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LiteGraph is a lightweight graph database built using Sqlite with support for exporting to GEXF.

New in v1.0.0.1

  • Initial release
  • Add nodes and edges with properties for each
  • Find routes between nodes using specified filters
  • Export the graph to GEXF for use with Gephi (


  • Node JSON must contain three properties:

    • GUID - globally unique identifier, using property name as set in the NodeGuidProperty field (default guid)
    • Name - name of the node, using property name as set in the NodeNameProperty field (default name)
    • Type - type of the node, using property name as set in the NodeTypeProperty field (default type)
  • Edge JSON must contain two properties:

    • GUID - globally unique identifier, using property name as set in the EdgeGuidProperty field (default guid)
    • Type - type of the node, using property name as set in the EdgeTypeProperty field (default type)

Simple Example

Refer to the Test project for a full example.

using LiteGraph;

LiteGraphClient graph = new LiteGraphClient("litegraph.db");

// Add two people
graph.AddNode("{'guid':'joel','name':'Joel','type':'person','first':'Joel','city':'San Jose'}");
graph.AddNode("{'guid':'maria','name':'Maria','type':'person','first':'Maria','city':'San Jose'}");

// Add a relationship
// First parameter is the from GUID, second is the to GUID
graph.AddEdge("joel", "maria", "{'guid':'relationship1','type':'loves','data':'whatever else you want'}");

// Find a route
RouteFinder rf = new RouteFinder(graph);
rf.FromGuid = "joel";
rf.ToGuid = "maria";
GraphResult result = rf.Find();

// Export to GEXF
GexfWriter.Write(graph, "litegraph.gexf");

Version History

Please refer to for version history.


No releases published
