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This plugin, similar to the gus plugin, allows your discord server to communicate with the Sven Co-op game server. Unlike gus, this plugin can be used on any of your servers.

This plugin is not the final version, it is not multifunctional and has many problems including game crashes. This is only a test plugin at the moment.

This plugin is so called because it uses the DPP (Discord Plus Plus) library.
I will finalize this plugin when I have free time.

You can add additional features to this plugin, such as the use of ChatGPT.


Installing the plugin consists of several steps:

  1. Download the release version of the plugin;
  2. Unzip the files from the archive to a convenient location;
  3. Go to the root folder of the game (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sven Co-op) and move all modules from the Sven Co-op folder to the root directory of the game. Remember, never rename the name of modules (.dll);
  4. Now you will need to create your bot in discord and add it to your server. Go to this link and click the New Application button;


  5. After creating the bot, you will need to go to the Bot tab;


  6. Here you will need to click on the Reset Token button. After resetting the token, you will need to copy it and save it to some text file. The token will look something like this: MFEA8U312NjAAJGHFEAFJ11NFG813421QzNTM2MzM2OA.GYRvA8.v-cOI6F0qO412fahfeaJRqfToWKuYGITERBYLWI5IM;


  7. Now you need to go to the OAuth2 tab;


  8. Here you need to find the OAuth2 URL Generator section and in it find the bot checkbox and click on it. After that, just below in BOT PERMISSIONS you need to select the Administrator checkbox;


  9. Now there is a link at the bottom of the page that you need to copy and paste it into your browser;


  10. After that you will need to select the server on which you want to add the bot and click on the Continue button;
  11. Now you need to create or select an existing channel and copy its link. In the link, you will need to copy the last digits and save to the same file where you saved the bot token;




Now you have two ways to load the module into the game process / svends.exe (The second way is better).

  • First way: just scroll down and start reading the instructions from step 12;
  • Second way: follow the instructions under the Important section starting from step 1.

If you chose the second way, you do not necessarily need to use the SvenJect.exe program. You can load the module into the game / svends.exe process simply by following the steps below:

  1. Once you have received the bot token and copied the channel digits, you will need to go to the ..\Sven Co-op\svencoop\dlls folder;
  2. Move the SvenDPP.dll module here;
  3. Go back to the ..\Sven Co-op\svencoop folder and find the liblist.gam file there and open it;
  4. After opening the file, insert the line gamedll “dlls/SvenDPP.dll” (gamedll "dlls/SvenDPP.dll") at the end (Otherwise your game / svends.exe will crash). For example:


  5. Now after running svends.exe the module will be loaded to the server automatically. Also if you run svencoop.exe and create your local server, the module will be loaded automatically too.

    You can only use SvenJect.exe to save text field values. Just start the injector, fill in all fields and click on the Save button. You can also change the registry value for the fields manually. To change the field values you need to open the following path in your regedit: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SvenJector.

    Also, if you decide to go straight to step two without starting SvenJect.exe, you will need to create a SvenJector section in the registry. In it you will need to create fields of type REG_SZ: ChannelID and Token and write the relevant values there.

12. After these steps, run the SvenJect.exe program. In the Token text field specify the bot token. In the Channel ID text field specify the channel number. You can do this using the keys Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V. The result of copy and paste should look like this:


13. Now start the game and create your server or run svends.exe. You can simply use the command in the console: map %mapname%. You can also select the process in which you want to embed the module;
14. Once the server has been fully loaded, go to the SvenJect.exe program and click on the Load button;
15. If you have done everything correctly, then after loading the module into the game process, the bot in discord should send you the message SvenDPP.dll successfully injected to %procname%! and also, the injector should display a window with the same text;
16. Never rename the SvenDPP.dll module name. Also SvenDPP.dll module must be located in the same directory with SvenJect.exe injector;
17. Now you can send messages to the game chat and they will be displayed on your server in discord. Other players messages will also be displayed in the discord server.

Steam Web API

In version 0.4 the ability to determine the country of a user when he writes a message in chat was added.
To be able to view the country of a player who is writing messages in game chat, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Steam community for developers at this link:;
  2. If you need to bind Steam Guard, do it;
  3. After binding Steam Guard, give a name to your key. In this case I chose the name SvenDPP. Your key will look something like this: F211961A57093ED91357EE49B57725EM;
  4. Then click on the Register button and register your API key. The final result will look like this:


  5. Copy the contents of the key and paste it into the Steam API field in the SvenJect.exe program;
  6. After all actions are completed, you will be able to view the country of the player who sent the message in the game chat.

    Player country display will not work with the sv_lan 1 command because of STEAM_ID_LAN or STEAM_ID_PENDING.
    Also, in case a player does not have a country specified in his Steam profile, then when he writes something in game chat, his country will not be displayed. For example:


    If SteamAPI is missing, the requests will not be executed, and instead of the player country icon, the default icons will be displayed when incoming messages are displayed on the server in Discord.
    You can also enter the Steam API Key manually by creating the SteamAPI parameter in your regedit under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SvenJector.

Basic Commands

Currently, only a few commands are available to the bot. There are plans to add more commands to interact with the game server in the future. Writing commands is case insensitive.

If you do not specify an argument to the command, the discord bot will show you the relevant error.

[+] Commands:

  • !send %msg% - Allows you to send messages from your discord to the game server. Messages sent with this command will be displayed to all players on the game server. This is the command you need to write in your discord server. A simple example: !send Hello from Discord!;
  • !cmd %command% - Allows you to change the value of any variable on the game server. For example: !cmd sv_cheats 1.

Compile C++

[+] SvenJect:

Build type: Release/x86
Information: SvenJect uses the standard gdi32.dll library to render the control, so you don't need to plug in any dependencies or add additional libraries to your project. The gdi32.dll library is always loaded into all processes by default.

[+] SvenDPP:

Build type: Release/x86
Information: To compile a SvenDPP project, you will need to specify the included directories and libraries in the project properties. You also need to add the dpp.lib library, the wininet.lib library, and the detours.lib library to the linker. Also, to learn more about the DPP library installation process, see Additionally section.


[+] About the module and the injector:

  • The injector interface does not use standard controls with the OWNERDRAW flag. All interface elements are drawn manually using double buffer, but sometimes the interface may flicker. The reason for this is that I am having trouble using the vgui.lib library to render the window as Sven Co-op Dedicated Server does;
  • There is also a TABSTOP system in the interface as is done in standard windows;
  • It seems to me that drawing the interface manually is much faster than restyling the interface via the OWNERDRAW flag, especially since not all standard Windows elements support this flag;
  • There are also font display issues on older Windows. The window system menu uses Unicode characters as text. For example:


    The Load, Save and Cancel buttons are used for the following purposes:
  • Load - used to inject the module into the game process. If your game will not run or there is any error during injection, the program will show you MessageBox with the error text;
  • Save - used to save entered values to text fields. All values are saved in the system registry. Also, field values are saved automatically when you click the Load button;
  • Cancel - used to close the program. You can also close it by pressing the X button or the Escape key.

[+] About the library used:

The library that was used is presented below:

  1. Library repository -;
  2. Library installation -

REMEMBER: This library is not a final product and will be finalized in the future.
REMEMBER: You may also have frequent crashes when using it.
REMEMBER: You may also find junk code in the source code, which will be removed in the future.
REMEMBER: Also, failures may occur if there is no token or channel id.
REMEMBER: If your discord message that you are trying to send to the game server is too large, it will not be displayed.
REMEMBER: Also, SvenJect.exe uses only the main window for drawing, so other dialog boxes currently use the standard interface.
REMEMBER: The text field has a simple implementation, so it does not have the functionality of standard Windows controls.
REMEMBER: You can click on the button Screenshot_12 to get more information on how to use editbox.
REMEMBER: All this functionality could have been done via Metamod or SvenMod.
REMEMBER: You can inject the library manually and without using SvenJector.exe.


  • Screenshot 1

  • Screenshot 2

  • Screenshot 3

  • Screenshot 4

  • Screenshot 5

  • Screenshot 6

  • Screenshot 7

  • Screenshot 8
