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  1. Install the npm package

    npm install @samwood/vue-carousel
  2. Import VueCarousel into Vue component script

    // my-component.vue
    import VueCarousel from '@samwood/vue-carousel';
    export default {
      name: 'MyComponent',
      components: {
  3. Add VueCarousel to Vue component template

    To populate the slides, you will need to add <template> for each slide with a v-slot[0] starting at base 0. Each v-slot should increment by 1 for every slide.

    // my-component.vue
          <template v-slot[0]>
            <MyChildComponent />
          <template v-slot[1]>
            <MyChildComponent />
          <template v-slot[3]>
            <MyChildComponent />

    Optionally, you can dynamically change the v-slot to avoid repeated code.

    // my-component.vue
          <template v-for="n in slides" v-slot[n-1]>
            <MyChildComponent :key="`slide-${n-1}`" />



Vue carousel takes a config prop - an object contain various keys to change the functionality and appearance of the component.

    slidesVisible: {...},
    staticBreakpoint: "md",
    loop: true


Key Type Default Value Description
autoplay Boolean
Determines if the carousel will slide automatically based on `autoplayInterval`.
autoplayHoverPause Boolean
Determines if the carousel should stop auto sliding when the mouse hovers the carousel.
autoplayInterval Number
Changes the timing for auto slide in milliseconds.
breakpoints Object

  xs: 0,
  sm: 600,
  md: 980,
  lg: 1200,
  xl: 1600
Customise the breakpoints. All breakpoints must be defined and values must be valid or default will be used.
center Boolean
Aligns the current slide in the center of the carousel instead of to the left-side. Caveat - `center` will be disabled if `group` is `true`.
controls Object

  previous: "&lt;",
  next: "&gt;",
  play: 'Play',
  pause: 'Pause',
  buttonStyles: null,
  paginationNumbered: false,
  paginationStyles: null,
  showButtons: true,
  showPagination: false,
  showPlay: false,
Change the contents and styles of the previous/next controls and pagination for the carousel. HTML can be passed in a String to `previous` and `next`.
Styles must be passed as an object. Example:

  previous: "<i class=\"fa fa-arrow-left\" />",
  next: "<i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right\" />",
  buttonStyles: {
    background-color: '#000',
    color: 'white',
    border-radius: '10px'
debug Boolean
Allows warnings and caught-errors in console if enabled.
group Boolean
Group all items in current view to move all outside of view and show all new items when the carousel is dragged or the pagination or control buttons are clicked. By default, items are treated individually and will move one at a time. Caveat - if both `group` and `loop` are set to true, ensure there is no remainder of slides when dividing total slide-count by the value of `slidesVisible` at the current breakpoint.
loop Boolean
Determines if the carousel should loop infintely. If false, carousel will only animate between first and last slide. Caveat - loop will be disabled if `group` is `true` but slide-count divided by the `slideVisible` value at the current breakpoint leaves a remainder.
mouseDrag Boolean
Determines if the carousel slides can be dragged using the mouse when holding left click. Note - the slides can be dragged on touch devices still even when mouseDrag is set to false.
This option works better when slides are not populated with links.
showEmptySpace Boolean

Determines if the carousel can be swiped until only the last slide is visible on the left side of the screen.

If false, the carousel will not be slideable once the last slide is visible on screen.

For pagination - If true, a pagination button will be used for each slide. If false, pagination buttons will only show for the first slide rendered up to the first slide visible where the last slide is on screen (paginationCount = totalSlides - visibleSlidesOnScreen + 1). This is to prevent sliding past the last slide.

Note - this option has no effect if loop is true.

slidePadding Object

  xs: null,
  sm: null,
  md: null,
  lg: null,
  xl: null
Change the padding between slides for specific breakpoints. If a unit of measurement is not included in the value, it will be assumed to be a pixel value.

  xs: 10, // renders as 20px
  sm: "15px",
  md: "1rem" // lg and xl will inherit md value if left null
If all breakpoints are null (default), a fallback CSS padding value is used.
slidesVisible Object

  xs: 1,
  sm: null,
  md: null,
  lg: null,
  xl: null
Change the number of slides visible at specific breakpoints. The number can be a whole number or decimal. If a breakpoint is null, the carousel will use the value from a previous breakpoint.
startingSlide Number
The index of the slide to start on when the carousel renders. If the index is invalid, the default will be used.
staticBreakpoint String
Removes the carousel functionality and animation at the specified breakpoint and shows all items on screen.
Optional Values:
null | "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl"
touchDrag Boolean

Determines if the user can drag carousel slides with touch input such as on mobile and tablets or with touch screen monitors.

This is set to true by default as touch drag is better UX on touch devices compared to button presses.

transitionDuration Number
The CSS transition-duration property that controls how long it takes to animate between slides.
transitionTimingFunction String
The CSS transition-timing-function property that controls the animation timing function between slides.

Event API

Event type Description
slide-change number Emits the new slide number on slide-change.


Although the controls have options to pass styling through a JS object, this isn't always ideal, especially when you want to use your own CSS variables and mixins. You will find below a list of CSS classes that you can target to override existing styles.

Carousel classes


If you set a breakpoint to become static, you may want to change the layout of the slides. You can do this by targetting the following class:


Controls classes



.v-carousel-pagination__list // ul/ol element containing li elements
.v-carousel-pagination__li // li element wrapping the button




Note: Ensure that you do not apply any attributes to slide slots within the carousel that should not be duplicated such as id as if you set loop to true, the content in these slides will be duplicated and will cause issues.

The first slide is missing content

The carousel uses base-0 incrementing numbers for slot names.

v-for="n in 10" will produce numbers 1-10 for n. You will need to use v-slot:[n-1] to include the first slides content.

My styling isn't being applied to the carousel elements

If you are using scoped styles, ensure that you are using ::v-deep before targetting the carousel class.


<style lang="scss scoped>
.my-component {
  & ::v-deep .v-carousel--static {
    display: grid;

The carousel won't autoplay when off-screen

The carousel uses an Intersection Observer to remove the autoplay-interval when the carousel is not visible on screen.

This has been done to improve efficiency of the browser so that the carousel is not carrying out performance-expensive animations that may interfer with the user's experience.

Autoplay will be enabled again when the carousel is visible again.

The carousel is not looping when loop is true

If is set to true, ensure that the total slide-count can be divided by your config.slidesVisible value at the current breakpoint without remainder. e.g

slide-count (10) % config.slidesVisible.xs (2) = 0

slide-count (10) % (3) = 1

If there is a remainder, loop will be disabled because there will not be enough items to fill out the last group of slides.