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tago edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 8 revisions

Activating Keys on Discord (AKoD) Flare provides functionality for securely storing and retrieving license information using AES encryption. This wiki page provides an overview of Flare and how to use it in your projects. Flare is largely similar to AKoD, with the main differences being the support for Linux and Apache

Difference between AKoD and Flare

AKoD Flare is a modified version of AKoD, changing the storage servers from GitHub & Netlify and the API host from pyanywhere, both to your own Linux server! No need to store files on GitHub, or wait 20 seconds for Netlify to build the site every time, on your Linux server Apache applies the changes instantly and with this wiki you can get set up in no time! The only downside is you must own a registered domain, in order to tunnel your server through Cloudflare for security. Get started by obtaining your own domain. If you already have one, you can follow the guided wiki (only takes ~6 minutes) to setup Flare! Boot up your Linux server and begin installing WebDAV!


The encryptor component is responsible for encrypting license data and managing repositories for storing encrypted data. It uses AES encryption to securely encrypt license files and stores them in a Git repository.


The Decrypter component is responsible for decrypting license data and validating activation keys. It uses AES decryption to decrypt license data and validate activation keys against a public server.


The Discord bot uses an Apache WebDAV repository, that you set up, to store encrypted license data. When a new license key is activated, the bot encrypts the key and stores it in the WebDAV directory. The changes are instant, so no waiting for pushes or builds!

Flask API

Your main code will use your own Flask API in order to make checks to your database, and let the user know if their credentials match any on the server database!

Discord Bot

Flare includes a Discord bot that provides functionality for activating license keys using the /validate command in Discord. The bot integrates with the watcher script to manage license data and validate activation keys.


  • /validate [key] [username] [password]: Activates a license key and creates an account with the username and password.
  • /keyadd [key]: Adds a license key to the database.
  • /remove [key]: Removes a license key from the database.
  • /removecooldown [key]: Removes the cooldown for a license key, allowing it to be activated again immediately.