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Area: Common libs
Area: Common libs
Everything related with common libraries
Area: Config-and-Build
Area: Config-and-Build
Area: Dev-Containers
Area: Dev-Containers
Area: Infrastructure-and-Organization
Area: Infrastructure-and-Organization
Area: Interpreter
Area: Interpreter
Everything related with the interpreter, execution engine and such
Area: Targets
Area: Targets
CI: Publish Release
CI: Publish Release
help wanted
help wanted
Platform: Azure-RTOS
Platform: Azure-RTOS
Platform: ESP32
Platform: ESP32
Everything related specifically with ESP32 platform
Platform: Nordic
Platform: Nordic
Platform: NXP
Platform: NXP
Everything related specifically with FreeRTOS
Platform: STM32
Platform: STM32
Everything related specifically with ChibiOS platform
Platform: TI-SimpleLink
Platform: TI-SimpleLink
Platform: Virtual Device & WIN32
Platform: Virtual Device & WIN32
Everything related specifically with WIN32 and .NET tool builds
Series: ESP32C3
Series: ESP32C3
Series: ESP32C6
Series: ESP32C6
Series: ESP32S2
Series: ESP32S2
Everything related specifically with ESP32S2 series targets
Series: ESP32S3
Series: ESP32S3
Series: ESP32
Series: ESP32
Everything related specifically with ESP32 series targets
Series: NXP i6
Series: NXP i6
Everything related specifically with NXP targets
Series: SL-EFM32GG11
Series: SL-EFM32GG11
Series: STM32xx
Series: STM32xx
Everything related specifically with STM32 targets
Series: TI-CC13x2_26x2
Series: TI-CC13x2_26x2
Series: TI-CC32xx
Series: TI-CC32xx
This PR hasn't been inactive for the past 60 days