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An android gradle plugin for discard class or method in compile time.


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An android gradle plugin for discard classes or methods in compile time.


1.1 Scenes can be used

In the actual product, we always add some debug tools to our app in debug model, such as DebugPanelActivity(Debug panel tools page, provide some features like "switch server"). And we need to discard and clear related classes and methods in production environment mode, or modify boolean isProductionEnvironment() method to let it always return ture. In order to avoid exposing debugging codes in production app via decompile and other trick.

1.2 @Discard annotation

1.2.1 Target

  • ElementType.METHOD: Discard codes in method. Codes of the method will be clean in compile time.

  • ElementType.TYPE: Discard codes in class. In fact, it will be discarded all methods in the class.

1.2.2 Parameters apply

apply parameters specification:key==exceptValue

That means to discard will take effect only when key==exceptValue. And then it will discard classes or methods in compile time. So it can configuration different in any classes or methods:

@Discard(apply = "test1==true")
public void testMethod_1() {

@Discard(apply = "test2==true")
public void testMethod_2() {

When you build with gradle assembleDebug -Ptest1=true -Ptest2=false command, testMethod_1() method will be discarded, but testMethod_2() not. After building succeed:

@Discard(apply = "test1==true")
public void testMethod_1() {

@Discard(apply = "test2==true")
public void testMethod_2() {
} srcCode

It can be used to replace method body, if it not set, default as follows:

  • Return type is void: Method body will be {} after discard.
  • Return type is a primitive type: Method body will be returning default value, for example { return 0; }.
  • Return type is object: Method body will be { return null; } after discard.

You can also fill in the specific method body code as follows:

@Discard(srcCode = "{super.onCreate($1); System.out.println(\"this: \" + $0);}")
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        usernameEt = (EditText) findViewById(;
        passwordEt = (EditText) findViewById(;

Decompile the code that after discard as follows:

        srcCode = "{super.onCreate($1); System.out.println(\"this: \" + $0);}"
    protected void onCreate(Bundle var1) {
        System.out.println("this: " + this);

$0 represents current object this, parameters of the method are $1, $2, $3..., Detailed documentation reference here makeClassNames

Special class names here, it will make classes that not in the class path when discard. Not generally used, can be omitted. enable

It represents that if discard for this class or method is enabled state, default is true, A typical scene is, add a @Discard in class to discard all methods in this class, but need a method does not. You can then use @Discard (enable = false) to exclude the method from the discard scope.

1.3 How to use

build.gradle in Project:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files
        classpath 'com.github.wangjiegulu:discardfile:x.x.x'

build.gradle in app or library:

apply plugin: 'com.github.wangjiegulu.plg.discardfile'

dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.wangjiegulu:discardfile-api:x.x.x'

1.3.1. build.gradle

// use plugin
apply plugin: 'com.github.wangjiegulu.plg.discardfile'

// Configure the class packages that need to be modified
discard {
    includePackagePath 'com.wangjie.plg.discardfile.sample.ui', 'com.wangjie.plg.discardfile.sample.include'
    excludePackagePath 'com.wangjie.plg.discardfile.sample.exclude'/*, 'com.wangjie.plg.discardfile.sample.ui.MainActivity'*/

1.3.2. Use @Discard annotation

Create custom 'apply' configuration(publish and disable two 'apply' configuration):

public class ApplyConstants {
    public static class Publish {
        private static final String PUBLISH = "publish";
        public static final String _TRUE = PUBLISH + "==true";
    public static class DISABLE {
        private static final String DISABLE = "disable";
        public static final String _TRUE = DISABLE + "==true";

Add the @Discard annotation to the class that needs to be discarded. Apply = ApplyConstants.Publish._TRUE means that Discard is just executed if publish = true`.

@Discard(apply = ApplyConstants.Publish._TRUE)
public class IncludeClassC {

     * This method will be discarded because of IncludeClass added a `@Discard` annotation
    public void onIncludeMethodC() {

     * Replace method body as: {System.out.println("onIncludeMethodC_2... injected!");}
    @Discard(apply = ApplyConstants.Publish._TRUE, srcCode = "{System.out.println(\"onIncludeMethodC_2... injected!\");}")
    public void onIncludeMethodC_2() {

     * Replace method implements and always return true
    @Discard(apply = ApplyConstants.Publish._TRUE, srcCode = "{return true;}")
    public boolean onIncludeMethodC_3() {
        return false;

     * This method will be discarded because of IncludeClass added a `@Discard` annotation
    public int onIncludeMethodC_4() {
        return 100;

     * This method is not discarded due to the use of the `@Discard` annotation to explicitly disable discard
    @Discard(apply = ApplyConstants.Publish._TRUE, enable = false)
    public String onIncludeMethodC_5() {
        return "hello world";

     * Replace method implements and always return "hello world
    @Discard(apply = ApplyConstants.Publish._TRUE, srcCode = "{return \"hello world injected!\";}")
    public String onIncludeMethodC_6() {
        return "hello world";

1.3.3. build

Build use following command:

gradle clean assembleFullDebug -Ppublish=true -Pdisable=true

When build is completed, the class file for that class will be automatically transformed as follows:

    apply = "publish==true"
public class IncludeClassC {
    public IncludeClassC() {

    public void onIncludeMethodC() {
        Object var10000 = null;

        apply = "publish==true",
        srcCode = "{System.out.println(\"onIncludeMethodC_2... injected!\");}"
    public void onIncludeMethodC_2() {
        System.out.println("onIncludeMethodC_2... injected!");

        apply = "publish==true",
        srcCode = "{return true;}"
    public boolean onIncludeMethodC_3() {
        return true;

    public int onIncludeMethodC_4() {
        return 0;

        apply = "publish==true",
        enable = false
    public String onIncludeMethodC_5() {
        return "hello world";

        apply = "publish==true",
        srcCode = "{return \"hello world injected!\";}"
    public String onIncludeMethodC_6() {
        return "hello world injected!";


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