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TestiPy is a tool to execute tests with test selection and reporting included.


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1. Installation

  • From GitHub

    • Clone this repo:
      git clone
    • Change any setting you'd like inside this file (this step is optional)
    • Install:
      # Windows
      # Linux or Mac
  • From PyPi

    pip install testipy

2. Running TestiPy

  • if you didn't install it, just cloned

    # goto your folder where you've cloned this repo
    cd /where_you_have_cloned_this_repo
    # run demo tests indicating where the tests are and using the web reporter
    python testipy/ -tf testipy/tests -r web
  • if you install

    # run demo tests indicating where the tests are and using the web reporter
    testipy -tf /where_you_have_cloned_this_repo/testipy/tests -r web

2.1. Test selection options:

Select Tests (by tags coded in suites and tests with @TAG, @NAME, @LEVEL, @FEATURES)

options (excludes have higher importance over includes):

  -ip         Include Package (ex: -is qa.regression -es, can be several
  -ep         Exclude Package
  -is         Include Suite (ex: -is suiteCertificates -is MICROSERVICES -es DEV), can be several
  -es         Exclude Suite
  -it         Include Test (ex: -it REST), can be several
  -et         Exclude Test
  -sb         filename of the StoryBoard to run (ex: -sb storyboard_QA_rest.json -sb "/qa/tests/sb/sb01.json"), can be several
  -ilv        Include tests of level y (ex: -ilv 5 -ilv 8)
  -elv        Exclude tests of level y
  -alv        Include tests above level y (ex: -alv 5)
  -blv        Include tests below level y
  -if         Include tests by @FEATURES tag (ex: -if 850222)
  -ef         Exclude tests by @FEATURES tag
  -itn        Include tests by @TN tag (beginsWith) (ex: -itn
  -etn        Exclude tests by @TN tag (beginsWith)

2.2. Select Reporters

  • options:

    • -reporter or -r add Reporter (ex: -reporter echo -reporter log -reporter web)

      • echo: shows test execution on stdout, and errors in stderr
      • excel: creates an Excel file with test execution summary and test execution details
      • log: shows test execution on .log file, with the same name as the project_name, errors are shown in stderr
      • portalio: ReportPortalIO Web REST DB and reporter:
      • slack: tests results are sent to Slack channel
      • web: tests results can be seen in realtime on a browser
      • xml: test results will be saved on report.xml file

2.3. Run:

  • options:

    • -rid RunID (ex: -rid 17, if not passed than current hour and minute will be used ex: 2359)
    • -pn ProjectName (ex: -pn jules)
    • -env EnvironmentName to test (ex: -env dev)
    • -rf ResultsFolder (ex: -rf "/qa/test_results/"), where the tests results will be stored
    • -tf TestsFolder (ex: -tf "/qa/tests_scripts/jules/"), full path to where the tests are
    • -repeat Run the exact same pipeline that amount of times (ex: -repeat 3)
    • -st Suite Threads = 1..8 (ex: -st 4, meaning 4 suites can run in parallel)
  • flags

    • --dryrun All tests will run but without really being executed (all of them will end with SKIPPED)
    • --debugcode Disables the try/except on tests so errors are shown
    • --debug-testipy will show the stacktrace for testipy classes
    • --1 Override test definitions of how many times tests will run (ncycle)
    • --prof Create file .prof with profiling data

3. Example of usage:

  • Example of usage:

    python3 -env dev -reporter log -reporter web -rid 1 -tf "/home/testipy/my_test_scripts" -et NO_RUN -it DEV
  • Storyboard:

    • If storyboard passed, tests will run by the order defined on json file
    • If no storyboard is passed, then tests will run ordered (DESC) by package name, @PRIO defined on suite, then by @PRIO defined on test itself
  • Results Folder:

    • A folder will be created under the (specified -rf option) composed by: projectName_currentDate_RID (ex: testipy_20201231_00525)
    • Under the folder defined above, subfolders can be created with package_name/suite_name containing the tests results (created by each reporter)
  • Tests not ended:

    • If a test ends without being formally ended (by a testFailed, testSkipped or testPassed), it will be passed by the executor

4. Suite Example

from typing import Dict

from testipy.helpers.handle_assertions import ExpectedError
from testipy.reporter import ReportManager

from pet_store_toolbox import Toolbox

_new_pet = {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Sissi",
                "category": {
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Dogs"
                "photoUrls": [""],
                "tags": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "name": "Schnauzer"
                        "id": 0,
                        "name": "mini"
                "status": "available"

class SuitePetStore:
    @LEVEL 1
    @PRIO 2

    def __init__(self):
        self.toolbox = Toolbox()

    # Create a new pet
    def test_create_pet_valid(self, ma: Dict, rm: ReportManager, ncycles=1, param=None):
        @LEVEL 3
        @PRIO 5
        current_test = rm.startTest(ma)

        data = {
            "control": {"expected_status_code": 200},
            "param": _new_pet,
            "expected_response": _new_pet

            self.toolbox.post_pet(rm, current_test, data, "create_pet")
        except Exception as ex:
            rm.testFailed(current_test, reason_of_state=str(ex), exc_value=ex)
            rm.testPassed(current_test, reason_of_state="pet created")

    # Get the pet created before
    def test_get_pet_valid(self, ma: Dict, rm: ReportManager, ncycles=1, param=None):
        @LEVEL 3
        @PRIO 10
        @ON_SUCCESS 5
        current_test = rm.startTest(ma)

        data = {
            "control": {"expected_status_code": 200},
            "param": _new_pet["id"],
            "expected_response": _new_pet

            self.toolbox.get_pet(rm, current_test, data, "get_pet")
        except Exception as ex:
            rm.testFailed(current_test, reason_of_state=str(ex), exc_value=ex)
            rm.testPassed(current_test, reason_of_state="pet fetched")


TestiPy is a tool to execute tests with test selection and reporting included.







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