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You'll need to compile this as OmniFocus.scpt and save it at ~/Library/Script Libraries so that you can import it in another script.


// An example of how to use OmniFocusLibrary.js

of = Library('OmniFocus')
codingTasks = of.tasksWithContext('coding')
today = new Date
of.setDefer(codingTasks, today)

// Using the parse method

of.parse('Do something! @home ::misc #4pm #tomorrow //This is a note')


I intended to include natural language date parsing in this script, and I've been trying to get the chrono library to work in my OmniFocus library, but to no avail. Anyone willing to help with this would have my deepest thanks. As it stands, you need to pass a date object into any function that deals with setting deferDate or dueDate.

Available functions

  • alert(text) — display AppleScript alert dialog
  • allTasks() — all tasks in your default document
  • allProjects() — all projects in your default document
  • copy(text) — copies text to OS X's clipboard
  • tasksWithName(name, inputTasks) — all tasks that fuzzy match nameinputTasks defaults to allTasks
  • tasksWithContext(name, inputTasks) — all tasks that have a context that fuzzy match nameinputTasks defaults to allTasks
  • projectsWithName(name, inputProjects) — all projects that fuzzy match nameinputProjects defaults to allProjects
  • allWithName(name) — all tasks that fuzzy match name with a task title, context or containing project
  • setDefer(tasks, deferDate) — defer an array of tasks with deferDate
  • setDue(tasks, dueDate) — set an array of tasks' due date with dueDate
  • setContext(tasks, contextName) — set an array of tasks' context to contextName
  • inboxTasks() — all inbox tasks
  • getContext(contextName) — gets the first context object that matches contextName
  • getProject(projectName) — gets the first project object that matches projectName
  • newTask(text, place, deferDate, dueDate) — creates a new OmniFocus task object
  • parse(text) — parse a string of transport text as a task
  • pushTask(task, project) — push task to project array
  • prefixTasksWith(tasks,text) — prefix each task in tasks with text
  • updateInboxTasks(context, project, deferDate, dueDate) — update all inbox tasks with the same context, deferDate, and dueDate and add them to project

Transport Text

For those who don't know about transport text, it's a format that OmniFocus uses to parse task information like so:

Do something! @home ::misc #5pm #tomrrow //This is a note

The ! makes Do something a flagged task. @home sets the context to "home". :: is used for matching a project. Both @ and :: will fuzzy match existing contexts and projects. The first # is used for a defer date, while the second # is for a due date. Both support natural language parsing like the inspector in OmniFocus. Word of caution though, if only one # is present, OmniFocus assumes it's a due date. Lastly, // starts the note for a task.


Collection of my scripts for OmniFocus






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  • JavaScript 71.3%
  • AppleScript 25.2%
  • Ruby 3.5%