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📢 announcement
📢 announcement
🐜 in progress
:ant: in progress
This issue is in progress
🔭 area/editor
🔭 area/editor
🔭 area/muya
🔭 area/muya
🔭 area/ui
🔭 area/ui
🐤 blocked/need info
:baby_chick: blocked/need info
Need more details about this issue or pull request
🪲 pri/low
:beetle: pri/low
Some low-priority bugs, such as styles, some bugs on non-primary features
🪲 pri/major
:beetle: pri/major
Bugs will affect your normal use of Mark Text, causing you unwilling or unable to continue using MT
🐟 blocked/upstream
🐟 blocked/upstream
This issue is an upstream issue
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Something isn't working
🐿️ markdown/extension
:chipmunk: markdown/extension
This issue will extend the markdown specification (unofficial)
🐮 good first issue
:cow: good first issue
Good for new comers
📖 documentation
📖 documentation
🕊️ export/pdf
:dove: export/pdf
Issue about exporting to PDF or printing
🐲 math block
:dragon_face: math block
Issue about math block
💪 exhausting
💪 exhausting
🦊 resolved/wontfix
:fox_face: resolved/wontfix
This will not be worked on
🐸 markdown/spec
:frog: markdown/spec
Issue related to markdown specification
🎁 Rewarded on Issuehunt
:gift: Rewarded on Issuehunt
This issue has been rewarded on Issuehunt
🍏 platform/macOS
:green_apple: platform/macOS
Pull request or issue on macOS
🐹 platform/windows
:hamster: platform/windows
Pull request or issue on Windows
🐝 resolved/fixed but not released
:honeybee: resolved/fixed but not released
The bug has been fixed and the new version is not released, So it still opened
🦁 need discuss
:lion: need discuss
the issue or PR need to discuss
🦏 list block
🦏 list block
list bug and issue
🔍 need review
🔍 need review
This PR need review
🔍 needs further investigation
🔍 needs further investigation
This issue needs further investigation.
🚧 needs triage
🚧 needs triage
This issue needs triage.
:octocat: code block
:octocat: code block
issues about code block
🦋 optimization
🦋 optimization
Improve the existing behavior
🦉 pre-release
:owl: pre-release