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🐼 plugin
:panda_face: plugin
you can write a plugin of Mark Text to implement this feature in the future
Issue about exporting to HTML
🐧 platform/linux
:penguin: platform/linux
Pull request or issue on Linux
🚄 performance
🚄 performance
Performance issues
Other platforms like openBSD freeBSD etc
🐞 pri/critical
🐞 pri/critical
Bugs which cause the Mark Text crash or unable to continue normal use
❓ confirmation needed
:question: confirmation needed
This issue needs confirmation
❓ question
❓ question
Further information is requested
🦞 resolved/duplicate
🦞 resolved/duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🐍 invalid
:snake: invalid
This doesn't seem right
🛑 blocked/feature-freeze
:stop_sign: blocked/feature-freeze
🛑 blocked
:stop_sign: blocked
This issue or PR is blocked by other issue
🦖 table block
🦖 table block
issues about table block
todo 🗒️
todo :spiral_notepad:
📝 translation required
📝 translation required
🦄 feature request
:unicorn: feature request
New feature or request
🐳 help wanted
:whale: help wanted
Extra attention is needed