Amortization Schedule Replace print statement with mortgage name variable rather than Mortgage key
Unexpected indentation Main Menu Prompt Removes backslash from string

Unfixed Bugs

  • Although I have included a function that clears the terminal, I noticed that anything above the terminal screen does not clear and is still available to view if you scroll up. This is potentially confusing but I was not able to resolve it. My mentor said that it is common for older terminals to push content upward and not truly clear the screen.
  • When viewed through a mobile device, the terminal goes off screen. I will need to research this to see if this is something that is resolvable.

Unresolved Linter Code Errors

Bug Line Unresolved Reason
Line length 111 I tried several different places to attempt to break up the lines to stay <79 but it resulted in poor print outcomes.
Line length 121 I tried to delete the extra spaces in the formula but it caused "missing white space around operator" errors.

